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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. I'm just gonna leave it at this. I'm a woman who watches Black Clover. I know other women who watch Nlack Clover. I do not know a single woman who would say they find the female characters in this show handled any better than in any other shounen. That really doesn't seem like anything worth praising.
  2. Ben you think Sword Art is a fair representation of women. You have literally no business calling other shows out on their treatment of female characters.
  3. You explicitly said that all the girls besides Uraraka were dressed like sluts. This is exactly one girl, wearing a costume that's no more revealing than an average bathing suit. Compare that with Black Clover, when our first sight of Unlikable Tsundere Love Interest was in the OP, where they made sure to give her noticeably jiggling tits for no goddamn reason.
  4. Who's fetish was Ochaco levitating rocks??? Or Headphones Girl blasting sound through the ground? What the entire fuck are you talking about?
  5. Who keeps asking for these live action remakes?
  6. Zoro damn near wrecks the main villain from the Fishman Island arc on his own. The only reason he didn't end it right there is because they were fighting underwater, where the dude who's literally a fish has the advantage, and also he was on a shitload of steroids.
  7. You are literally the only person who feels that way. Seriously, the entire fandom adores her for being a realistic and good parent, and the show never makes a single joke or comment about her weight. I know you're gonna scream at me about spoilers, but at one point All Might tells Deku she reminds him of a specific hero that he's always respected and admired. You think the women do nothing? Recovery Girl is a one-woman hospital and is revered as a top hero by everyone. Midnight's a fucking Art History teacher of all things and joined UA's staff out of a desire to teach kids how to work through their emotions so they don't fall into becoming villains (Neither of those things is a spoiler, btw. They're revealed in supplementary material). The female students, with the possible exception of the invisible girl, are all on par with most of their male classmates and even the most fanservice-friendly one, Momo, is still considered an extremely competent and talented individual. Hell, we just met May in the sports festival and it's obvious that she's an absolute prodigy with inventing support items. Black Clover has no idea what the fuck it's doing. Its jokes land flat, every single arc drags on well past the point it should have ended, and basically every single character is an unlikable anime cliche. You've got the haughty tsundere love interest, the loli/siscon fetishist, the flirty drunk woman with huge knockers, the main character who should probably just give up but somehow succeeds through sheer determination alone. Pretty much the only character that's actually interesting to watch is Yami, and that's because he's the only person in this show capable to delivering an entertaining fight scene. It's interesting that we have two shows on the block based on Shounen Jump properties that involve a powerless teenage boy who wants to be the best, gets a crazy-strong powerup at the start of the show, and is trained by a buff as fuck mentor voiced by Sabat; and reaction to them is completely different. Black Clover seems like a slap-dash copy and paste job ripped off of the more successful manga that came before it. Hero Academia feels like genuine care and consideration is poured into it; the characters come off as fleshed out people that are actually interesting to watch.
  8. You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir. Hero- Can I intern with half the teachers while they're not busy with the students? I love this old man. Oh sweet, new OP. NO, MY SAUSAGES. Aww he called him All Might's name. He's Beard Yoda. Good, you can bond over your worry about All Might. Oh damn look at him go. Well hey at least your costume's cooler now. Kick his ass, grandpa. RIP microwave. You tried, kiddo. Ya gotta learn not to break all your damn limbs when you fight, sweetie. Meanwhile, Iida's having a mental breakdown. GO AWAY, FUCKHANDS. Even the serial killer thinks you suck. Yeah sure just let him get stabbed it'll be fun. Aww look, our boy's learning. I love that this guy asked for Bakugo just to shit all over him. TEAM HARDBOYS, GO. I hope we get scenes with all the kids at work. Hellloooo snake lady. I'm glad Yaoi Hands got an offer too. I like you, snake lady. Mt Lady just has him doing housework. Icy Hot no why would you choose your garbage dad. I love this old man. And if you break your legs, you'll have some nice soft trash bags to land on. Watch out for the wall. Damn right he had the body going for him. His training was just beating the shit out of him every day. Oh I sense a tragic backstory coming. Oh