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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Only in some Christian Faith's, Catholicism most notably. Baptist, Pentecostal, Assembly of god. Church of christ and the like only baptize once the person reaches an age where they can understand what baptism is.
  2. In general I've personally had mouth breathers invade my personal space. In the Salon, they went overboard. I had to wear a mask during the entire haircut and at some points they would have me remove the strings and hold the mask.
  3. I love Norm Macdonald and Steven Wright. I've not really ever liked the Dane Cooks. It's been a while since I've seen Wright do anything. Norm did a bit on the Corona virus right before it blew up that was pretty funny.
  4. I got a haircut monday. All the salons opened back up here monday.
  6. She would find you.
  7. Hey! Where is my giraffes?
  8. This all screams hard pass. She could also be lying and trying to get pregnant to trap some poor bastard. Getting your dick wet just isn't worth either. Tell her to look you up after the kid is a year old.
  9. I got 8
  10. Happy birthday lady. I'm on mobile so I can't post fancy shit like the rest of these squares.
  11. They could place a feeding tube.....It's the least they could do.
  12. They'll never know.......go ahead and open it.....
  13. Maybe you were playing one those games and weird scienced that shit into the house?
  14. I'm overwhelmed with sadness. I will go drown my sadness with smoked meats.
  15. What if we don't have internet or five dollars?
  16. Collect all the toilet paper.
  17. Yoda was reallllllyyyy into those young padewans.
  18. Could be an earthquake or aliens.
  19. Smoked ham, none of that sugar cured or pineapple crap.
  20. East as in Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama. Oh yeah and Kentucky for good measure.
  21. I just looked all that up on the spc.gov website. Long track EF 2 and stronger tornadoes are a definite possibility this afternoon. If that area gets any sunshine today it could get pretty bad. Bad enough that they are considering upgrading the risk to extreme. Atm they have two mezoscale discussions, one in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma area and one in Texas.
  22. Welcome to the south. That's every other day here.
  23. I didn't see any one mention this yet. Sometimes on real wood, not fake wood, you can take a wet washcloth and put it over the dent, use a clothes iron and run it over it. The steam in some cases can bring the dents right back out. The urethane might still need to be reapplied.
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