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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. Fuck common core math.
  2. Yeah, caffeine worked at first for me, but it got to the point where I was just chugging it to keep the headache away.
  3. Yeah, for us, it's local, so available at the grocery store.
  4. I said tablespoon. You may be a former barista, but I worked nights for 10 years. I know how to make coffee.
  5. The reason Death Wish gives you the jitters is because they recommend 2 1/2 tablespoons of grounds per 6oz of water (as opposed to 1 tablespoon/6 oz ). It's tasty, but it doesn't have more caffeine; you can get the same effect from Maxwell House if you use the same proportions.
  6. Death Wish is quite tasty, but it's no more effective than any other coffee. I don't know what those pussies are used to drinking, but I don't think it's real coffee.
  7. But is it really new, or did you just mess with the formula a little?
  8. Do you jump up and down when you ask questions in real life?
  9. You may need this.
  10. Thanks. Now all I can think of is
  11. $&%@ Better?
  12. Kiwi Farms has closed registration - apparently that's where a bunch of them went.
  13. I sometimes use a similar technique - eggs that have boiled dry smell really bad.
  14. Egg in pan, bring to boil, simmer 12 minutes. This is probably too long, but I hate partially cooked yolks in a hard boiled egg.
  15. There are some really yummy vitamin c gummies out there.
  16. Are your gums bleeding?
  17. Carbon monoxide poisoning. Just kind of dozed off watching TV...
  18. RIP. (What was he reading?)
  19. So I've got the phone propped up on the counter with a YouTube video on how to clean the filter in the dish washer, and DeeDee smiles at me and says, "Don't die like a Sim, grandma."
  20. Some people are fun to stick needles in, though.
  21. Christ on a crutch, will you people make your own Why Rolling Papers Suck thread? You've got this spread over how many threads? Damn kids - back in my day, damn rolling papers didn't come with adhesive, which is probably why I just used a pipe.
  22. Well, i should have probably qualified it by saying that I haven't actually been on a date since sometime in the last millennium. (Uber? Lyft? Keys? I don't trust them horseless carriages.)
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