right, he broke his microwave. Deku how do you fuck up using a microwave? Be the fish cake. We've had a breakthrough! This ED is Hobbit. Mob- Is that Josuke? I gotta agree with him, it's great having power over people. Go away, Slimer. Thank you, Mob. Just ghostbust him already. Oh this is a bad idea. I love Mob. Photoshop exorcism. MOBDONALDS continues to amuse me. You're a good kid, Mob's brother. Oh god they think he's Jesus. Sorry kid, no spoon bending for you. Aw crap, Slimer's gonna possess his brother. He's right, psychic powers can't make you buff. Don't feel bad, math is the devil. Jiggle Seitz. "We are way too busy doing squats" is a great explanation. I love the Jojo Club. Huh, I didn't know Josuke could do the ORA ORA thing. Please be real and not a prank. Poor Mob. "I wrote 'I'm a girl' on it." MOB NO. Ohhh don't fuck with Seitz. I love how much the Jojo Club cares about Mob. Shut up, douche boy. Yeah this'll end well. These guys are so fucking chill I love them. Alright he's psychic you're gonna have to kick his ass yourself. Jojo- You should probably get that bow and arrow out of town right now. Huh, he's still alive. I hope Jotaro learned a lot from Avdol about kicking a dude's ass in jail. It's sad that Joseph is sitting all alone over there. Father-son bonding time I'm gonna cry. I love you Okuyasu. This is gonna be an awkward reunion. You're a good kid, Josuke. Call him "Dad" or I'm gonna cry. JOSEPH NO GET OFF THE BUS. Aaaaand here's a stand. Who steals an old man's cane?! BABY STAND, AGAIN. Okay so we got an invisible baby running around. Awwww Joseph saved it. So did someone shoot a baby with the arrow or was it just born like that? Holly Kujo was too weak to control her stand, but this is the second infant we've seen with powers. Joseph oh my god. I guess her poop is invisible too. Ewww go wash your face. Josuke you are putting way too much trust in Joseph here. That man is very short. Joseph no that's not your money! This is not the first time Joseph has heard the phrase "You haven't seen our nipples yet!" Oh god not math. Joseph he is gonna beat you to death. Man is thinking back to his tequila days here. She looks like baby Lisa Lisa. Aw shit her power's growing. DROP THE BABY. This is probably not a good thing. Oh you dick. Whelp there goes the baby. I hope that kid can swim. Hey to be fair, it's not his fault the baby's invisible. Jesus Christ Joseph you could have just used dirt. Huh, I guess her power doesn't work on stands. Hey Josuke maybe you wanna heal him real quick. AWWWW JOSEPH. Damn Josuke you got your daddy's arms. Clover- Last time, the wrong character got punched in the throat. This guy will become my favorite character if he kills at least one person I hate. Yes we know the fucking Wizard King story we hear it every goddamn week. Believe me dude I've already been in despair for quite awhile here. Please god let Yami do something. Oh there is nothing worse than mosquitos I'd just give up now. No, Asta screaming is the most unbearable sound you've ever heard. String has never been threatening. I'm rooting for the giant furry here. Please punch Asta in the throat too. It sure is nice of this Garfield fursona to wait for you to have an emotional moment together. This sure is a lot of screentime for stuff that isn't Yami killing things. No, not knowing when to give up is absolutely a weakness you stupid bastard. Oh believe me buddy, I know despair with every minute I watch of this show. Well, getting tied up by a hot drunk skank might stop him. I agree, I also would have been better off getting drunk instead of this. This continues to not be Yami killing things for my affection and is therefore pointless. Furry's right, they're awful. Titties are indeed a strong motivation. What kind of a disappointing bitch gets outsmarted by string? Hunter- Hiiii Knuckle. Oh this can't be good. Shut up, butterfly bitch. I feel like this was probaby a trap b ut I hope at least hurts. Why are you still talking and not being punched in the face. What the hell kind of power is that!? Could you try just setting this shit on fire? Oh Jesus what the FUCK are those. I need them to die and I need them to die quick and painfully. You never touch another man's pipe what's wrong with you. i fucking HATE this guy. Aw crap it's Youpi. PUNCH HIM IN THE DICK, KNUCKLE. And if they survive, I volunteer to be in the middle of the Knuckle orgy next. Oh crap it's the creepy pregnat girl. Kill him. You think this man understands a woman saying no? Why aren't you killing him. Bold of you to assume you're surviving any of this. RIP pipe. STOP DOING THAT CLONE THING. God I hate you shut up. Aw fuck is that Palm. IRS is so deceptively adorable. Knucle don't fall for it you're all I have when Killua's hot dad isn't around. EAT SHIT, YOUPI. Ohhh he's mad. Ahahahahha you dumb fuck. I hope the octopus saved Shoot. You better have a lot of money for those hospital bills. Oh goddammit what are you about to do.
