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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. This is the only hand. Point and laugh at the garbage man. Hero- Great job Todoroki now they're throwing screws at you that are on fire. Joke's on them, only one of them can get credit for him. And then everything was pink. Todoroki's getting hella points for that. Thanks for the exposition, Mic. Fancy girls. I love that guy he's so excited. Shoji hit the jackpot on that teamup. Boo you whores. Aw shit she's bleeding. FROG DOWN. How dare you target Froppy. OH MY GOD, SLEEPY BURRITO TSU. Whelp, y'all are fucked. Her quirk is just a shitty version of Principal Mouse. Goddammit Momo start carrying a tub of frosting with you at all times. Act like Deku, break half your limbs. Titties. Fuck you and your tea. Distressed ribbit. GODDAMMIT. I'm cool with the handcuffs. FRIENDSHIP, MOTHERFUCKER. Oh my god what the fuck. Bakugo is how I feel doing group work. WHAT THE FUCK. I agree, just let Bakugo kill him. Deku's got a plan, we're good. GOOD LUCK KIDS. I am uncomfortable with this guy's power. Kaminari is regretting his choices. Heee All Might gum. Aizawa loves his children. Look at my kids go. Awwwwzawa. Titan- Erwin no! HORSE NO! No really, who the fuck IS that guy? Sorry Bowlcut you're never getting laid. I hate Saquatch titan. KICK HIS ASS LEVI. Levi has had more than enough of this shit and I am HERE for it. Kill him. Or have somebody eat him. OH FUCK. That packmule one disturbs me greatly. Bitch you think Levi needs weaposn to take them all out? Oh come on how did that guy live I don't even know who that is. Meanwhile, everyone else shits the bed. Look at this skinnyass bastard. Armin has finally grown some balls. Uh hey Armin whatcha doing there. Eren continues to be the worst. Mikasa is not fucking around today. You're looking kinda rough there buddy. Uh Armin those sure are some red flags you're waving. OH MY GOD YOU FUCKING FELL. I vote you scream insults at him again. Oh no Sasha. GODDAMMIT. Now would be a great time for Levi to come out of nowhere. Oh, that's unpleasant. HANGE'S ALIVE AND SHE'S HERE TO WIN. Mikasa really ain't fucking around this week. Save the horses. You fucking fell for it, you idiot. Well you can count the survivors on your fingers but at least you won. Oh FUCK he's charcoal. Neverland- Emma that face is terrifying. I mean, she probably won't ship off the babies anytime soon so you could just come back for them. ARSON TIME, CHILDREN. Ohhhh shit is going down. Ray where are you gonna be during this escape? RAY WHAT THE FUCK. Uh Ray you okay there buddy? I guess the theme tonight is fucking burning yourself to death to take out your enemy. Ohhh that's a low blow. Holy fuck we're really doing this? Uh hey Mom somebody's on fire. Oh christ here we go. Aaaaand I'm crying. Oh you cunt. Pleas etell me Ray broke his tracker and escaped. EAT SHIT, BITCH. Oh christ now she's mad. You're good, you've got two ears. I love my kids. SLAP. I hope they left Phil behind. Norman was such a good kid. Oh shit they got a fancy pen. Those kids are taking this whole "world full of cannibal monsters" thing surprisingy well. Oh just twist that knife, show. Whelp, Mom's gone nuts. FUCKING PHIL. Sword Art- Let's hope someone immolates themself in this show too. Don't underestimate the power of titties. Please kick Kirito's ass. That bitch must have enjoyed herself if she rewarded him with that much power. Don't insult Balto the dog like this. Damn she really did fuck his brains out. Yeah sure, cure him by stabbing him. Losing all his memories of Kirito sounds like a blessing. I do enjoy seeing Kirito suffer. I can't be the only one rooting for Eugeo to win and get more sex, right? I HATE THAT GAY CLOWN. I am uncomfortable with this. Oh shit, get it boy. Never go in without protection. Well that was a terrible plan. I'm not gonna question why she's naked I'm sure this is very important to the plot. I mean yeah this is stupid as fuck but I'd be lying if I said it wouldn't work on my horny ass. Bold of you to assume you could ever quench my thirst. Do it for the titties, dumbass. NO MEANS NO. Whelp, he's doomed. FUCKING CHRIST JUST KILL THAT GUY. Kirito has come to cockblock you. Let's all just stand here and have an emotional reunion while this evil naked bitch is right there waiting to kill us. I am begging you to just kill that gay clown already. Eww, gross and also I was convinced he was gay. Goddammit woman have some standards. I am uncomfortable with this. Wow I was joking about lighting people on fire early but go off I guess. Lupin- If somebody catches fire in the next 30 minutes I'm gonna lose my mind. I love these idiots. Whelp, you're fucked. Zeni's new friend is cute. Everybody split up and take a different car. Goemon to the rescue. Oh sweet, that electric car was a genius idea. Y'all are way too chill about being stalked by 100 million people. Lupin's lover. Get her name right, dammit! I like her. If you're not eating food what's even the point of living. I'm enjoying this way too much. Goemon can't camera. Bwanda. "Day drinking, I'm jelly." Lupin's got this internet thing down to a science. Hiiiii Fujiko. Isn't there porn y'all could be looking at. Everyone ships Lupin/Jigen. Ohhh no that's not gonna go well. ABORT MISSION ABORT MISSION. "Quit acting like a hotshot just 'cause you went viral" is great advice in general. Jesus Lupin isn't fucking around today. Aw crap it's a drone. Oh shit we've got some plot here. Oh god she is blunt. You're a good dude, Lupin. The truck is a trap! Oh this can't be a good thing. Helloooooo. Jigen fighting an angry sea captain is stupidly funny to me. It's all perfectly legal I swear! These comments really are spot-on. This is such a great ED. Clover- Man, Lupin's really in the middle of a shit sandwich here ain't it. Dimestore Sparkleboy can get the fuck out of here. Don't fight, you're all terrible. Okay I can get behind him insulting Asta. Coral Peacocks sounds like the gayest fucking squad possible. Gee I wonder if they'll beat this team of unnamed redshirts. Have some fucking standards, girl. I don't trust Hisoka. Do you know how hard a show has to fail when I won't fuck the fire guy? Leave those dogs alone this isn't Jojo. That's not even a coelacanth! Wow what a shock they won. Don't fight, you're both fucking awful. LEAVE THAT NUN THE FUCK ALONE. Is anyboody gonna have a fight that's not completely obvious? Shut up you fat bastard. Leave that girl alone you creep. This is stupid. Hunter- Ging doesn't deserve Gon. KILLUA AND ALLUKA ARE HOLDING HANDS IN THEIR SLEEP THAT'S ADORABLE. I never thought I'd love my precious son as much as I do now. Oh I'm already crying at this recap. Was that Migi on that guy's magazine? There he goes. Christ that is one big fucking tree. He's such a good boy. The fuck? Those birds ain't right. Oh my god that's cute. Gee thanks for the used apple, Dad. Ging is the wooooooorst. Maybe you want a fulfilling relationship with your only child, you damn sure don't have that. DON'T YELL AT MY BIRDS. Hope that shit was worth abandoning your only child for his entire life, you dick. So what poor woman did you impregnate? The fucking audacity of this man to talk about how much he cares about his friends to the son he's been running from for fourteen goddamn years. Wait that's a SAPLING? Holy shit. Oh man I hope that other world has dinosaurs. Someone could just push him off that tree right now and be done with it. Oh my god I love these birds. Fuck you Ging, he's my son now. Hi Mito! Sweet, booze! Hiii Knuckle. Oh hey it's the good ants. MY KIDS. Leorio in a rare minute where he's not jacking off. Oh hey Kurapika. Aww they left a beer for that guy's grave. HOW THE FUCK. Was...was he a fox monster the whole time? Oh god way to end it with a punch to the gut. Ging you owe thousands of dollars in child support and I'm calling the cops.
