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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Aerial view of this asshole and his garage couch.
  2. I don't hate it but I never have time for it. I had a funeral yesterday and then went to work. I didn't get home until 10:30 last night. This last year has been ridiculously. I still have customers wanting to be wait listed for three months. You can drive over and use my tractor if you finish all your yard work.
  3. I bought a Milwaukee chainsaw. So far it's been pretty awesome.
  4. I would be more ok with mosquitoes going away if I never had to watch jurassic anything. Unpopular opinion is Unpopular.
  5. Your main line is stopped up. Call the plumber or rent a cable machine. The plumber will be cheaper in the long run.
  6. It will eat the glaze out of the bowl and trap.
  7. It's pretty harsh stuff. We never use it as a rule. Some say it's a last resort but if things have gotten bad enough for you to use that then it's time to start replacing things. BTW, it reacts with almost everything in an older plumbing system. It can start fires and explode.
  8. I keep telling my wife it's my first time. She just rolls her eyes and points to the picture of our kid.
  9. When a man and woman get married...they touch each other's butts...baby is born.
  10. I vaugly remember them selling it to green bay. I never rode that death trap. Always just walked by it and pictured blood and bits of wood raining down.
  11. Liberty land?
  12. Use the third leg Luke.
  13. I just died inside. Wait I was already dead inside.
  14. I can only guess but I assume it's a California thing. Most national parks charge a fee for entrance but forests don't. None of the national forests here charge for hikes or entrance. None of our state parks charge. If you want to rent a camping space they charge but don't care about fires.
  15. I'm confused, you have to get a permit to go on a hike?
  16. I can tell you the weather by how much my knees hurt.
  17. Completely accidental. We were all just moments away from being swallowed.
  18. I work with A.I. it's not near as awesome as people think it is. It's only as smart as the person who programs it and even then it's pretty dumb. It's pretty much a buzzword because the publics lack of understanding.
  19. Sounds great on paper until you truly start to understand how literally "dumb" A.I. is.
  20. If you believe in the multiverse theory it's possible that it's inhabited by humanoids constructed entirely of your own feces. They could even be clones of yourself or friends or even your enemies.
  21. Happy birthday lady.
  22. I remember your hate for that song....hums...OH BABY YOOOOUUUU GOT WHAT I neeeeedddd.
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