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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Fuck linux, only hipsters use linux. Save your money and buy a throw away windows laptop.
  2. If all you are going to do is research, "watch porn", then it's fine. Most of your higher end productivity software won't work on the chromebook.
  3. If you have to work on it don't buy one.
  4. There is no such thing.
  5. It alwaysamused me in tinychat when people would "lol" after almost every sentence and never crack a smile.
  6. I agree. Big pink D.
  7. Just wait until you see the assless chaps I'll be wearing while cooking.
  8. I can be there in 4 hours.
  9. Reminds me of the great tea bagging incident of 74.
  10. It's probably not enough. Every Christmas we do a breakfast. Usually it's around 15 people give or take and what I just described would be gone in ten minutes.
  11. They make a drug for that.
  12. Your mouth is watering for some home made jelly.
  13. But not in a sexual way. Just some bacon, sausage, eggs. Maybe a large ham and some bomb ass gravy. Biscuits and some home made jelly too. Lets do this.
  14. I waited for like ever for someone to make this joke and here we are.
  15. If I ever make it back to the gym you will have to tell me where to get it.
  16. I'm still waiting for someone to post a recipe.....*COUGH COUGH*
  17. I have to protect vampires from people who write fan fiction.
  18. Never been a fan of protein shakes. Couldn't make myself choke them down when I was working out all the time.
  19. Borrow the money.
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