  2. Hero- Can you steal someone else's balls for this? Don't disappoint your teacher, kids. Stiffening, huh...false alarm it doesn't work on boners. I love Mic doing the commentary even when he's not here. Jiro is MVP here. No you should just let them get Mineta. Bird Stand does not fuck around. Oh, that's weird. Someone get that man some coffee. Oh dang, Tall Deku's quirk is cool. Bye balls. Oh hey it's that really energetic boy. MY BALLS. Damn, windy boy doesn't fuck around. It shocked him right awake. Whelp, my kids are doomed.WELL HELLO THERE. I have a new girlfriend. SNEAK URAVITY. Ohhhh I like her. Deku may not pass this test but he's definitely the real winner here. Punch her in the tits and run! Aw crap my son is screwed. If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball. Oh good you found him. Don't blame yourself, honey. He's really making up for skipping leg day earlier. Aw crap 30 people already passes. THAT'S NOT MY DAUGHTER. This is a confusing boner for him. OH DANG. Oh hey, good timing. Oh good it's the real one. Come back, naked girl! Meanwhile let's see what Todoroki's up to. Crap half the slots are taken. Okay why would you use such a a big group to fight one guy, only one of you can get points for him. So this episode gives us a quirk that makes things bigger, vibrating, stiffening, and a naked girl. They're from the screw team. Titan- Connie's lost his mind. Goddamn Armin grow a pair already. Just give Levi five minutes and he'll get this done. Aw shit it's a rock. And then everyone died. I'm more surprised that they apparently have baseball in this universe than anything else here. Save those horses at all cost. It ain't looking too fucking good here, Levi. Alright Levi you're gonna have to do all the work here, as usual. Just let Mikasa handle this. Oh hey, Eren's actually doing something. GODDAMMIT EREN WHY DO WE KEEP TRUSTING YOU. Okay them heckling the monster is pretty fucking great. Whelp, you're fucked. Son of a bitch why aren't you dead anymore. Meanwhile, more rocks. Oh no, you redshirts have no chance but how dare you abandon the horses. Well this sure sounds depressing. Levi came here to slaughter shit and by god he's gonna do it. Oh shit Erwin's got a plan we're good. Oh no abort mission abort mission. Someone please hug Erwin. I'd follow J. Michael Tatum into hell after a sufficiently rousing speech, let's do this shit. Oh christ here we go. RIDE THE TITANS LEVI. Good speech, I'm ready to get on the horse with you. I immediately regret this decision. Neverland- Please don't kill my son. Oh thank god there's a way out. FUCKING PHIL. Norman you're way too chill about this. Oh look, I'm already crying here. HUGGING. Everything hurts. OH THIS HURTS. Tiny Ray, still savage. Just go ahead and stab me in the heart, show. ALL HE TOOK IS THE CUP PHONE. Please god tell me Ray's figuring out one last ditch twist to save him. HUG. Oh shit. Norman no you're killing me. Oh god this music is just twisting the knife. I'd like to get off this ride now, please. PLEASE DON'T KILL MY BOY. I think "happily" is really fucking stretching it, guys. You goddamn bitch. Oh god what's going on I'm scared. Please tell me there's a twist and he's alive. Somebody hug my kids please. Ray broke. YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, YOU CUNT. Oh jesus christ. Wait did she say "give birth" does this bitch have a kid? I don't fucking trust Phil. Oh god don't take Ray I can't do this twice in one night. Kill her, my children. Sword Art- And now for something even harder to watch. I hate every second of my life. Oh, he's under somebody alright. Yeah, who needs two eyes in a fight. THREE FREEZE. Look on the bright side at least he doesn't have to be in Sword Art anymore. Oh, he's alive. Your mission is to cockblock your friend at all costs. Oh fucking hell he gets to dual wield now. So does this bitch fuck everyone when she brainwashes them? You heard the girl, time to kill a gay clown. Don't you know how to knock you little creep? Well that's creepy. Oh god what now. What the fuck. I want to die. I am begging you to kill him. PLEASE kill him already. He's stalling for time so your friend can cum. Oh god, what now. Wow what a shock. I take it the sex was good, then. Man, you really level up when you bust a nut in the admin. This is so bad it's kinda goddamn hilarious. Lupin- Huh, he's not really Lupin's grandson I guess? Oh my god the song is French-ish now. Gooooo sports! Haaa, he's got a convenient mask. Drugs! What app is that. Jigen going full Oldseph here. I don't know shit about technology so I'm just gonna assume every word of this is accurate. Oh I hope it's a mermaid. That seems way too easy to get in there. Swim for it, boys. FUCKING BIRDS. Well, that could have gone better. Oh hey it's a girl. Lupin that's pretty heartless of you. GUNDERWEAR. Ooh I like her. Aw crap, you're caught. Thank god he's got Jigen. "Marco Polo's Backdoor" definitely sounds like a sex thing. Lupin I'm not entirely sure she's even 18 get your hand away from her ass. Hi Goemon! Titties. This guy's having a bad day. I love these idiots roasting each other. Oh my god girl you need to eat. Hi Zeni! The boat is a stand. FLOOR IT. I hope that car can float. RIP car. Welcome to selfie hell, boys. HIIII FUJITITS. Oh hey, there was a picture of Rebecca. Ohhhhh this may be the best ED I've ever seen. Clover- Don't trust Hisoka. You're all terrible. I kkinda hate how much I relate to that little glutton. You're better than this, JYB. Have some fucking standards, Mimosa. You're kinda shitting the bed here already, girl. I hate you all. I can appreciate his lack of any fucks given here. Asta finally does something, it's a Christmas miracle. This is stupid. Seriously girl, have some standards. OH MY GOD YOU'RE ALL UNBEARABLE. I hate you, Tink. Gee one of them's carrying a giant goddamn rock I wonder which of them has the fucking crystal. