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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Yes, do this. Once you get qualified you will have a price range to look for. Don't buy anything that will require a credit pull until after the house closes and then, be careful not to make any big purchases.
  2. As low as interest rates are, you'd be crazy not to if you got something picked out.
  3. She switched to fha
  4. They are really just looking for your debt to income, and job stability. Anything outside of those two things don't really phase them. They will do a credit pull to see if you have any liens or judgments against you. Those count as debt so, dti.
  5. She turned invisible?
  6. I mean when you have a horse dick, all the blood rushing to fill that python would cause some to pass out.
  7. Rural development loans or fha loans. Rural development gets you out of the metro areas and fha puts you anywhere. Rd loans generally have a lower interest rate as well. About the only draw back for Rd is it's limited by area. There also bonds in some areas that help pay for some expenses that loans incur. A good mortgage broker will be aware of those.
  8. I can answer all or most of your real estate questions.
  9. Nobody likes a quiter.
  10. Not today.
  11. Bunch of furry assholes and weebs.
  12. All the cool kids hang out on discord.
  13. If only I had a nickle every time I heard this. I would still have nothing.
  14. I wouldn't add nabs, he will flake. He does this every year.
  15. I'm still playing on my 360.
  16. We will now have security escort the gentleman from the room who insists on improper name calling.
  17. The yeas have it, motion passes. From this point forward he will be known as red pants guy.
  18. All those in favor of "red pants guy" answer, "yea" all those opposed, answer "Nae".
  19. Where is my keys?
  20. Edited, the motion was seconded, I move for a vote.
  21. Ass
  22. I've only ever seen one pornhub link. It wasn't even porn.
  23. We got the mad beets, yo.
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