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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Works. Chokeson dick.
  2. Meat harness, whore mouths.
  3. I like it. Carnal Cunts.
  4. Sex toy names should have its own thread. Is Stink Fist a band name? Should be.
  5. I had a telemarketer call me a racist and a few other choice words when I told him I couldn't understand his super thick accent.
  6. Happy birthday dude.
  7. Vaginal thrusts.
  8. Would be a good name for an all female punk band.
  9. It did play, all 2 pixels.
  10. What 1990 flip phone did you film that with?
  11. Their hate doesn't bother me. Being a mod was a job. I've grown a very thick skin for numerous reasons, mod being the least of it. I just think if you take away the zenis and packards all thats left here is the mochis and that one self loathing dude who will never get laid.
  12. I already dislike upvoting and leaderboards. Nothing in my mind warrants down voting. I also don't mind the bickering. I think this folder needs both the fart joke posts and the occasional something serious, even if you guy's troll the target mercilessly.
  13. I did this 8 years ago.
  14. I've read studies where they suggest sex helps alleviate some of the pain from headaches. More specific orgasm does. I can honestly say it's never worked for me. My wife says it has helped her. I think it's really just the type of headache. I doubt a sinus headache would be helped.
  15. Seamen has protein, hit up ole lb. He can hook you up.
  16. Less than a year, it's all hormones. More than a year and you still don't mind hanging out.... It's "love".
  17. Sweaty boob rash.
  18. I would but I like metal work so much more.
  19. I learned to crochet when i was a kid. I've forgotten all of it now.
  20. Knit one, pearl two.....three......four........oh GOD!!!! Back to knitting.
  21. When do you find time to knit? Multitasker I bet.
  22. No but I know a guy....
  23. Have you tried drugs? I hear heroine stops most pain.
  24. Spc just upgraded the risk this afternoon for north Alabama, Tennessee and northern Georgia. Increased tornado risk and hail threat.
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