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll all kill each other. I do enjoy watching Asta suffer. Oh hey, Hisoka woke up. Wow what a surprise, they won. Now take a minute and loot their corpses. Nothing says trust like kneecapping your own teammate. Shut your screaming goddamn mouth. All of them are terrible. And we add "Sparkly Gay Bastard" to the list of thing MHA does better. Hunter- I love my kids. The fucking audacity of Ging lecturing anyone else about responsibility. Hi Kite, I...guess? Oh yikes. Well this is depressing. Science sure is weird. You're a good dude, koala man. New koala friend! Oh, that's kinda terrifying. HI GON. Oh god here we go. "Almost" nothing, you basically were dead. You had a ton of help, from everyone except your shitty deadbeat dad. Oh, that went surprisingly well. SHIT DAD ALREADY GONE. Awwww look at my kids. That's a big tree. My kids are having a great day. Oh no don't leave. Gon is way less freaked out than he should be here. I love my kids so much. Bye kids, tell your hot dad to call me. Oh hey, it turns out I'm still capable of crying more tonight!
  3. " Mignogna is seeking "monetary relief over $1,000,000.00" in part due to Funimation no longer contracting him for future productions, as well as conventions canceling his appearances. " Fucking christ, somebody wanna tell McNuggets that cons aren't obligated to invite him to shit? Even if you disregard aaaaall the sexual harassment, he's still got a major reputation for being a pain in the ass as a guest and treating con staff like garbage. Eventually that would have caught up to him and enough places would decide he's not worth the money.
  4. Hero- Man how much would it suck for All Might to survive All for One and then get killed by a falling rock. I love how amazed everyone is that Deku's learned how to use his legs. Hiii Vlad. Shut up, Douche Rogue. Ohh that sounds rough, good luck kids. Tsu bout to go SUPER FROG. Awww my girls are cute. Get that nerd dick, Ochaco. Everyone remember to use Mineta as a human shield. Hi new people! Oh he's fun. Uh dude you're bleeding. Oh hey she's pretty. Aizawa is havng a bad day. Oh my god, she's me. I love her. Hello there, Tall Deku. Kaminari you don't have any girls to steal. Bakugo is going to beat his face in. This is just blond Aizawa. Get this man a Red Bull. Fuck you, Stain. Oh those are some bad odds. GOOD LUCK, KIDS. I admire this man's apathy on the job. I love Ms Joke so much. PLEASE DATE ME. Goddammit Bakugo. Goddammit Icy Hot! Oh fuck they're doomed. I'm gonna suggest again that somebody uses Mineta as a human shield. Fuck you, Tall Deku. Aizawa gives zero shits. Titan- Just fill the hole, hold filler! Oh, it's that dead guy. I didn't think his death needed any deeper backstory beyond "he got ripped in half by a giant monster." Oh hey it's the one girl. I really have no strong emotional investment in this guy who died two seasons ago, show. Oh right, he's crazy. Who the hell is that guy? Oh god that packmule one talks. Hey dudes I think Krista's doing pretty well without y'all, what with being queen and everything. This has gone too well. I'm with Jean here, he was a bastard and I'm glad he died. Hange knows what's up. Aw fuck he ain't dead. FUCK. What kinda Donkey Kong shit is this? Whelp, y'all are fucked. Uhhh you should probably kill him now while he's distracted. How the FUCK is he still alive. Shoot him with the boom sticks immediately. Armin you are going to get eaten. "I want all of you to die" is not a good negotiation tactic, you dumb bastard. Armin you probably wanna step back a smidge. Berthold is the worst at negotiations. THANK YOU MIKASA. Whelp there goes Mikasa. Where the fuck is Levi shouldn't he be killing things. RIP redshirts. No you're the dude trying to commit genocide, you're the one in the wrong here. And then everyone died. If Hange dies we riot. Whelp, you're fucked. Armin's having a bad day. Just throw Levi at him and let them work it out. Neverland- Last time, FUUUUUUCK. Time for some crippling depression, children. And I'm already crying. Someone please hug Norman. Could we just give them Phil instead? This hurts my heart. Oh shit that's a decent plan. The kids need strong emotions for that tasty tasty fear sauce. Please don't kill any of my kids, show. Emma oh my god. Quick, throw Ray down the stairs. I am cautioiusly optimistic about all this. Did she just call it "meat from camera parts" or did I hear wrong. Oh no time for more trauma. Well that sounds fucking horrifying. Oh shit where are the two other kids. Surely this will go off perfectly without a hitch. I don't fucking trust Phil. Don't make me cry again, show. Time to break a limb, kiddo. Look at him go. Just tase yourself in the neck, you'll be fine. Alright now how do you get down. One Fear. Norman what the fuck. I got a bad feeling about this. FUCK. Sword Art- Please just stab him. I hate that jester-looking fucker with every fiber of my being. Yeah sure, you can teach all these barely-literate contry folk to fight like people who have been training for years in just a couple of months. GET ON WITH IT, DAMN IT. And then her eye exploded. This is stupid as fuck. Good luck trying to explain that she's in a Sims game. Oh come the fuck on, show. Anybody else sitting through all this and wondering what Klein is doing right now? Is Eugeo gonna get laid? Yeah I'm sure this'll work out just great. You stupid fuck. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, SHOW. This is goddamn ridiculous. How dare you sully the proud tradition of gratuitous nudity. Well shit, my ass would be doomed in .2 seconds. Bitch I just want titties. Oh my god you idiot you never go in without protection. Always remember to wrap your fluctlight, kids. Holy fuck this should not be so funny. Jojo- Eat shit, Kira. RIP random ambulance worker. Run faster, Jotaro. Meanwhile, Josuke's still got a chunk of wood in his lung. Oh damn, you are creepy. Oh my god I'm cackling. That lady doesn't get paid enough for this shit. RUN FASTER, JOTARO. Aw fuck. What...what just happened. BITCH YOU THOUGHT. Oh shit is it Reimi's street? HI REIMI! Reimi is taking none of your shit today. Koichi for MVP. Jotaro really didn't use Star's time freezing enough. ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA. Now that's a satisfying beatdown. He got run over by a goddamn ambulance, that's fucking hilarious. Oh good Josuke's getting some help. Haaaaa he doesn't have a face anymore. Hayato needs a hug. love Reimi. BAD TOUCH. Can we kill him again? GOOD BOY, ARNOLD. He lost his hand. I like that he's getting ripped apart by hands. Kira died as he lived, being a fucking creep. Awwwww. Fuck off, Rohan. Oh hey, it's everybody. I'm not crying you're crying. Somebody's gonna need to console that milf and I volunteer. I forgot about fat boy. I love that Joseph's keeping invisibaby. I miss Avdol. Josuke you little bastard. BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN. OH FUCK YEAH, THIS SONG. Things worked well for everyone. Okuyasu kept cat plant! Awwww Oku. Rohan, still the worst. POSE. Clover- God this is just gonna feel twice as shitty compared to that last 30 minutes. I DON'T CARE, SHOW. Oh fuck it's Hisoka. Everybody hide your young boys. I can respect that Mimosa wears her cape with her titty out. Shut up, glasses douche. Did I miss something wasn't he in a terrible hot springs plot? SHUT UP, TINK. Mimosa honey, have some standards. God, I hate all of you. Douchebag ahoy. This is stupid. One day I will die and I'll have to justify all the time I've wasted watching this show. GET OUT OF HERE, HISOKA. Oh what the fuck. I hate everything. I'll agree with him on that, Asta is terrible. There is not a single team here I can root for. Is it too much to hope for that they all kill each other? Yami just wanted to drink in peace for once you fucking idiots. Gee they're fighting a team of no-name redshirts I wonder who wins. Hunter- Ging, three seconds before sprinting for the nearest window. LOOK AT MY BABY. Gon honey you don't have to apologize. Please hug my adorable child. I love my son so much. Yeah sure, THIS FUCKER is gonna lecture us about responsibility. My favorite thing about this arc is that everyone hates Ging. Eat shit, Pariston. You son of a bitch. Goddammit. I'm gonna kick his fucking teeth out. EVERYONE HATES GING. Oh right, clown scythe. I just want to see Ging get his ass kicked again is that too much to ask. YOU SON OF A BITCH. You piece of shit you wasted SO MUCH of our time. Cry harder, douche. Oh no where's my albino son. Aw fuck it's Illumi. Nope, you leave my kids alone. Get the fuck away from them. 'Kay. Order her to kill him. Aw shit. You're doing amazing, sweetie. Awwwww. Poor Nanika. YOU MADE HER CRY. On the bright side, hey she's cured of her demon possession thing. Oh my god she's so cute. I love my kids. Tell her she did good. 'Kay. Why am I crying.
  5. Fun story that final song is the singers from ALL the OPs singing together.
  6. For the love of god, just read that last paragraph.
  7. I'm just hoping Viz gets the Rohan OVAs and recasts him to someone who can actually pull off the "smarmy, but ultimately likable" vibe he's supposed to have. Call in the guy who does Reigen, he nails that vibe.
  8. Hero- Oh sweet, new OP. I spot a new girlfriend in this OP. It's okay All Might I still love you I'm just afraid to put any pressure on your body. All Might is best dad. Iida still doing that arm thing while brushing his teeth. Do not disappoint Aizawa. HI MIDNIGHT. HI MIDNIGHT'S BOOBS. They love their knockoff amusement park names at this school. Calm down Iida. I love Cementoss. What's Midnight's ultimate move, just more knockout gas? The way to improve your costumes is more nudity. I love all my kids. Ectoplasm is a great teacher. Just get new arms, Deku. I HAVE THE DAY OFF AND DON'T HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO DO. Meanwhile, Bakugo's here to murder everything. CAKE. Nobody cares, Mineta. LIGHTNING SWORD. Oh my god the teacher's manual. HI MEI! Power Loader has the patience of a saint. Hi Mei's boobs! Uraraka's about to have a stroke. Mei you were on a team with them. You've said the magic words. Oh neat they can just do it in-house. Calm down, Mei. Awkward boner alert. Oh no. That thing's gonna blow up. Oh my god Mei stop you're gonna kill them. That's a lot of inventions but what's her body count on those things. And in that moment, Deku realized he has legs. Look at my kids go. Awww his mom made it. I love Bird Stand. Bakugo has never been chill for one day of his life. ALL MIGHT NO. Oh damn look at him go. I love how amazed everyone is that he discovered his legs. This is also my reaction to seeing All Might: Titan- That Sasquatch titan sure looks gross. Time for a ONE MILLION PERCENT smash, guys. Didn't Levi stab that guy in the neck last week? Oh, that's not good. It still cracks me up when the stupid ones run. That one is posing. Save the horses at all cost! I will absolutely choose the horses over Eren every time. FUCK YEAH, KILL THAT ONE. You got one arm what are you gonna do here. Oh that is some bullshit he should be dead. Yes play tag with him. I am definitely willing to risk Eren to save the horses. Reminder that Eren sucks. Try not to destroy your basement. Oh hey, it's that one guy they recruited. Look at them run. Levi, hating everything. Erwin's seen some shit. Ohhh this monologue seems real ominous I hope you don't die. GODDAMMIT EREN. Reminder that Eren fucking sucks. The fuck is that, a titan dildo? "It's pointy, dumbass." Hange says fuck that tree. Eat shit, my dude. Try not to blow yourselves up. Keep hitting him you idiots. "But that's the guy who pretended to be our friend for years in order to kill all of humanity!" Christ this better fucking work. Neverland- Well shit, that is better news for her than I expected. I feel like this isn't gonna end well. I don't trust Phil. You backstabbing bitch. I don't trust Grandma. WHELP, HERE WE GO. Oh no, she was adorable as a kid. Huh, I'm actually kinda sad for her. She died as she lived, being angry and crazy. Please don't stab us in the back here, Ray. This is not going well. Ohhhh you're fucked. Oh shit oh god we're so fucked here. Ray needs a hug. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Punch her harder. SHIT. GODDAMN FUCK. I'm gonna have a goddamn panic aneurism. Thank god Don is fucking huge. Gilda just drop the kid and run. I was half expecting Phil to wander out of those trees. I'm gonna piss myself. I am three seconds away from freaking the fuck out here. She was happy right up until those monsters shows up and violently killed her. I'M SO PROUD OF MY KIDS. Oh fucking christ. You broke her fucking leg you cunt. Alright we gotta kill this bitch. I don't fucking trust Phil. OH FUCKING SHIT DICKS. Sword Art- Let's just get this shit over with. Just take him up on the offer you stupid bastard. They're fucking. Can't you just freeze all that water? GET ON WITH IT. Eugeo you dumb fuck. I don't care, show. They could have at least kept him naked so I'd have something decent to look at. "Time splitting sword" is a real lame name, buddy. Eugeo is an even more boring main character than Kirito and that's just impressive. Aim for his dick! Oh wow, he actually did something. Of course he didn't think of that himself, his senpai Kirito had to show him. I mean, at least it's pretty. Yeah well, only one of you is actually attractive. Oh jesus christ what the fuck. No seriously, what in the unholy fuck IS this? Just let him die and release him from this show. I hate everything in my life that has led me to seeing this. Meanwhile, Kirito continues his riveting WALL CLIMBING mission. "Could you be any more of a disappointment" is a good tagline for this series. You stupid asshole. Waste that time, boy. Jojo- Kira really is awful but his theme music slaps. You should probably just leave things alone, dude. Oh that's creepy. Don't touch those panties they're a bomb. And that's why you don't creep around, you pervert. Okuyasu's not looking so good. KICK HIS ASS, JOSUKE. Well that's unusual. Aw shit it's a bomb. SMOKE. Oh come on these powers are ridiculous. SHITBRICKS. Aw fuck you got spikes in your torso.. EAT GLASS, FUCKER. Josuke might be dead. Hayato's got some crazy strength. I like that this piece of glass is heart-shaped. FUCK YEAH. I enjoy watching Kira suffer. Wait what was he holding. Cat plant stop helping him. And then he set a child on fire. Oh goddammit it's that guy. Oh damn that's a big bubble. HAAAA. Fuck you, old man. More rain, Jotaro? FUCK YEAH. Maybe you shouldn't have started murdering women to jack off on her severed hands. Josuke probably needs an ambulance. Alright Hayato, punch him in the balls while he's distracted. And now we play a game of seeing how slowly Jotaro and Koichi can walk across the street. RIP bomb cat. AW FUCK. Cat plant I'm disappointed in you. Wait was that who I think it is. MY BOY IS BACK I'M SO HAPPY. Oh, I'm gonna cry. I love my idiot boys. This is our cat plant now. Oh hey guys, nice of y'all to join us. Clover- In a benevolent act of mercy, my stream chose to shit out of the first five minutes. I'm amazed he has the brain power to figure that out. Oh what the fuck. Aw shit it's a Balrog. You're not funny, show. Just let go of the sword you stupid fuck. Thank you, ma'am. You gonna ruin gratuitous male nudity for me again, show? You mean all four of the women who are here, Tink? Just show me naked Yami and leave me alone. WE GET IT, YOU'RE A LESBIAN. I'm genuinely grateful that this is the show where my stream chooses to die multiple times. Hellooo naked Yami flexing. Was her mom also a condescending bitch with a personality like a bag of rotting ham? Yami is tired of this bullshit. Is the answer gay sex? Oh come on, we're really going here? Uh dude isn't one of the women you're trying to gawk at your actual sister? Nothing says straight like a bunch of naked, horny dudes crawling all over each other. OH MY GOD, GIVE UP ON THE NUN. Hunter- Leorio is best dad. I will vote for anyone who delivers a solid roundhouse kick to Ging's face. Thank god somebody beat that douche at least. Hey Knuckle you should go ahead and take your shirt off now, just to be prepared. Alright Killua you gotta wake that girl up now. SHE'S SO CUTE. Awwww Killua. Eat shit, Illumi. Oh, that's getting depressing. Thank god we're finally gonna fix my son. OH FUCK HE'S LOOKING REAL BAD. I'd like to get off this ride now. 'Kay. Holy shit that's some power. Y'all might wanna put on some shades. Hey there, Killua's shitty hot dad. I like that Leorio didn't even notice that. Oh god, Illumi laughing is even creepier than everything else about Illumi. I hate you, Pariston. He's gonna save Gon and then resume jacking off. Leorio's doing his best with the three brain cells he has. Oh my god you sack of whale shit. I'm going to rip your kneecaps off and feed them to you. Hee, I just noticed her hands have little paw prints on them. Kick his ass, dog lady! Oh this is some inconvenient timing, Morel. Let me see my son please. MY BABY! I'm gonna cry I'm so happy. LEORIO IS BEST DAD. Everyone was worried, except your piece of shit dad. Oh shit we're fucked. I'm amazed Ging didn't throw a smoke bomb and flee the scene already. I hate him so much. You risked my son's life for your shitty election game, you son of a bitch! I vote Gon for chairman. Anyone else wanna get a punch in on Ging before he sprints for the nearest emergency exit?
