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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. You think lonely Island got the idea for dick in a box from that?
  2. I would argue that I didn't fuck up. Stuff like this doesn't happen in real life without some hidden motive or agenda. I'm certainly not attractive enough to drop panties.
  3. The only thing that existed in her house was faucets and her bull dog that growled at me the entire time.
  4. She would never waste money on something like that. She has plenty of other reasons to beat me to death that don't cost anything.
  5. It would start, Dear Penthouse forum, "And he was beaten to death by his wife that was waiting in the truck."
  6. His younger much much smaller cousin maybe.
  7. I assume she was cold, being naked and all. She was very attractive.
  8. I never reacted just went about fixing stuff like everything was normal.
  9. I got called out to adjust some faucets on a house. The lady answered the door naked. She gave no fucks at all. Just showed me to the bathroom, chatted the whole time....naked.
  10. I would prefer they did sing it in Spanish.
  11. This was blasting at the job site today. I'm ok with tejano music, but totally not ok with pop country.
  12. Orange mound, then they all cry and give me 4.99 a minute.
  13. We need a plus ultra booty gif.
  14. It all depends. You should see your dentist and have them do an x-ray. One might have room but the others might not. I've never heard of medical insurance covering wisdom teeth but there's always a first time.
  15. Check for leaks. They bill both based off water usage. Tis the season for frozen hydrants. Easiest way to check is make sure nothing is running in the house, open the meter and see if the leak detector dial is spinning. It's the smaller triangle. If it's not you either have a water thief or kidney is jacking it in the shower to much.
  16. The opposite of what you just wrote here would be correct. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. "
  17. I have a hammer here, just waiting on stand-by.
  18. I hate that I'm just now seeing all of this but I agree with Buddy. This chick is screwing with you. Until she comes to you and says she's no longer engaged, leave it alone. Even if she does I would still advise against it. You don't just leave a relationship like that and get over it. Let the next guy she dates take that hit.
  19. Mine gets used to much for that to happen.
  20. Minimum of 5 feet. I've spent years building up herculean bladder strength.
  21. We have an over abundance of people who do DJ work but the only people who hire them are high schools that have dances. They literally just roll in with an I pad and press play.
  22. Spring gets us sprung.
  23. Screw all that noise, I'm hosing off the wall from 5 feet away from now on.
  24. Mostly anxiety with just a dash of depression sprinkled in for good measure. Also when the sun starts shining after all the dark days, a hyper active libido.
  25. All I have is a wish list. We don't have a karaoke place anywhere near hear. I would literally have to drive 4 to six hours just to start searching for a place. I live in a college town too. That's what makes it so crazy. This town only has dive bars. Not even good bars that serve good food.
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