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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. You're goddamn right it is.
  2. I wonder if this means we're not getting an April Fool's gag this year at all.
  3. How do you miss me screaming "BOYFRIEND MIGHT TIME" every single week?
  4. Bold of you to assume anyone's watching Sword Art Online for the plot.
  5. Considering every other show aired perfectly fine, it seems more like there was a problem with Sword Art itself. Megalo repeating its first half wasn't a glitch, they probably just threw on the next thing that was ready to play to fill up the air time but didn't want to screw up the schedule all night by playing everything 15 minutes early.
  6. No I'm calling it my favorite episode.
  7. Hero- Damn 1-B teacher's got some meat on him. Look at these kids go. Heeey Aizawa. I wonder what Ragdoll would see with All Might. Okay I love Tiger. CAT PUNCH. Hi there random flashback All Might I'll take what I can get. It's not that deep, Iida. Todoroki is best camp stove. Eww. Please hug this kid. Of course Deku knows who his parents are. Just a friend, totally not me. TINY DEKU. Aw fuck. And then Hellraiser was here. Aizawa never sleeps. Let these kids rest. Deku's right where's my boyfriend. I wonder if they're keeping All Might away so that Ragdoll can't see his weakness. Revelry in the dark. I wouldn't trust Bakugo with a knife. Todoroki still probably thinks Deku is All Might's son. Probably flex and say something encouraging. Don't threaten me with a good time, Aizawa. Revelry in the dark. Aw crap they put Bakugo and Todoroki together. Poor Deku. REVELRY IN THE DARK. Awww my girls. Ohhhh crap. Congratulations show you found a fire user I won't fuck. Nooo not the cute cat lady. SAO- Just shoot her nobody knows she's here. Yeah sure let's pretend this makes sense. STIMULATE HIS FLUCTLIGHT. She has a real good question what IS the point of this? I can feel a bit of my fluctlight die a little inside with this explanation. "We've already copied a human soul" doesn't sound evil and ominous at all. Okay this glitch is genuinely the most I've ever enjoyed an episode of Sword Art Online. Boxing- I'm in such a good mood tonight. Oh that sounds extensive and painful. I keep forgetting that she's still kind of a bitch. Yuri's a cool dude. I hope y'all got Nanbu to a hospital. No shit it's bothering him. Oh hey it's that guy. Aww he's got a pack of seeing eye urchins. Try not to kill the crippled veteran. I just now noticed that the trainer has a fake arm. Just a secluded sex cabin in the woods. Steely Dan turned out to be a surprisingly decent guy. Oh christ go to a fucking hospital for that why does everybody in this show hate real doctors. I hate her a a person but damn she's got a great wardrobe. Maybe he shouldn't have done this right before the fight. What the fuck is going on tonight. Don't be a bitch, let him fight. It's because punching is fun. Flashback, go! Is the better way hooking? That's quite a description. Joe is super cute and that fills me with a sense of unshakable dread. Hey Yuri you okay there buddy? For the love of god have some drugs. What kind of bullshit is that just take the goddamn painkillers. Oh they fuckin. Jesus the magma boxer nightmare isn't new? Awww puppy. Should you really be up and moving around now? Biiiiiiiiiiiitch. How did Steely Dan end up as the better sibling here? Hey there Joe how you doing. Bring back the rapping urchin. Jojo- The hell? NOT TODAY, LEGOLAS. Oh this song is great. Jotaro just chillin' at the beach with some murder research. It's never good when we hear that radio. I'm kinkshaming. And he would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those meddling Jojos. That is one thirsty milf. Please don't kill her. Kira if you're not gonna plow that into next week I sure as hell will. Yes Okuyasu it's a slop hurdle. Well this is bizarre. You found Orando Bloom. Uh you okay there Legolas? I love these idiots. That boy ain't right. Never trust a strange man asking you if you'd like the cream. We all enjoy owning house pets. They're communicating telepathically now. Oku's right he is indeed a loony motherfucker. Sirens do indeed suck. Josuke is a good boy. Cool shoes. Okay Legolas here might be the weirdest goddamn thing in this show. I kinda love this weirdo. Kinda disappointed that he can't turn into Dio's steam roller. This seems like a scheme Joseph would come up with. I fully approve of swindling Rohan. Why does he dress like he lost a fight to a lawnmower every morning. Nobody likes you, Rohan. Whelp. Joseph would be proud. I love watchign Rohan suffer. Shit biscuits. Clover- I wonder if I'm lucky enough to have this show fuck off for the night too. I guess tonigiht's just a night for burning down the forest. I'm still rooting for the angry girl here. Well, that was easy. For the love of god, shut the fuck up. Hey where's your girlfriend who was about to die? I still don't care about anyone's backstory, show. This really seems like a huge waste of resources, spending years training kids to be top fighters and then killing off most of them. Use Asta as a human shield. My head usually hurts during this show. You're really stealing my entire brand here, lady. I just wanna watch somebody die. Yes he wants to die he literally just said that. I mean, it seems more like she jumped on that spike than anything. Why is he not burning to death for my amusement. Good if he fails they'll be killing like six birds with one stone. RIP dragon. And we continue the proud tradition of this series not knowing when to goddamn end a fight. What the shit is this. Her smile is unnerving. Hunter- Yeah we get it humanity is the real monsters. Oh, that's horrifying. Suffer, you butterfly douche. But can you see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Hi there. You just shot him no big deal. Goddammit Pouf. My heart is probaby horrifying to look at. Jesus christ Pouf. Gee I dunno maybe it's because you're lying to him. Just kill him already. Sorry wolf dude you're fucked. Oh no, tell him whatever you want you're still gonna die. Ohhh he's mad. Pouf is having the worst day and I love it. No don't stop rip his head off. Ohhhhh he's gonna eat you. Yikes. OH SHIT. Remember this time that never happened when you played checkers in a photogenic wheat field. Pouf is about to have a fucking stroke. Thanks, wolf dude.