  9. If they survive, I volunteer to get in the middle of that Knuckle Sandwich next.
  10. He is right, though. I was disappointed by the lack of All Might nudity.
  11. ...You couldn't bother to glance at the post directly under the one you're replying to? Like damn dude, that's just being a lazy dumbass and whining when you get called out on it.
  12. @Top Gun
  13. I'm in, here's a wishlist that you're in no way obligated to stick to. Question, what are the rules on food? I'm pretty much baking the entire month of December, can I send cookies to my person? I can get another poster to vouch that I've never poisoned his baked goods.
  14. What the fuck happened to this thread, take your political bullshit somewhere else.
  15. Is "All Might's powers continue to fade as the series goes on, exactly like the show has already stated would happen" really a spoiler?
  16. I'm pretty sure Toonami doesn't even have the rights to KLK anymore.
  17. Don't worry, I still have Aizawa as a silver medal.
  18. This thread is now about how the sight of Young All Might restores my will to live. You ever see a man so beautiful you want to cry?
  19. The bigger question is how long before Elfie comes in crying with a new basket of cringe.
  20. What kind of a scrub keeps count?
  21. Hero- Aww, he's popular now. Iida still needs a hug. Poor Sero. Dang Aizawa your face is looking real good with that new scar you know I got a lot of down time when All Might's depowered. Oh good you get to have fun. Suck it, Bakugo. Oh that's good they all get to intern. HIIII MIDNIGHT. I like that Mic was just Doflamingo from One Piece back in the day. I wonder if Aizawa was one of those students who transferred into the hero class later, since erasing other people's quirks doesn't seem too good for fighting robots. Napping Aizawa is almost adorable. Midnight has the best taste in names. FROPPY. OH MY GOD TINY DEKU IS TOO CUTE. That's mean, Jiro. I love all these names. Good job, Shoto. Okay Bakugo's idea is great. Oh that's depressing. Awww Iida. I'd still go with All Might Jr. Yaaay Deku got an offer. Aw fuck I hope it's not garbage dad. You tried, Bakugo. I admire Aizawa's ability to fall asleep on a hard floor in a sleeping bag in front of the class. GO AWAY, GARBAGE DAD. Deku's going into analysis mode. Ochako is the best and I love her. You okay there kiddo? Someone please hug Iida. I AM HERE IN A BIZARRE POSITION. God I love him. Okay if All Might is intimidated then he must be really strong. Oh shit Iida what are you doing. OH SHIT IIDA WHAT ARE YOU DOING. Well this guy looks fucking horrifying. Can I call you "sir" too, Aizawa? Ohhhhh this is some ominous narration. Looks like a nice place. Whelp, he's dead. I love this old bastard already. Mob- Welcome to Jojo Club. And then Mob died. Cradle me, Seitz man. Oh hey, they still get to use the room. I think that's enough proof, kiddo. POSE. Sorry girl you can't talk to aliens. I love this kid. You don't wanna read my mind, believe me. Yeah this seems normal. Well that was easy. Seems legit. Well she said they're not a suspicious group so they must be cool here. Oh hey that one girl. I'm uncomfortable here. How many drugs are y'all on? I'd prefer for my heart to stay inside my body, thanks. This is gonna end well. Girl you're gonna get stabbed. RUN AWAY. Don't do drugs, kids. Oh thank god Mob's face is broken. MOB NO YOU CAN GET MILK SOMEWHERE ELSE. Nothing can beat this boy's stone-cold indifference. Oh you asshole. Eat shit, cult man. Step away from the underage boy. Aww poor Mob. He's gonna snap. Oh snap. Come on kiddo use your Jojo Club training. Mob needs a hug. Yesss let the hate flow through you. He is uncomfortably buff. Oh damn that was cool. Poor Mob, again. And then Mob accidentally started a cult. MobDonald's. Aw fuck. Titan- I always forget how short Levi is. Titan Levi sounds like it'll be terrifying. I'm with this guy, dude should have dropped some info. Oh right, the goddamn basement. I have absolutely no faith that we'll ever see inside that cellar. MEAT CELEBRATION. I'm gonna laugh really hard if they get to the basement and it's empty. Erwin's so cool. Knowledge is power and all that. I do enjoy Levi breaking limbs. I'm sure this will go off without a hitch. MEAT