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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. In Italian folklore, that's the technique used to rid one's self of a folletto, which is a type of irritating house sprite. One must let the folletto see one while one is using the chamberpot and eating a sandwich simultaneously. The folletto will hurl some verbal abuse, including statements to the effect that they cannot live in the same house as such a pig, and will then quit the premises.
  2. Not your fault - I just need to remember that I'm powerless over Star Trek.
  3. I need to stop, ghostie, or I'm going to relapse and start binging - there are a couple of those nostalgia channels that play TOS through Voyager, and if I start watching, I'll never get anything done.
  4. Well, there was the whole Dr. Pulaski/ Data interplay on TNG, too...
  5. Well, from what I remember of original canon, it's not that Vulcans don't have emotions, it's more like they suppress them and place more importance on being logical and objective. (I know that the animated series isn't generally considered canon, but there's an episode where Spock goes back to Vulcan and sees himself as a child being bullied by some other Vulcan kids. That actually makes more sense in line with T'Pring's actions in Amok Time.)
  6. Well, in the original, she was fooling around with another guy (which is why she chose Kirk as her champion), so she was established in the original canon as kind of a bitch...
  7. Maybe it's a pon farr thing - isn't that like every seven years? (T'Pring being there, I mean)
  8. Oh, right. T'Pau was the old lady.
  9. mthor


    It's taken me two days to decide, but orange, grey, yellow.
  10. mthor


    The only two I'm sure I don't want are the beard one and the memory one. Could probably do without the airport one, too. The rest are going to be a challenge to choose between.
  11. Quit bitching - my kids are older than you. Also, 🍻🎂🍻
  12. Not half as old as I did when you talked about Star Trek being 50. And congrats to your nephew.
  13. This is the most grateful I've been for my hysterectomy in quite a while.
  14. I have a mental picture of you looking like the "after" in a Wiley Coyote plan, holding the remains of a chainsaw clearly labeled "ACME."
  15. Words to live by.
  16. I hate those Skippy place commercials. It's peanut butter. Just peanut butter. Stop pretending that it combines the best features of pot and benzos.
  17. He's not even protecting pre-born babies. Notice that he doesn't mention anything about funding improved prenatal care.
  18. So what does he plan to do to protect post-born babies?
  19. I know you didn't get bit by a fire ant, but now all I can think of is Sorry - I spent the 90's with pits on my feet from fire ant bites.
  20. What was it that Zeni used to say about restraining orders?
  21. Love the magic glasses.
  22. So do a review. You can stand in front of the camera and just say "it is fucking good." It wouldn't be as interesting as your views on The Cabinet of Dr Caligari were, but I'd give you a thumbs up for effort.
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