  8. This is genuinely the most I've ever enjoyed an episode of Sword Art.
  9. Here's the Japanese version on Crunchyroll. You can see him blushing during that scene at 15:46. And hey, here's the actual panel from the manga where he is also blushing:
  10. A lot of people are into that scruffy, disheveled badass look and the fact that he runs around with what is basically an instant bondage rope doesn't hurt. Also there's his attitude of being stern and hard to impress but still has a decent sense of humor and that's appealing in its own. Throw in a cool power and fighting skills and the lengths he goes to protect his students and you've got a pretty solid choice in thirst targets. Plus he likes cats. Bitches love dudes who like animals.
  11. So like, where do I sign up to have Aizawa and a couple of hot catgirls beat me into shape because I am way to into this
  12. Boy you weren't kidding. Shoved it in that sweet wrestling belt it wears? Hero- Fuckhands, still the worst. I like that Dapper Hexxus exclusively calls him by his full name every time. Aizawa how are you not suffering in that black jumpsuit in the middle of summer. Boner alert. Go away, Douche Rogue. Correction, Mineta still the worst. Calm down, Iida. HELLOOOOOOO LADIES. It's two hot chicks and a grumpy child. Good luck, kids. Welcome to the Hunter Exam. I don't think that's an animal. Aizawa and a couple of hot women beating knowledge into me sounds like a great time. Look at my kids go. "I'LL KILL YOU!" is a pretty great attack name. Gross, Mineta. I love watching them all fight. It's stll weird hearing that one talk. Invisible girl is bait. I'm sure this grumpy child won't change his mind at all over their time at camp. Well, the important thing is you tried. I kinda love this lady. Me too, lady. Oh my god. A PUNCH TO THE SCROTUM IS UNFORGIVABLE. Oh good, they get to eat. They're really going for the fanservice this season huh. Give me fanservice of the adults next please. Mineta continues to be disgusting. Deku please put some clothes on. Awwww kid. Well this is depressing. Someone hug this child. Mandalay can get it. Good morning Aizawa's here to ruin your mood. Eat shit, Bakugo. Nah I'm pretty sure Deku's quirk has improved. Well damn if that smirk ain't doing things for me. Don't ruin camp you bastards. SAO- I don't care, show. I wish I was lucky enough for him to be dead. Brain damage would actually explain a lot. Hi Jotaro. Oh good it's the entire damn harem. Remember how the company didn't want to call it a soul? Oh good, the skeevy heart monitor comes into play. Oh fuck me with a rake it's the creepy virtual daughter. Every time she calls him "Daddy" my skin crawls. Oh hey, Klein's still in this show. Gee that doesn't sound shady as fuck at all. I hope they're about to throw his comatose body in the river. Just cut your losses and enjoy a new life without him. Remember when Asuna was being sexually assaulted in a cage and Kirito was busy fucking around with some girl with huge knockers? Yeah, continue to trust the gu who happily murdered thousands of people and stole years of your life. Someone fucked consensually in this show, it's a Christmas miracle. Manbearpig. Y'all are really reaching for that Alice in Wonderland reference there. I'm sure this isn't jut Asuna in a wig. This seems a little extreme for a fucking video game. WHAT A SHOCK IT'S JUST ASUNA IN A WIG. It sure is lucky that she looks exactly like her real assistant. Yeah this teenage girl is real threatening here. Boxing- I got a real bad feeling about Nanbu's odds here. Meanwhile, urchin living it up in the mansion. Who knew he was a talented florist. I love this kid. I wonder if he's stopped pissing blood yet. Mostly just stand there and get punched, I guess. Oh Pops you are going to die. What kind of weirdo cares that much about water. This is a sweet intro. Oh hey, he's got gear now. I'd be in his corner but we all know it'd just