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Everything posted by //>wagz./

  1. //> get dungeons and dragons ./
  2. //> wow./
  3. //> congratulations, but that wall fan though ./
  4. //> that's whatcha whatcha whatcha get on level 5 ./
  5. //> if Michael Jackson did a gara cosplay ./
  6. //> I thought this was gonna be wholesome not horney./
  7. //> I will have nightmares about that ./
  8. //> for like 4 hours on my neck at a weird angle ./
  9. //> and someone is sexually attracted to smoke alarm Gilbert Gottfried./
  10. //> well why shouldn't I write a message here ?/

    1. scoobdog


      Indeed, why not?

    2. //>wagz./


      //> publicly private Is excellent./

  11. //> moustache car ./
  12. //> so say in the dream you and a friend are chilling but they some shit to you and you wake up and you call them in life and are the "what the fuck man" and they're like "I just woke up" and you say "from being a bastard ?", that kinda stuff ya know ./
  13. //> is manbearpig sexy to you? /
  14. //> I have a large corner lot. used to have 16 80ft pine trees along the fence line, the sandy happened, maintenance of my yard is bullshit ./
  15. //> carry on over there weirdos away from me ./
  16. //>wagz./


    //> I dont know if this is arousing./
  17. //> well are they attractive ./
  18. //> I went to work today ./
  19. //> circular rectangle I have a weird shaped lawn ./
  20. //> ah a good morning face squish ./
  21. //> of grandure yes ./
  22. //> well it is stupid to be judgemental of mental manifestations ./
  23. //> it emotionally happened ./
  24. //> yes , it's like when you're around someone who you know wants to say something truthful but hurtful and they sugarcoat it , but in dreamland they are flat fact and honest ./
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