  9. This is also my reaction to seeing All Might.
  10. Punching Ging is literally always the right call. Hero- I forgot that the first show of the night gets its full OP. I love that this is a rare show with rational, caring adults. Awwwww she reminds him of Nana. Wow rude. I love all my kids. Thank god they have Cementoss to build shit for them. I love you, principal mouse. Aw fuck who's the traitor. Yeah well the press can fuck right off. Oh right, actions have consequences. Punish them and then me, Aizawa. I love derpmode Kaminari. Awww, look at this little bastard. For everyone's sake I hope there are no girls on Mineta's floor. This is nicer than any place I've ever lived. Oh my god you fanboy. Bird friend's room sure is...dark. SPARKLE ROOM. Oh god don't go in the sex goblin's room. Entire wall of glasses. THERE'S A BUNNY. Don't let that little creep in the girls' rooms. Meanwhile, a sleepy rowdy boy. MANLY ROOOM. Jesus christ Hagakure is brutal. Okay Sero's room is cool. Oh my god did Todoroki replace the entire floor? Oh man I love the baking room. Awww they love his food. That's a lot of instruments. Oh my god Mineta is the fucking worst. Where is my frog daughter. Now THAT'S a bed. I also vote for the cake. Thanks, dad Iida. Oh no frog daughter is sad. PLEASE HUG THAT FROG. Shut up I'm not crying you're crying. AWWWWWWWWWWWW. Titan- OH SHIT IS THE GOOD OP BACK? Levi, looking like he hates every minute of his life. Y'all should probably stab that thing in the neck just to be safe. At least Hange's having fun. Oh wonderful, Eren's still in whiny bitch mode. I'm gonna laugh super hard if they get all the way to Eren's house and realize they forgot that goddamn key. Those are some really well trained horses. Hello children it's PTSD time. Aw crap they're here. This is going way too well. Here, have this hideous crystal Eren statue. Didn't Deku already beat the shit out of one of them a couple weeks ago? I'm gonna go ahead and retract my statement about this going well. Armin is in charge now. Surely all these redshirts aren't about to get slaughtered. They're in the wall, dude. This will totally end well. Oh, you're about to die. Well I for one am SHOCKED. I love Levi hating and killing things. Alright folks get your Delaware Detroit Smash ready. Wow, y'all are just beyond fucked now. Save the horses at all cost. I woul follow J Michael Tatum into hell after a rousing speech. Neverland- Anxiety intensifies. Oh shit she was an orphan. Oh damn. Shit continues to be fucked up. Tentative thanks, lady. No shit we don't trust you. Surely this will end well. Just act like you're dumb as hell, got it. I got a bad feeling about that box. Here, in case you forgot that she's crazy as fuck. Break that thing. That baby doll is creeping me right the fuck out. She's 18 at heart! Ask her where all the orphans come from. Oh, time to piss myself and cry. You might still have to find a way to kill her. Ray got a camera so at least someone's having a good day. That clock must get annoying as shit when you're trying to sleep. Yes surely this plan will go well. Yeah but is it worth sacrificing that sweet polaroid? Please be too crazy to figure out what they're planning. I am frightened. I don't trust Phil. I hope that note just tells her to eat shit. I'm uncomfortable. Grandma???? Hello, knife. Whelp, so much for the nutcase. Sword Art- Just drop her. Nobody likes you, Kirito. I agree, death is more tolerable than Kirito. Oh christ it's a flashback. I'd like to get off this ride now. I don't think I'm lucky enough to have them both fall to their death. Just drop him. Yes that nonsensical string of words you just said made perfect sense. Pontifex says fuck you, birds. Now with intense climbing action. How can you not do basic spells you dumbass. Oh my god, you're completely useless. Couldn't you just fall down to the 30th floor and have her dragon catch you there? Meanwhile, Asuna does jack shit. And back to this riveting climbing action. You stole this from Gargoyles you hacks. What the hell is the point of putting those gargoyles there? YEET. I'll give you that one, Minions are in fact terrible. That sure was a fight that happened. Welcome to the harem, Alice. Meanwhile, Eugeo is no goddamn help at all. And then nudity. Jojo- Great job Hayato ya fucked it up. Oh, you fantastic bastard. Oh hey there Josuke. Hi Okuyasu. That was actually a pretty brilliant move on Hayato's part. Aw shit now it's a bomb. Booooooooo Rohan's not blowing up. At least the others aren't exploding. He just wanted a quiet life of murdering women for their hands and blowing people the fuck up. You might wanna run, little boy. Dora. Stand fights really must look fucking ridiculous if you can't see them. Okuyasu helped! OKUYASU NOOOO. Why can't we have nice things. Aw fuck, cat plant's on his side. AW SHIT, YOU'RE FUCKED. Jotaro how do you think that's the rain. Dodge that shit, Josuke! Please save Okuyasu. Oh fuck it's not popping. Josuke might be dead. Goddammit Josuke. Oh, that's actually a great idea. Okuyasu may be dead. OH FUCK. Please save Okuyasu. YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE. Oh christ Oku that's a big gaping hole in your torso. Hayato moves fast for a kid with balls of solid adamantium. Do it for the milf, boys. Aw shit it's more bomb. OH FUCK IS OKUYASU DEAD. Please don't be dead. How do the rest of the gang not notice any of this happening. Well that's a new power. SHIT now you got two bombs coming at you. Josuke's gonna need a hospital after this. They're boyfriends. I want to state for the record that none of this is my fault. Clover- Yes, the lady who looks like Armless Frank is his sister you dumb shit. I can respect all that anger. Random capybara sighting! I don't think you can just shanghai kids from other squads. Shut up Tinkerbell. Hey there Captain Sexy. Hey, free drink. This bartender is allowed to live. Yami drunk as fuuuuck. Just in case you forgot that everyone else is goddamn terrible. Yami continues to be the single bright spot in this entire hprriffic shitshow. How dare you masquerade as a bartender and take their sacred duty as a joke. Christ that was only half the episode. WE GET IT, SHE'S A LESBIAN. Yeah, volcanoes will fucking do that to you. Yami giving zero shits. Hahahaha, eat shit Asta you're never gonna do that. Fuck off, Tink. Noelle continues to be terrible. Of course her mom looked exactly like her, because why bother with character design. I do enjoy watching Asta suffer. Hunter- Fuck you, Ging. Hey dog lady remember that punching Ging in the face is a great way to earn votes. Pariston can also fuck right the hell off. We all loved that pervy old man. I refuse to believe that Ging has any friends. Punching Ging in the face is always the best choice. Y'all are never leaving. HI KNUCKLE. Oh hey it's Palm and the ant boys. Hi other people we know! Alluka continues to be adorable. Gon's not looking so good. Being stuck in one location with responsibilities he can't blow off must be absolute hell for Ging. You're a good dude, cow man. Oh my god, Leorio's really in second place. That's the sheer power of sucker punching the most hated person in the room. I love that bunny girl. Use this chance to shit on Ging some more. At least he's honest. Awww, what a good dude. Tell me more about the wanking off. Literally everyone in this room is a better father to Gon than Ging, and that includes the ones who have never met him. I'm not forgetting the wanking part. Eat shit, Pariston. Oh shut the fuck up. Somebody sucker punch him next, please. Thank god these two can read each other's minds. We are all united in our hatred for this rat fucker.