get him killed. Okay so he's just fighting Hol Horse then. Oh no child go back where it's safe. Try not to ruin that pretty face again. I don't know shit about boxing either. Yuri can tell if he's faking. Looks like hillbilly's being a little bitch here. I don't know what that machine piece there is. I mean, not being violently murdered is a pretty decent goal. Oh my god why is he rapping. Oh noooo. Whelp, you're fucked. CHILD NO GET OUT OF THERE. I got a real bad feeling about this. Kid stop yelling. Thank you Yuri you're a good dude. Holy shit Nanbu. Now take off your pants too. Dude just casually mangling a perfectly good fish. FUCK YEAH. Aww the good luck charm. I also want to bury my face in those abs. Uh hey buddy whatcha doing with that knife. Oh FUCK his eye. I'd like to get off this ride now. Jojo- Goddammit Enya. Did Polnareff get hit with the pedo stand again? Please kick Rohan's ass again. i goddamn love that baby. Maybe it's the guy who definitely looks like a serial killer. What in the shit. Uh kid you got a hole in your face. Rock Paper Scissors is now a stand. I hate Rohan's clothes with every fiber of my being. Rohan that's just three descriptions of you. I'm rooting for the kid here. Great job you beat a small child you douche. And then Rohan punched a grade schooler. Um what. We all want to beat the shit out of Rohan. Well this one's a goddamn weird stand. I enjoy seeing Rohan lose. Make him kick his own ass. God Rohan you suck. Just kick him in the dick. They're both idiots. Meanwhile, wholesome family bonding. You leave them out of this. I love that baby. Goddammit Joseph. MY WINDOW. Let's all point and laugh at Rohan's misfortune. Uhhh what just happened. Booooooooo. BABY STAND. How fucking dare you. He's right, you are a cheat and a coward. Such a drama queen. And that's how Rohan kidnapped a baby and then lost it. "Stand name: Boys Man Man" is cracking me up. Clover- That's a lot of birds. I don't care about any of these people. Does this guy have giant yaoi hands or is the animation just kinda shitty this week. Oh hey it's the witches. Look it's another flashback I never asked for. Okay those gollums are kind of adorable. What is this an infomercial? On the bright side this episode just feels boring to watch instead of inspiring outright hatred but the downside is I can't find enough to talk about. "Of all the students I taught, he was one of them." Kinda rooting for him to kill them all. If everyone is dead he's my new favorite. You have failed me, sir. I feel nothing, show. I keep forgetting this guy exists. Oh god stop shimmying. How convenient, the one guy who can beat him is right over there. Sparkle eyes Asta hurts me right in my spirit. Shut the fuck up. I should have just taken a nap. Hunter- Oh hey, there are actual people here. Whelp so much for those people. Yeeeah about that battle. That's definitely not the weirdest thing those girls have had to do here. Oh hey it's wolf dude. Yeah you're real threatening as you hobble around on crutches with your busted limbs. Did his voice just drop an octive this must be serious. Awww octopus. I don't think Pitou's coming back, guys. I'm glad they saved the whores. Well that was an easy mission. Oh this is not gonna go well. Pouf is absolutely not smarter than you thought. Put your creepy centipede thing in his head. Fuck you too, Youpi. HELL YEAH MOTHERFUCKER. Please don't kill Knuckle. That's it, put the pieces together and then kill your guards. YEEEEEEEEAH BOY. Meanwhile, Pouf continues to be the fucking worst. You thought wrong, asshole. Oh wow is he dead, that was easier than I exected. Ahahahahahaha you idiot fucker. I love monster Palm so much. Wrap her back up in your hair for safekeeping. God I hope you're right. Oh, that's creepy. Uh make sure you remember where you put her. I mean, you're still not trying to eat thousands of people so I'd still call you good. His suffering is delicious.
