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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. See, I always wanted to go Dutch, at least until I was comfortable with someone. I didn't want to be stuck someplace with a guy who felt like I owed him for dinner.
  2. Bitch, even in death, you mess with me. For two days, you've been curled up under the bed 99% of the time, nice and neat and compact. Why did you decide at the moment of your terminal event that it was a good idea to get up and go for a walk, only to keel over in full walking position right where my feet would land if something hadn't made me look before I got out of bed? And how the hell am I going to store you in all your full stretched-out glory until I can get you to the crematorium? Well played, Pooquan, one last time. Rest in peace, Queen of Darkness.
  3. 🥩🎂🥩 (The steaks are blue, not well done.)
  4. No, that's Zeni who rides the bus and chases chicks, although he does not seem to catch them.
  5. mthor


  6. Not necessarily a favorite, but definitely unexpected.
  7. Why am I finding spoons everywhere except in the kitchen?
  8. Making galumpki for dinner. I haven't made galumpki in (no exaggeration) about 25 years. Dexter and DeeDee are going to help. I'm a bit apprehensive.
  9. I don't know. Most of the time, it's my brain that gets me in trouble, not my ass.
  10. As was the incorrect incision, but it's somehow more amusing to think of him fucking himself over twice. Sorry; 40 years in healthcare left me warped.
  11. That's way too much effort. I'd rather just pet my grimalkin (who actually is a grimalkin).
  12. We go pet our personal grimalkin.
  13. Odds are, he's going to totally destroy liver #2 long before anybody gets a chance to perforate it.
  14. What hardcore alcoholics thread? And speaking of which, is Zeni dead yet?
  15. We had blueberry pancakes Saturday. Next time, I'll call ahead.
  16. And the response will be a blank stare...I swear to God, you make me so relieved that I'm not working at the clinic any more.
  17. It would have served your stepdad right if the betas had turned their fishy fury on him.
  18. Buttery and versatile.
  19. Yukon gold.
  20. mthor

    Did you know?

    Raw or cooked?
  21. How many times?
  22. So we'll be having meatloaf for dinner?
  23. It's not a joke when a powerful man suffers no consequences while the intern he's fooling around with gets to become a meme. Monica Lewinsky is a better person for surviving what she went through than you could ever imagine being, especially considering how butt-hurt you get about being trolled on a dying message board.
  24. Lay off Monica Lewinsky, you pathetic waste of organic carbon.
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