  11. Bold of you to assume Toonami fans have friends.
  12. I feel like playing a rerun at the beginning of the block several months would probably hurt the ratings more. Season 4 doesn't air until October, and it probably won't hit Toonami until November just so they have a solid buffer against those inevitable skipped weeks in the Japanese broadcast. That's a three month gap that they have to do something with, and bumping the other premiers up half an hour seems like an obvious choice.
  13. He's just too tired to get into a shouting match with a reporter. Hero- Oh look time for me to cry again. Aw crap, entire country is fucked now. Okay but Fuckhands still sucks. Man, what happened to that gene line where we went from Captain Milf to Fuckhands? It's hilariously depressing that Endeavor spent over 20 years destroying his family to surpass All Might and then the guy just retires and renders all of that work entirely pointless. I enjoy garbage dilf having a tantrum. I love his mom. Aww this is gonna be heartwarming. Surprise Smash! It's okay I still love you. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW THIS IS HEARTWARMING. All Might is best dad. I love Principal Mouse so much. Oh nooo don't fire him. Haa, Jiro's family talks in music puns. They are really throwing somewhat-less-grubby Aizawa at me to fill this All Might-shaped gap in my heart and I appreciate it. Oh damn Bakugo's mom's a milf. I love Bakumilf. Bakugo is suspicious. Damn Aizawa you could at least let the injured guy take the car. His room is so much fanboy. Oh dang, who'd have guessed that mama Midoriya would be the biggest obstacle. TINY DEKU IS HERE. All of them need a hug. This hurts my heart. "I'm sorry I punched you in the balls" is never gonna stop being funny to me. Hiiii Big Might. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I'm not crying you're crying shut up. OH FUCK NOT THE MUSIC YOU GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE. Neverland- Goddamn toddler nearly gave me a heart attack. My dumb ass would be dead within 40 minutes of escaping that wall. That key swipe worked surprisingly well. Here's an owl. Well shit I hope you know morse code. This secret passage isn't an obvious trap at all I'm sure you'll be fine. This Minerva guy seems too good to be true. Aw fuck it's the bunny. Mom's right behind y'all isn't she. My anxiety is off the charts here. GODDAMMIT PHIL. Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Thank you, little boy. Oh no, she definitely noticed and you're going to die next. Oh yeah, this explanation is much better. Whelp, dude broke. So uh, we may have a problem with Don. Boy I know you're freaking out but you need to shut the hell up before the child sellers hear you. I'm terrified that they're being watched at all times. I hope the plan is sneaking up behind her and punching her in the tits. I got a real bad feel about all this. We're building a bomb, kids. Christ you just drop that on her out of nowhere. SHIIIIIT. Mother of christ I just pissed myself. WHELP. Sword Art- Back to shit I couldn't give less of a fuck about. Please god let him be dead. I used up all my luck on not getting All Might killed, I can't make Kirito suffer. Congratulations lady, you don't have to be in this show anymore. Kirito you dumb fuck. Oh fuck me it's another generically cute servant girl. This is how I feel at work every day. All this girl knows is how to work a shaft. I dunno man I think I'd rather run an elevator instead of chopping an unchoppable tree for decades. Please kick Kirito's ass. Time is of the essence, so stand here talking for five minutes. The tree is a stand, fuck you. Don't let Kirito talk you're just gonna piss her off more. I do enjoy seeing the litte dickwad get knocked down a peg. Better get your stabbin' arm ready, boy. You failed like the fucking disgrace you are. And then shit blew up. Jojo- Kira if you don't bang that milf already I'm gonna fight you myself. Yesss show me Rohan blowing up again. Whelp, you're boned. Oh shit he broke the OP. I could watch Rohan blow the fuck up all day. I'm okay with this. He's still a better dad than Ging. Hey there Koichi. Koichi you're holding his picture. Hiiii Jotaro. And here's the bros. Whelp, y'all are gonna blow up now. Josuke is a good boy. Here we go. Jesus christ kid. Fucking cat stand. Aw shit I didn't want the rest of them to blow up too. This boy needs a hug. Ya gotta stab him, Hayato. Cat plant to the rescue! Goddamn that thing's got some power. Eat shit, Kira. Awww. You forgot your hat. Oh no will cat plant still work in the rain. This child was almost happy this morning, not on my fucking watch. Kira you bastard. CAT PLANT GO! Surely this worked out perfectly. FUCK. Clover- Oh hey, she's kinda hot. And there's the guy who's totally not evil. Yami cannot give less of a fuck if he activey tried. Oh how the fuck is that even possible. That says worse things about the other squads than it does good things about them. Fucking christ don't give him attention. That's not how math works. Fuck off, haha guy. I forgot that Tink here talks and I wish she didn't. Lion girl's got some real eyebrows on her. I respect that girl who's constantly asleep. Jack the Ripperh as a point. I forgot there was a king. I want to punch him. Yeah this announcement ain't gonna bite you in the ass. Yikes. Oh she's violent and angry she can go in the pile of people I don't hate. Hunter- I'm still voting for Bisky. Fucking Ging. Goddammit Hisoka. Granny if he catches them this is your fault. There he go. And then Granny was a plane. Whelp, you're fucked. This bastard has the most punchable face I've ever seen. And it was all the work of a single child-molesting clown. Illumi is going to find you immediately, kids. You're gonna have to run some people over. FUCK. Now would be a great time for somebody to show up at the last second and help them. Now would be a great time for shirtless Knuckle to show up and save them. GODDAMIT GRANNY. I hope she left the monocle in place so their bitch mom can watch her kick Illumi's ass. God that face is terrifying. You get out of here, you shitty clown fuck. I'm fine with Illumi dying. You know he's geting a boner. 'Kay. Oh hey, that's nifty. KICK HIS ASS, KILLUA. Maybe the rules don't apply to him because he's the only one who treats her like a person. Oh dear. GET OUT OF HERE, YOU SHITTY CLOWN FUCK. Little too late for that, Morel.
