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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. Or maybe the prices for any of these series are more than [as] can afford for licensed shows anymore. Or maybe streaming services snap up the TV broadcast rights even knowing they're not going to use them in an attempt to stamp out competition. Or maybe most of the rights-holders are no longer concerned about having their series air on a late-night American linear TV block and don't even bother offering TV broadcast rights anymore. Or at least a half-dozen other far more sensible options than "zomg Demarco made some tweets and probably pissed off someone so that's why we don't get shows anymore he's the wooooorst."
  2. I like how you guys still make all of these absurd exaggerated assumptions about what Demarco does or has done or his relationships with other people as if you have this grandiose inside information. It's hilarious to me.
  3. Now you're just talking crazy.
  4. Man, phones used to be so much cooler.
  5. Ooh, RICO. Spicy!
  6. It's crazy seeing this super-modern drone warfare so thoroughly mixed with century-old trench warfare tactics.
  7. A recursive link is pretty sciencey.
  8. Well the catch is that this paper is claiming superconductivity at room temperature AND normal atmospheric pressure. That's what has so many eyebrows raised. Again, this would be massive news if true, but that's a very big if.
  9. The main issue is that the paper hasn't been peer-reviewed yet, so no one's taken a good hard look at their data to see if it stands up to scrutiny. Room-temperature superconductors are kind of a Holy Grail, and there have been many claims and promising leads in the past that have all fizzled out to nothing, so I think it's natural to be skeptical until this team's results can be repeated by others. I mean it would be amazing if it was true, and I genuinely hope it is.
  10. This indictment list is swiftly working towards "Gotta catch 'em all!" status.
  11. Alabama does have the Marshall Space Flight Center, which is a major NASA site, but I've always felt extremely sorry for all of its employees for having to exist in Alabama.
  12. If robots can start doing laundry I'll become robosexual in a heartbeat.
  13. I can't remember the last time I've eaten anything from McDonald's that wasn't a Shamrock Shake. I plan to keep it that way. ...that being said our Wendy's managed to serve me a chicken sandwich that was still raw in the middle last week.
  14. The fuck kind of combo are you buying?
  15. I'm not going to call these people liars, but at the same time, I remain extremely skeptical that any of this represents evidence of some sort of higher extraterrestrial intelligence. It always comes back to this for me: if any civilization out there was advanced enough to master interstellar travel, just why would they bother derping around in Earth's atmosphere? If you're that advanced, there aren't any raw materials on Earth that wouldn't be far easier to obtain much closer to wherever home is. If you want to study the Earth, you'd plop something in orbit or send down a dedicated landing craft. Are they doing the Vulcan thing and waiting for humans to discover a warp drive before they fly down to Montana to say hi? Or are the profound mysteries of the redneck anus really that interesting?
  16. Very impressive write-up. One tiny correction: Food Wars was a Sentai series, not Crunchyroll.
  17. I despise TikTok because I've had to watch it actively melt my students' brains over the past few years. You don't know what hell is until you watch the same group of girls do the same shitty dance routines every morning in homeroom.
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