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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Take the 55
  2. come on with it!
  3. Ass you say? Do go on.
  4. That took a hot minute.
  5. Civil asset forfeiture.
  6. My real life friends keep me up to date on who's in jail and who's banging who so I didn't need Facebook anymore. I was amazed by how much I could get done in a day when I got rid of all that crap.
  7. Getting rid of all social media cures this problem.
  8. I just ate a raw banana.
  9. You will have to subscribe to their only fans.
  10. Happy birthday lady, don't get shot.
  11. I had to blow pat...er....donate money.
  12. @Raptorpat this year's server fund raiser, Pat gets a tattoo of @Sawdamizer taint on his chest.
  13. Initially the pain from kidney stones are worse, then your kids grow up and turn into teenagers.... super pain.
  14. I'm here and have been waiting for like entire minutes.
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