FIGHTS, GO. Sasha oh my god. This is also my reaction to meat sometimes. Damn it's only been four months? Nobody respects you, bowl cut. Why are they fighting there's not even any meat up for grabs. Jean is absolutely right about this. Mikasa just wants to watch some carnage. Thank you Levi. You can't be strong like them because it's explicitly a trait in their blood. Oh hey, it's the fat guy. Aww, everybody loves them. I'd follow J. Michael Tatum into hell after a rousing battle screech. So then we're not gonna find out who sasquatch titan is I guess. Am I having a stroke or did someone leave the ED running. I'm gonna go ahead and blame Eren entirely for this, sight unseen. Jojo- I like that Star Plat's color scheme changed to match his white outfit. They don't let Joseph travel by plane anymore. You gotta save your dad, Josuke. Is this dude just gonna hurl a battery across the water? HI JOSEPH. I can't believe Oldseph is too decrepit to fuck now. Hey cheer up, Joseph was even older than you before he met his missing parent. PLAY FREEBIRD. That sure is an outfit. Punch him in the face. Don't fuck with Josuke. Owww his finger. Remember when Kars used Lisa Lisa as an air guitar. Focus, Koichi. I agree, venting your overwhelming rage is pretty great. This is the worst game of Whack-A-Mole. Hey Koichi maybe you could offer some help besides screaming. That's actually brilliant, Josuke. EAT SHIT, FREEBIRD. Meanwhile, Okuyasu is precious. Y'all might be about to die. Quick find some rubber. Fuck yeah, tires! Aw crap. There he goes. Let's all enjoy watching him die. Super Oldseph is actually adorable. I love him. Aw shit he's not dead. Awwwww Joseph. Awwwww Josuke. Jotaro maybe you should stay with Joseph. Oh no we're depending on Okuyasu's brain power. Joseph please. Ya did good, sweetie. He's such a dumbass I love him. I'm not gonna cry here. That's a lie I'm absolutely gonna cry here. AWWWWWWWWW. Okuyasu this is downright heartwarming don't ruin it. Oh, that's terrifying. Clover- I gotta agree with the furry here, they really do suck. If they all die can I finally watch Yami kill something? This bitch is really doing all of this just to be a famewhore, huh. I will literally never be impressed by dance magic of all things, show. Yeah nothing appeases a sea god like some dumbass kid twirling around. You ain't got not legs, Lieutenant Dan. I feel nothing at their misfortune. God, why couldn't Asta have taken that throat punch. You're terrible and you should feel bad. Oh, is she finally gonna do something? I'm cool with it if she gets slaughtered here. This is bullshit if she takes this dude down all on her own. I guess her Magikarp evolved into Gyrados. Hi, dude who's definitely not dimestore Griffith. Oh what the hell is this now. Well that ultimate attack of yours has proved to be completely pointless. I guess that bodes well for that one fire dude if anybody can figure out how to harness that power. No don't tell her to run, I wanna see her get ripped apart. Fuck you Asta why aren't you dead. Hunter- Ohhh this kid is so mad, somebody's going to die. I like seeing Youpi in pain. KICK HIS ASS, SON. I'm not smart enough to really understand this explanation but sure let's go with it. I love my kid so much. Oh crap RUN AWAY. You stupid goddamn lobster. Okay I kinda love this dumbass lobster. You're a good dude, octosquid. LOBSTER GUN. Yeah, you're just gonna have to shoot him in the face. And then he learned that you can't just claw-gun your way out of everything. Aw crap he got out. Quick, hide! Alright you got duct tape, we're off to a good start. Just a random tank, nothing to worry about. Could you not just run him over? Whelp there go the wheels. Shit's on fire, yo. This octopus is so much smarter than me. I hope you can hold your breath as long as the lizard dude. Now shoot him in the face while he's knocked out. Oh damn I hope this isn't a trap. Aw crap he's too nice to murder someone in cold blood. Meanwhile, Metapod. Just wail on him with that giant pipe for a couple minutes.
  22. A buff dilf dropping out of the sky to kill someone I hate while another buff dude runs around without a shirt is definitely a great way to improve my mood. More shows should try it.
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