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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Post it in the food folder so we can all enjoy it.
  2. Your computer has seen some shit, man.
  3. And you put that phone up to your face.
  4. When i had a Fb i set up a person to take it down. They actually have a setting for that.
  5. All that auto erotic asphyxiation porn on your computer, everyone will know.
  6. Ragnorock? No spell check for ragnorock.
  7. Do you have a friend to delete your browser history and wipe your hard drive?
  8. Alphas don't hang out on message boards and tell people what's alpha
  9. Man my kid constantly gets hit on by some stupid hot girls. He's 18 and completely oblivious. I got some stories but I'm not typing out all that shit on this phone. He's not gay before anyone asks.
  10. Man I honestly don't get kids. My son has a female friend who he dates. He says they are friends. I say he's a bitch who lacks the balls to ask her out. My son isn't a lone example of this either. Most of the kids I know are about the same.
  11. Old and drop dead sexy (without the sexy).
  12. It will be another month and a half at least before I can start the garden. I'm kind of jealous.
  13. I was married and had a kid.
  14. This is true and since you look 12 maybe I should.
  15. They are all meat heads. Tell them it got cancelled and they might believe you.
  16. Did you ask her to go to McDonald's and tell her she could have any one item on the dollar menu?
  17. Lets just not observe it. Screw everybody else.
  18. Dancing dinosaurs?
  19. Everyone was eaten.
  20. Dinosaurs everywhere!!!!!!
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