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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Only if they put the plate on their forehead.
  2. Man, I hate it for her. Bless his heart. Bless her heart. I hate it for him. That tastes so good, if you put the plate on your forehead your tongue would beat your brains out trying to get at it.
  3. I call shotgun!
  5. I'm doing great.
  6. Just skip that and the milk and eat sugar straight from the bag.
  7. I only eat dry grape nuts shaped like death.
  8. I'm just going to skip the cereal from now on. Just going to put sugar in the milk and drink it.
  9. Did you at any point of your visit wonder about @molarbear broken penis or how it might get corrected?
  10. Glad your teef are straight and correct but will @molarbear's broken penis ever be corrected? Will he be labeled a Bill Clinton supporter for life? Will this up his street cred? Will he be quadrupling his body count?
  11. You were so worried you spammed the F5 key until your keyboard broke?
  12. S&P are all boomers.
  13. Why do blondes wear panties...... Ankle warmers. The implication here is that blondes are a very amorous lot. So much so that it would negate the need for undergarments except to maintain a constant ankle temperature.
  14. Shit happens. Amiright.
  15. I would tell them about asswatch.
  16. Me too.
  17. You can have it.
  18. You should get some ass cream.
  19. Get on my level bro.
  20. What if it was your super jacked pizza delivery guy?
  21. I drove around the outside of the Coronado national forest in Arizona. I think that's kind of a national park....ish.
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