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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. I need to trim them. The picture doesn't do it justice. I should upload a vid to the ole youtube.
  2. Never reply to anyone. Make new posts in your threads directed at no one and never answer anyone's questions.
  4. I have done this on occasions.
  5. Breakfast of champions.
  6. Some days you feel like a feast, some days you just want fast and easy.
  7. Offer sex to settle your debt, like Kingpin.
  8. Shit I would wreck that. That looks good to me.
  9. I just call it that because it's not hamburger helper. I'm not a fan of most of their flavors anyway.
  10. Hey would take a picture of a pork chop, call it a steak, rub shit all over it and then put it in ronco mac n cheese.
  11. One box kraft mac n cheese and hamburger meat. It's not bad for a fast filling dinner.
  12. To your left one degrees.
  13. Happy birthday DMA.
  14. Just tell her Ayne Rand is the greatest and eugenics are awesome, you'll be plowing it in no time.
  15. Kitchen table then? You need a high surface to do a good windmill.
  16. You can freely windmill on your coffee table.
  17. No more adult toys from china.
  18. Meeting is over. It was just as much a waste as I knew it would be. I'm skipping the next three.
  19. To late, I'm already here pounding my head into a table.
  20. Its just sitting here listening to people talk about how awesome they are. I think it's work having to listen to it.
  21. Come ooonnnnnnn. You would love it. Listening to people pat themselves on the back could be the highlight of your day.
  22. Happy birthday person.
  23. Wake up, get ready for meeting, go to meeting, hear nothing at meeting while playing on my phone, leave meeting. Wednesday is my monday. Posting this thread is how I prep for the meeting. Anybody want to go in for me?
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