  13. Seishun Fuufu Monogatari: Koiko no Mainichi (aka Koiki's Daily Life) " Based on the romance manga "Koiko no Mainichi " by George Akiyama, serialized in Weekly Manga Goraku. In a story that flits between serious drama and comedic farce, Shinjuku gangster Sabu and his young wife Koiko try to live a normal life, despite the interferences of gang politics and criminal deals. After she saves his life, Sabu's gang-boss, Tominaga, falls in love with Koiko, and sends Sabu into increasingly more dangerous situations, hoping to cause his arrest, and thus obligate himself to "take care" of Koiko while Sabu is in prison. "
  14. Hero- From the OP, I guess Deku fights a titan this season. This song is gonna be in my head for a solid month. I would watch the shit out of All Might TV. Don't be so salty, Fuckhands. Thank god for Fuckhands that Dapper Hexxus is willing to put up with him. "Training camp in the woods" definitely sounds like a place where someone gets murdered. Don't trust Mineta. Is this the first time we've seen the 1-B teacher? Let's go back over all my kids. Nobody likes you, Mineta. And here's the fanservice episode. Reminder that Iida is buff as shit. Surprise it's all MANSERVICE. I love my girls. Thanks for the juice, class dad. Remember the first time Deku broke his limbs? Remember that other time Deku broke his limbs? Okay now give me Aizawa in a swimsuit. They should have left Bakugo at home. You're not even swimming that's cheating! And then he was Frozone. Deku's the only one here who can swim. Remember that OTHER other time Deku broke his limbs? I hope Iida's cute brother gets better. I could watch All Might go full ORA on that Nomu all day. Fuckhands continues to be the worst. HI ALL MIGHT. I hope Bakugo comes in last. NO POOL FOR YOU. Bakugo continues to be unreasonably angry about everything. That beach still looks great. I got a bad feeling about this camp. I'm gonna give this episode a 6/10 on manservice because none of the adults stripped down and nobody has nipples. SAO- Definitely rooting for the murder goblins here. Yeah have the guy who can't use a sword fight with a sword. KICK HIS ASS, GOBLIN. RIP goblin. Yessssss suffer for my amusement. No please, just stand there and let him get sliced in half Booooooooooo. Great job you dumb shits. And then he flings himself around the room like a coked-up spider monkey and wins the battle single-handedly. Oh right, the idiot girl's still here. Just accept your place in the harem. "This was your fault so fix it." God I hope she fails. Oh what the fuck is this. If they arrested her six years ago to execute her, why the hell would they have not executed her by now? So then, everybody's just okay with this random kid from nowhere manhandling their ancient weapon? I hate Kirito more with every success he has. I've heard that line in porn before. It's like they ran out of time adding her sister to that flashback and just traced over Anna from Frozen. Yeah just name it after the game where literally THOUSANDS of people were killed. And after ten minutes of training, he's able to weild the best sword in the game like a pro and cut down the tree with one strike. So is his actual body just seizing out on the street right now? Will the real Slim Shady please stand up. I guess they're all cool with it that the amnesia boy did half the work on chopping down the tree. Too bad there's only one decent sword in town. No really, why the fuck would you assume she's still alive after half a goddamn decade? Boxing- Oh go what the fuck have you done. Okay seriously, see a doctor about your dick. Aw crap you have to throw the fight don't you. POPS YOU SON OF A BITCH. Ohhhhh he's pissed. Whelp, sounds like it's about time you skipped town and let him fight it out. If you touch that kid I'm gonna kill you. Don't wreck your bike again. EL MEGALOBOX. Just let everybody be mad at you. Oh you asshole. Please hug this kid. Time to crash a party. Scratch that, time to stab a fucker. Yep it's time to skip town, y'all. You kinda owe him, bitch. Her personality is awful but damn does she have great style. Oh he's definitely gonna be dead in a river before this is over. Nice Yuri Platinum statues. That is a sweet entrance. Gee I wonder who's gonna win. Well that seems anticlimactic. Hi doggie! Uh Joe it sounds like you've got some pretty destructive habits there. Oh that falling sign is ominous. The moral of this story is to not trust scorpions. I got a bad feeling about this. Jojo- MILF ALERT. I got a bad feeling about your husband, lady. SHIT IT'S KIRA. Oh you are gonna get yourself blown up. Y'all are gonna find an entire closet full of mummified hands covered in semen. Sorry your kid turned out to be an asshole, parents. Y'all could just ask Joseph to punch a camera again. Oh gross. Okay that's even weirder than the hand fetish. I miss Avdol and his fortune telling. THE CAMERA IS A STAND. A g-g-g-ghost?! Don't answer that phone. This is gonna be a fun fight. Punch his ghost face off! Aw crap you can't hurt the photo. Okuyasu to the rescue! Well, he tried. This is such a weird fight even for this show. Leave Okuyasu alone he's trying. HE'S GOT A