Good luck. As of yesterday, I'm five weeks post-op from an incisional hernia repair - here's hoping that your recovery is as uneventful as mine has been.
I think it's the whole idea of fondant - baking a yummy cake and filling it with something delicious, only to cover it with spackle seems kind of pointless (can you tell that I've been binging holiday baking shows?)
Just read an article about rabbis debating whether plant-based "pork" is kosher. The little old Jewish lady who I used to eat brunch with would have been fascinated with the discussion. Rest in peace, Lily. I miss you.
Well, the good news is that the pediatric covid vaccine has finally been released, and DeeDee and Dexter are on the waiting list at the pediatrician. The bad news is, nobody seems to have any idea about how long it's going to take to get it.
Well, 18 is oddly specific. So is 21. Any arbitrary age that is a threshold is oddly specific. And I'm having one of those days where I wish I was 45 again.