  14. It's hilariously depressing that Endeavor spent over two decades destroying his family trying to surpass All Might and in the end the man just retires, making all his efforts completely pointless.
  15. I'm assuming that once MHA ends, everything else just moves up a slot and they shove Pop Team, FLCL, or the last arc of season 3 at the end of the night to wait out for season 4.
  16. iida telling those boys he's not mad, just disappointed would absolutely cripple them psychologically. Hero- Oh my god look at tiny All Might. Oh hey, she's hot. Look out for your garbage dad, Icy Hot. So fucking angry. How the fuck dare you talk about her like that. Oh, fuck you. Thanks, Granpa. Please don't kill my boyfriend. Man, Aizawa really would have come in handy here. Meanwhile, all the kids ppiss themselves. Oh fuck you, people. You're just mad about him turning your face into hamburger. Oh fuck there's a random bystander there. Oh no now everybody sees him. I'm already crying. Fuuuuuuuck yoooooou. OH SHIT. We've been Skywalker'd. You son of a bitch. All Might broke. Listen to the random bystander! Awwww everyone's cheering for him. I love you, Captain Milf. KICK HIS ASS. That must be his jackoff arm. Oh fuck it's garbage dilf. Okay he definitely got hotter with age. Awww they're here to help. Tiger! Young Torino can get it. Shut up I'm not crying you're crying. And here's this fucker, ruining the mood. Ohhhhhhh FUCK. Oh shit don't you touch my son. PLEASE DON'T KILL MY BOYFRIEND. This is not the naked All Might I prefer but I'll take what I can get. I'd like to get off this ride now. Oh god his arm. Holy fuck. Goodbye, One for All. HE WON!!!!! I DIDN'T KILL HIM NOT TODAY DEATH. I swear I'm crying happy now. Oh hey snake boobs. AWWWWWWWWWW ALL MIGHT. Neverland- Goddammit child I trusted you. Just break my goddamn heart, show. Oh jesus, you fucking knew about the monsters? Join us, Ray. Oh shit he's been playing everyone. I'm not sure if I should hug this boy or slap the shit out of him. I am way too stupid to survive in this situation. Oh shit you little bastard. Norman needs a hug. Stab her, Ray. Oh fuck wake up wake up wake upwakeupwakeup. Not now, Precious Moments! Jesus Ray you can't just blurt it out like that. Oh this is gonna destroy my soul to watch him betray them later. Uhhh you okay there Emma? Kids what a lady does in her private dildo room is none of your business. Oh little boy that is such a bad idea. Again I'm terrified that one of the adults is gonna be hiding behind a door. Oh fuck don't do it abort mission ABORT MISSION. This is not gonna end well. You're both going to die. Sword Art- Kirito you're the last person who gets to call someone else annoying. Lolis if you know what's good for you, you'll just walk back into your room and stay there for the rest of the series. This is a trap. you stupid fuck. Okay, I do enjoy seeing Kirito get shanked. What in fucking tarnation. Don't fuck with human transmutation, kids. Goddammit Kirito. Why is no one else attacking him? Oh fucking christ just let me die here. I enjoy watching Kirito get shot. That's a lot of unnecessary backstory for the fact that it's just a goddamn laser sword. Nobody gives a shit that you're a lady just be glad the show hasn't molested you yet. Can we not force a ham-fisted attempt at gender politics in a show where damn near every female character wants to fuck Kirito and/or gets sexually assaulted? At least if she dies she doesn't have to be in Sword Art Online anymore. God, shut the hell up already. I'm not lucky enough to have him die. Jojo- Hi Reimi! Aw shit the kid's dead. Hey there milf. Kira if you're not gonna plow that into next week I sure the hell am. AW FUCK the kid's dead. PEPSI. Well, shit. Oh god stop biting your fingers. Aw fuck it's the arrow. I don't think that's supposed to happen. If that arrow kills him it's just saved us a whole lot of trouble. Oh, he's alive again I guess. That is one sweet tie. Uhhh you're looking kinda different. Great so he has three stands now. Answer the damn phone. MY TEA POT. And suddenly milf is having a great day. FUCK. I'm so uncomfortable. PEPSI. Don't get in a car with Rohan, little boy. Rohan stop that's fucking creepy. And then he blew right the fuck up. I have no idea how this new power works but I'm okay with it. Lucky for Kira that these two can't turn their heads slightly to the right. And now it's Groundhog Day. Answer the damn phone this time. That makes absolutely no sense to me but sure let's just go with it. Clover- Just what I wanted, an ugly fat guy who doesn't know personal space. Hey lesbians. The whole "Call me captain" thing still isn't funny, show. This show is so shitty it manages to make lesbians annoying. Why is sister fucker still allowed to live. Even the show agrees that Yami is the only fuckable dude here. Hi kitty. Oh god we're gonna have a cat fight. I wish for death. Yami is too dunk to give a shit and god I wish that were me. Eat shit, Finral. Oh look, more people I don't like. Just kill me now. Oh jesus this is playing right into Asta's nun fetish. I hate this lesbian. Stop fighting, both of you just fuck him. Okay I'll admit "No chugging, it's just not a good look" was actually a pretty funny line. Oh boo hoo you're cursed, get in fucking line bitch. Oh, I guess they replaced Armless Frank or whatever his name was. Hunter- I fucking hate this clown. Okay dude but on the list of things you could throw at me to intimidate me, pennies is pretty far at the bottom. Bold of you to assume all of this isn't just Hisoka's fetish. Aw fuck it's math I'd rather just die. WHELP. So much for that guy. Nyooom. Hope you got a car on standby, Granny. What. And then Grandma was a bike. Killua has had enough of this. My ass would be dropping into the nearest chair as soon as I hit town. Found you. And there they go. I love Canary. Yeeeeah I don't think you're gonna be meeting up with him any time soon. Where's your sister you're not supposed to be apart from her. Illumi has friends? Of course he doesn't, he's just gonna brainwash people. Whelp, you're boned. I don't remember if we knew this rule already. In his defense, his brother is a piece of shit. Killua is a good brother. Can we call in Bisky for help, I wanna see her kick his ass. Don't get attached to any of these redshirts. Shit how threatening can they be when they run like rubber chickens. I've never seen you three before, but go fuck yourselves. Y'all should know by now that the best way to get votes is to punch Ging in the face. Hisoka does the Naruto run.
  17. Me, seeing the obvious red flags of All Might's impending demise:
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