KNIFE. Jotaro's run out of fucks to give. Whelp, they're doomed. EAT SHIT, GRANDPA. Oh old dude, you have no idea about his experience. ORA. Okay Jotaro I'm kinda into this. Well that was surprisingly easy. You're a ghost you don't breathe. I love the puns. OKUYASU NO. You precious, stupid bastard. Oh how the fuck does he have that. AW FUCK. That is one way to make an exit. Avdol wouldn't have fallen for this. It's always Dio's fault. Okay dude you are way too chill about this murder thing. Meanwhile, I'm surprised he hasn't blown her up yet. Honey you really should shut up for your own goo. CAT. Ass. This is an excessive amount of ass. Someone's going to die. Just blow up the safe. That's not suspicious at all. Oh no she's horny there's no stopping her now. Clover- Why can't this be like Little Mermaid where you have to give up your voice to get functional limbs? Definitely rooting for the angry dragon lady who hates him. Leave that dragon alone you fucking lunatic. Meanwhile, Noelle is useless. Please for the love of god don't talk. This isn't goddamn Naruto you dipshit. I'd be in despair too if I had to be in this show. Oh what the hell is this. That one flashback lady's got a great rack. Damn y'all really waited til the last minute to tie the knot. I don't care about any of this, show. Okay then I guess that third eye is just a sun squad thing. Sorry but if he can withstand my hatred I don't think yours is gonna do much good. Look show you already gave her fire and hatred I'm gonna start demanding royalties if you keep stealing my most recognizable traits. Oh this is bullshit. Kill them all. This entire family is bad. SHUT THE FUCK UP. God I hope she fails. Gyrados vs Charizard. Fuck this show and the horse it rode in on. Maybe I'll luck out this time and they'll all die. Poor dragon. I hate this show so much. Hunter- When will Pouf stop being the absolute fucking worst. He's gonna be so pissed when he gets his memory back and figures out what you're doing. I love how happy APR looks back there. Panic, you butterfly bitch. Oh that can't be good. I mean I'd prefer it if none of them died but definitely protect shirtless Knuckle at all cost. CHEESE IT. Hey guys isn't getting out of line just drawing more attention to yourselves? Oh, you're fucked. GODDAMMIT NOT ANOTHER ONE. Oh hey he's still alive. Yeah that doesn't sound suspicious as shit you dumb bastard. I can't wait for him to remember her and absolutely murder you. HE KNOWS. Just save time and behead them now. Well show you did it, you finally got me to root for the king. Yeeeeeah I don't think Pitou's gonna be coming back. Absolutely do not trust Pouf under any circumstances. Ha, she's got her wrapped up in her hair. You okay there Gon? Get back in the sex slave basement. A friend! Squid driving is kinda cracking me up. Oh christ don't leave her in that guy's room. So uh is Gon gonna go back to normal at some point?
  15. VIZ gets a spoiler-flavored cake to celebrate the latest MHA volume selling like hotcakes and it's two things I want in my mouth.
  16. Hero- Nobody likes you, Fuckhands. Of course she's insane and has knives. He looks crispy. I like that he's still so fucking salty about Stain. Dapper Hexxus is the only adult here. Beggars can't be choosers, Fuckhands. Sorry kids you're getting left behind. Damn Aizawa your smile is scaring the children. Sero may have failed but isn't he the real winner here? Can I sign up for extra training with Aizawa? Bakugo is absolutely fucking not going. Awww Todoroki. Awww they have fans. Jesus christ Mineta. GET IT DEKU. Ohhhhh shit it's Fuckhands. Kill it, kill it with fire now. Did that sign there say WOOKIES? Who the fuck sells that? Punch him in the dick and run! Fuckhands is just the worst. Get over it you crusty attention whore. Go save your boyfriend, girl. She is so goddamn cute. Shit all over him, Deku. OH CHRIST THAT FACE. Leave my boyfriend alone he's got it hard enough. Oh thank god. My question is why are you such a little bitch? I want to see Fuckhands and Kira fight to the death for top hand fetishist. Oh good it's All Might's friend. Dad Might is here to pick you up. You're gonna make me cry. Awww mama, this poor woman needs a fucking vacation. I like Cat Cop. Oh hell no don't take my boyfriend away. I love my kids. Let me fight All for One myself. SAO- Wake up you lazy asshole. Oh I didn't know if she was supposed to look like her or if it's just this show's character design. I'm sure she'll be joining hte harem soon. That is a goddamn pokemon. Pies are pretty great, I can agree with that. Life for an NPC sure does suck. That's called human transmutation and you end up losing half your limbs. I'm sure Kirito's gonna wield these sacred arts before we're done here. Has Excalibur just been chilling in a random shed for the past decade? Of fucking course Kirito is the only one strong enough to use it. No shit he's gonna hit it with the sword that's why he asked for it you idiot. I enjoy seeing him fail. Goddamit. You gotta start jacking off a lot more to build up your arm strength. Show, I didn't need to see Kirito's waifish disappointment of a torso. Resist the harem, nun