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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. I've run in to this a few times. Most scores I see are about ten points in either direction from what CC says. It's just not a good indicator of true scores. It does make it easier to see whats on your report so for that it's ok.
  2. Are you saying the raptor is an attorney? I could see him out chasing ambulances.
  3. Re read the nda.
  4. Pose was going to lawyering school but I don't know if he graduated.
  5. Dressup in all goth. Black head to toe. Might not get elected but it would be funny.
  6. Ikr, she looks way better in black.
  7. I haven't done one vut my mom has, she's mostly dutch. I assume since she and I share the same blood type and connectivetissue disorder I would be mostly dutch.
  8. We would need a lawyer. I don't think we have one of those yet.
  9. I had a dream once but then I got side tracked by youtube.
  10. We have everything here, bankers, entertainers, medical workers, construction, real estate agents, artists, and who knows what else.
  11. Watch all of this video. You know nothing about engineering or construction. This thread makes it abundantly clear.
  12. No one will need jeans when water covers the earth. Im investing in thongs now! (Genes, jeans, see what I did there?)
  13. Pssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssssssshhhhaaaaawwwww. Wear a sweat shirt.
  14. So whats the temp outside? 75?
  15. This is just lazy, I expect a higher level of trolling from you Zeni. What's sad is people still take the bait. Come on man, what happened to the days of fighting furniture or jumping off random shit in the park.
  16. Fake it till you make it. I've never considered myself attractive but I get compliments every rare once in a while. I just say thanks and move on. In business confidence is key. Know your product and know your strengths and play into them.
  17. We have a shit ton of blackberry vines. I could make some from those. I've had muscadime lots of times but the best was some home made stuff a guy I know makes from kool aid. Holy shit is it powerful.
  18. We can rebuild them, make them stronger..... if they produce this year I might try and make some wine.
  19. Apples and pears.
  20. I was about to say.....damn katts done been turned by the interwebs.
  21. She was just off camera trolling the dog.
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