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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. I'm pretty sure aim was still going when I was modded but we had mostly switched over to tinychat. At the end of aim it was coaster, shadow, ramo, girl with dreads, panic and me. There was one other guy and for the life of me....I cannot remember his name atm.
  2. Somebody spent a whole lot of money on Milwaukee.
  3. And we all laughed and pointed.
  4. It really wasn't. It was more just a place to bitch about work.
  5. I forgot the dead threads folder where we moved all the garbage to. You would think it would be mostly porn but in reality it was a massive folder of threads where we put all those ax grinding threads.
  6. There was no owl board but as Fox pointed out in the post above, there was a host of hidden folders. Most were just dead show folders or special event folders....also dead. Two were mod/admin folders. One was a board for abuse reports and the other was the mod cave. Nothing about either of the mod folders were exciting or special by the time I was modded.
  7. Ordering pizza hut, drinking mt dew and playing runescape all night.
  8. I kind of remember the list. It's all a bit fuzzy.
  9. Are eye rolls a feeling?
  10. In the series it was the protagonist brushing his sisters teeth.
  11. The erotic teeth brushing came from the monogatari series but was brought to the boards by Capt.
  12. My wife is my designated foot masseuse. It's my happy place.
  13. It's probably not about lamp.
  14. MrD once helped an old lady across the street....legally.
  15. A small relatively unknown store, Walmart. I doubt any of you have heard of it. They love oppression and so do I.
  16. Moparman was also the geeenhornet
  17. You might be surprised.
  18. I only say it at work.
  19. @Raptorpat ghostrek needs this to happen.
  20. Fact: Bears eat beets. Fact: I can't read this thread without thinking of this Fact: you should stick around after the reunion and post moar.
  21. 5ever
  22. https://web.archive.org/web/20120711045825/http://boards.adultswim.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/511474 It was in August of 05.
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