girl. Liking Yugioh is absolutely not gonna spare you from the harem. She's definitely going up to that mountain now you complete dumbass. YOU DIPSHIT. Oh look, history repeating. And then goblins. Great job you idiots. Why do they talk like Gollum. David Bowie was a better goblin king. Boxing- KICK HIS ASS, JOE. Dude you don't have gear to read you're supposed to have the advantage here. Oh you dick. Aim for his dick I bet he doesn't have data on that yet. Sit the fuck down, lady. Oh that's not good you're gonna need your teeth. Y'all shoud take this opportunity to sabotage him. Fuck off, Steely Dan. Do it for the street urchins! I don't know shit about boxing but that can't be a good thing. You suck and you should feel bad. Hey I like his face stop ruining it. Yeah but if he kills him he probably gets disqualified for that. EAT SHIT, STEELY DAN. I'm gonna enjoy seeing him knocked out. Between the two of them they have one complete set of eyes. FUCK YEAH. I'm so proud of him. He's a surprisingly decent loser. Nah, pretty sure she doesn't regret getting her douche brother's ass kicked. Oh fuck you, Drago. Maybe get Joe a doctor now. He's really offering up his fetus as a wife. Urchins are partying it up. Let this man rest. Oh shit pops what have you done. Jojo- I enjoy seeing Kira suffer. Don't touch his tie. You tied his shoes together, what are you twelve? WALLET BOMB. And he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids. RUN FASTER. I kinda love Act 3. And then trouble showed up. Kira is having the WORST day. Sorry Koichi you're fucked. You really should have called Yukako, she'd have just straight up murdered him. I hate that goddamn cat. SHIT is right, Act 3. That was the wrong choice. Don't touch that tissue it's a bomb. At least Josuke can heal him later. Boys y'all really better run faster. Oh shit he's getting Aizawa'd here. Now steal his money. Koichi is so fucking cool. This is not my fault. That's surprisingly nice of you. HI JOTARO! Dont' fuck with Star Platinum. That line. ORA. He's had a steam rollar dropped on him, this is nothing. ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA. He got Kakyoin'd. Nice of y'all to join us. Don't worry about that guy. Brutal murder ain't gonna help you this time. Oh my god you idiots. BITCH YOU THOUGHT. Oh god his hand. What in the absolute fuck is going on here? Aw crap. That is surprisingly smart...wait why didn't he just do that with the button? Nothing to see here, just a dude having a rough day. OH FUCK. Ohhhhhhh fuck. Wait what the fuck? It sure was lucky that he found a guy the exact same height and build in the ten seconds of time he had. Oh shit she's a bomb. WHELP. Clover- Oh my god I don't care. Please just kill them all. "The Hateful" is a title I strive to earn with every episode of this show. Smokey the Bear's gonna be pissed. This bitch has got a great rack. Is it too much to hope that everyone just dies? You got no arms, you stupid bastard. How dare you compare him to Captain Sexy. SHUT UP. Well, that was actually worth a shot and it failed. Yes you're stuck and you should just give up. Yami does what he wants. Shouldn't that sword be draining her magic strings? Yes explain your plan right in front of her you drunk moron. Bitch don't give a fuck. God I hate you all. Aren't you in the middle of a fight? Yes beat him up now so he'll be useless in this fight you dumb bastards. Hi girls! It's like the giant gingerbread man in Shrek. Mongo noooo. I'm not okay with this. This is what dudebros on the internet think feminists are like. The guy with the mohawk is named Mohawk, genius writing there. How are you gonna split up when there's only two brooms? I'M NOT OKAY WITH THIS. I'm definitely rooting for the one with the dragon here. Hunter- Pouf continues to be the fucking worst. Gon's gonna need some therapy. Oh the turntables. KICK HIS ASS, KILLUA. Oh you better run fas t. Quick, punch the cat's face off before Nurse Monster is done. Ohhhhh this is going well. Alright kiddo time to go into berserker rage and rip out a spine. That is one fucking ominous aura. I'm gonna enjoy this beatdown. Holy shit Gon you okay there buddy. I take it back i don't want to see this fight. Oh jesus he aged 20 years into a Hooters waitress. Ya done fucked up now, MeowMix. It's actually creepier that they didn't give him a grown man voice for this. Ohhh that looks painful. Oh fuck Gon what have you done. My dude what is up with that hair. Uhhh I think you're a little late here, Killua. Fuck me I was unprepared for this. And now I'm gonna cry. I miss Jojo Bisky. OH COME THE FUCK ON JUST DIE ALREADY. Oh fuck what now did you lose your goddamn arm again. Buddy that seems like some real unhealthy coping mechanisms. Stump aura. I'm not okay with anything I just saw.
  17. Apparently that giant cardboard cutout of the shirtless dude looking like a 90s WWE wrestler doing a flying leap off the ropes is taken straight from the attempted rape scene. They went out of their way to make a display highlighting the rapist character. Great fucking job there SAO, y'all really know how to handle sensitive content in a mature and non-exploitative way.
