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Everything posted by //>wagz./

  1. //> you're canceled./
  2. //> oh I know it man I'm hype for it
  3. //> whoa whoa whoa whoa this is supposed to be a safe place free of the s.c.ps , but I liked it alot not the specific scp though, I dig the gtav5 mod videos they did more ./
  4. //> it is an amazing show season 4 might get dropped this year in September, I woke up early to binge season 3 before work the first day at 4 am ./
  5. //> well did ya finish season 3 yet ? /
  6. //> it's time to drink now then sleep ./
  7. //>wagz./


    //> I thought this was going to be a question/statement , I dont have either one of those ./
  8. //> say and did to you in a dream ? If so howd they react to being treated differently?/
  9. //> as long as there isnt a Native American on the packaging it's safe for everyone ./
  10. //> dont eat for four days out of the week ./
  11. //> be the hypoallergenic kid./
  12. //> how do you think everyone is doing with it ?/
  13. //> eh as long as ./
  14. //> it's the "enjoy sex virtually" that's gets me ./
  15. //> well it was my friday in the grassy field streets ./
  16. //> yes they are ./
  17. //> fight the powah ./
  18. //> progenitor emergence remembrance day ./
  19. //> so this morning about 6:05 6:10 I walk out to my shed with my coffee to see the street blocked by police, down the street a fully armored van full of military personnel along with 3 white vans also fully of military I dont know what was being raided but I know it wasn't simple swat./
  20. //> that's absolutely outrageous./
  21. //> alright if we put up evidence of embezzlement and put a sign that says for demonstration purposes only we can get away with it ./
  22. //> you could grow fish ina tank or pond ./
  23. //> cant forget that little bit at the end . That last little beep./
  24. //> a reboot on netflix or amazon would probably do well , maybe give it 4 or 5 seasons./
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