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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. I laughed my ass off when they shot the hampster through the "o" in their sign. They missed and smashed the shit out of the hampsters and I could picture all the rage coming from triggered peta members over fake hampsters.
  2. I hate peppermint so I might bitch about it but I don't think I could cry. Also I don't think I have tear ducts. I have rage ducts.
  3. crackymckrackin


    Their free games were mostly just demos or worse.
  4. crackymckrackin


    Even when I had internet worthy of play it was over priced for the value.
  5. My wife has accused me of this when she forgets stuff. I accuse her of it when she gets in a mood and rearranges the house.
  6. No use crying over spilt milk. Just try helping the people you can to honor those you couldn't.
  7. Hes on twitter
  8. I was like 5000000 i liked legend more.
  9. Uou need to talk to your parents about the bugs and then we can drink.
  10. He would be to afraid to show.
  11. We need a token hispanic? I know people.
  12. Either or lets all get hammered
  13. Me and D usually agreed on stuff, he was aways busy with work stuff and wasn't able to mod much. If he would take a day off work I would go drink a beer with the D.
  14. They had a sliding rule on their own rules. Some of the stuff they just didn't care about. Some of them were strict. Some never made sense but we had to enforce them all the same. Most of the time if you wanted to get guidance on somthing as in why are we enforcing stupid shit we couldn't get a response because the admin hated dealing with anything boards related.
  15. I got invited a few times but never did it.
  16. Im a dick under this name too. I just don't have rules to enforce.
  17. I did my best to thwart you.
  18. I made it to owl and gave up.
  19. If you have a desktop or access to a machine that has a port you can upload the photos to google docs then download them to the cb.
  20. You can load it into google docs and pull it down onto the chrome book.
  21. Sounds pornographic.
  22. I might watch that.
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