  18. Try looking up dental schools in your area. They're basically students who have finished the education part of their degree but still need to put in hands-on hours to graduate. There's always a licensed dentist supervising the work and it's usually cheaper than a private office. I know my sister's used them for her wisdom teeth when she didn't have insurance and has never had a problem from it.
  19. Okay that makes even less sense; the claims against McNuggets started years before his work with Rooster Teeth. It's like his fans think if they make up enough conspiracy theories, they can force their excuses to make sense. This isn't just a failure to be decent human beings, it's a total lack of goddamn basic logic.
  20. Tip: If it's a Youtube video by some anime dudebro, it's probably bullshit. Let's just take a minute and think about everything that would have to happen if Vic is innocent: 1. Monica Rial decides that she wants to take all of Vic's non-voice production work at FUNi for herself, but she's not in any real hurry to make that happen. Oh no, she's planning a long con. 2. Monica blows the Horn of SJWs™️ and all over the country, women come crawling out of the shadows to begin seeding the internet with stories about Vic's inappropriate behavior. Individually they don't sound like much, but combined they form an entire Power Rangers Mega Zord of a pattern of him being a fucking creep. (Sidenote, I know the hugging thing keeps coming up but I'd have to argue that the whole "repeatedly kissing underage fans without permission" issue is a much bigger problem. Seriously, how many times do people need to tell a goddamn middle aged man to keep his mouth off of teenage girls before that message finally sinks in?) 3. This goes on in the background for a solid 15 years or so, even after he moves halfway across the country and basically stops doing anything more than occasional vocal work at FUNi. Finally, she's ready to spring her trap. 4. Monica blows the Horn of SJW™️ again, louder this time, and dozens of women pour out of the woodwork with more and worse stories about McNuggets. Some of them even have photo and/or video evidence, but of course every last piece of that must be painstakingly edited just to make him look bad. 5. Not satisfied with the damage, Monica manages to convince damn near every industry professional who's worked with Vic to invent their own horror stories about him. Nevermind the fact that it's guaranteed career suicide if they're lying about it, and there'd be some kind of record of most of the complaints they've made to cons and studios about his conduct; if they hadn't reported his behavior like they say they did, it'd be easy to refute the claims and punish them for lying. And for what payoff? It's not like Monica would have that much power to promise everyone starring roles and higher paychecks, even after he plan succeeds. All these people only get spammed with online harassment by dipshits who refuse to believe a guy who looks like Joey from Full House's sadder, less popular brother could possibly be a creep. 6. Monica and her cabal of evil witch feminists plants enough fake evidence to fool an extensive investigation at FUNimation and the studio decides to cut ties with him, washing their hands of a popular employee whose work has probably made millions of dollars for them. Congratulations, she finally gets Vic's job, which is basically nothing at this point because again, he moved out of state goddamn years ago and wasn't doing much at the company besides occasional recording roles. And all it cost was obscene amounts of harassment and death threats to herself, her family, her friends and coworkers, and basically everyone else with the gall to point out this one dude's gross behavior, by a bunch of lunatics who'd probably feel a lot better if they just took a fucking shower and went outside for ten minutes.
  21. Hero- God I can't wait to see All Might punch Bakugo through a wall. Yeah good luck with that, ya little bastard. I volunteer to fight All Might next. Ohhhh I'm into Villain Might. Please break Bakugo's face. Yes, leave him here and run away. Recovery Girl is unimpressed. Tiny Bakugo was adorable. Fence Deku. I enjoy seeing Bakugo get hurt. Nah he's not mad because of Deku, that's just his personality. Less talking, more punching. Thank you Deku. Just run for the exit and let Bakugo distract him. You think Bakugo's capable of a sneak attack? BOMB. Please don't kill my boyfriend. It's not that complicated, Deku wants to be friends and Bakugo's just an asshole. HI BOYFRIEND. Christ this is him in slow mode. God I'm gonna marry him. There he goes. Smash me next you strong motherfucker. I'm okay if Bakugo gets all his bones punched apart here. I volunteer to take his place. Aww look at him smile. He did the smash and didn't break his arm, I'm so proud! I love my precious green son. He's wearing 300 pound weights and only has one lung but still damn near crippled them for life. GO AWAY, FUCKHANDS. Aw crap now he's got more people. So we got a crazy girl and some guy who looks like a Frankenstein muppet