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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Damn....DAMN.....DAMN.
  2. Wrap it with sand paper. All the protection you will ever need.
  3. He's going in dry, like the IRS.
  4. I would but I don't have the bandwidth. I only have satalite internet. All of it goes to work and I have zero phone signal here at home.
  5. First thing this month. I don't have FB so I need someone to see the pics of all the hipstery type shit I eat.
  6. Foreclosures and short sales, you aren't getting the deal you think you are. Pound sand assholes.
  7. There is a video on youtube that looks like a naked lady when you look at the thumbnail.
  8. I was expecting a lamp.
  9. My nephue and his wife are doing this. The have lost Soooo much weight.
  10. This year isn't as bad as it could have been. Next year we lose the child tax credit. I may never be able to make a loud fart again. You will just hear a loud whoooosh.
  11. After that fucking I just got by the IRS.
  12. Ugh, i finished all my C.E. for this state. Now to get the 24 for Arizona. At lest this state lets you get it all in one day. Arizona splits it all into different sections. Legal, contract, agency, general, and something else that I always forget. Even the online classes make you split it into days.
  13. 5 am, no 6 am, nope 7 am, no chance 8 am, not posting anything that shows the internet where and what im doing. 9 am, yeah no.
  14. Same shit right. Both are lizards.
  15. I blocked out the whole day for my cpa. I need a shower and a shave but honestly, he needs to smell my frustration.
  16. Sounds like a Geico comercial, love it.
  17. He's going bald and I still have all my hair and that whole "we look nothing alike thing." Other than that, sure.
  18. Twins run on both sides of my family and both sides of my wifes family. I was sweating bullets when she got pregnant. My twin looks and acts nothing like me. I haven't ever heard the low pregnancy equals twins thing. I know the pics of my mom were crazy. She looked like she was carrying a small elephant.
  19. Less than a minute for my twin and three years for my sister.
  20. Eh, it was just a thought that popped into my mind. What about Proactive Hymen.
  21. 2 dollar whores
  22. Yeast hole
  23. Is that a real shirt?
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