that someone set on fire. SAO- If he dies in this game does he die in real life? Mug him and take his supplies. I wish that god could steal my memories of this show. He can show you the world. Here, eat this rock. No shit it's a game you dumb fucker. Read the mood you oblivious dipshit what do you think happened. I know she's alive because anime, but there's no reason why they wouldn't have just executed her back then. This sure is some interesting lumberjack action. Maybe you should have more than one goddamn person working on that if it's so important. Yeah sure it's taken 300 years to cut an inch into it but you'll get it in one hit. I'm glad he failed. It's strange to see him being modest at all. This kid looks like a douche. Oh shut up. Of course he's super awesome at swords. Meanwhile in Black Clover, Asta is getting a screaming boner and doesn't know why. Well that's a horrifying concept that I can guarantee will not be adequately explained. I'm already dreading the looming gratuitous rape scene. Boxing- Punch your anger out. Fuck you, Steely Dan. Oh this is not gonna end well. I don't know where he's going with this. This guy is surprisingly chill about the whole thing. Oh, there's a knife. DON'T TOUCH MY KID. Y'all could probably just hit the douche with a van and solve this problem. Hi doggie! I love this kid. Oh you son of a bitch. That definitely sounds ike cheating. Oh shit no wonder he didn't wanna fight Joe. Eat shit, asshole. Listen here lady, fuck you. The moral of this story is that rich people suck. Nanbu doesn't fuck around. I trust Joe. Just let your brother get has ass kicked. Again I say, fuck you lady. Whelp, you're screwed. Get that kid the hell out of town immediately. Bye Joe. Her dress is really pretty. Hi Joe! EAT SHIT, STEELY DAN. Jojo- RIP old man. Jotaro you can stop time. That's some sweet detective work. No, you definitely wanna keep your hands away from that guy. Koichi your egg is no match for that thing. Okay I kinda love that SKULL TANK. Oh hey, he stopped time. What the hell is this thing made out of?! Gee Kira how come your mom lets you have two stands? Ow ow ow ow ow ow. I want this thing as a toy. Just listen to Jotaro, Koichi. Kiddo you have no idea the shit he's seen. Goddammit Koichi. This is the one time Avdol wouldn't help in a fight. ORA ORA ORA ORA. Y'all might wanna call Josuke now. I can't believe he survived having a steamroller dropped on him by a vampire piloting his great-grandpa and yet the hand fetish man is killing him. This is your fault, Koichi. Shit it's still going. OVER HERE. Weigh that shit down, Koichi. GODDAMMIT KOICHI. I love it when Koichi goes into cool mode. Okay that's hilarious. LESS TALKING, MORE DIRECTIONS. Aw crap he broke his stand. What in the fuck is that. Oh my god it talks. THREE FREEZE. Well that did nothing. Uh what just happened? I'm not sure what's going on but I'm glad he's suffering. That's sexual harassment. Act 3 is only capable of starting a sick rap battle. Clover- Welcome to the lesbian forest. This sounds like a fantastic place to live. So then this chick is like, a double fugitive. How did you weirdos even meet? Spousal abuse, laugh at it! So did she become a raging alcoholic before or after the whole witch thing? Not being able to jack off is a curse I actually would wish on someone. W stands for Wumbo. No please, let her stab him. I mean, I'd abandon the lesbian forest for Yami's dick too. I'd choose to just never see her, that's not a real hard decision. Please gag him. That's an invisibility cloak and you stole it from Harry Potter. This is painful. Oh hey it's that one girl who wants to kill them all. Why is Asta even wrapped in the blanket he has no magic. I think those are just called roofies. "Weird but kinda cute" is also how I describe myself on a good day. You dumb fuckers. Kill them all. You girls are right to run away. Oh what the fuck now. Gotta admit, that is one sweetass dress. Hi mom. Oh they're crows not bats. I agree, he's fucking awful. CAW. Oh right, he's good for things other than public nudity. I'm kinda rooting for the lesbian witch queen here. And then these fuckers showed up. Hunter- Fuck you, Pouf. Pay no attention to this sweaty, shirtless man among the crowd. I'm pretty sure "human grapes" are just balls, dude. They're definitely gonna miss one piece and trigger his memories. Ohhh this is not gonna go well. Palm is so much better as a chimeracal abomination than a creepy creepy woman. Oh hey, wolf dude's still alive. Oh goddammit what now. Meanwhile, Caturday. Where the hell did you get a cellphone? This seems like an obvious trap. FUCK YOU, POUF. I got a real bad feel about this. HI KITE. Oh this is gonna hurt isn't it. Fuck you too, cat. OH THIS HURTS. I mean, I know he got his head ripped off back then but I was still hoping for the best. Someone please give Gon a hug. Aww they're friends now. I miss Kite. Aaaaand I'm crying. Now it's time to kill a cat. THIS IS NOT GONNA END WELL. Pouf is the fucking worst.
  22. Me, watching All Might punch Bakugo into a building:
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