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Everything posted by //>wagz./

  1. //> constantly rained out each day , candy bought , decorations put up all to waste , did that happen to yall ?/
  2. //> that stuff sucks honestly it's just for your body feel good time not mind feel floazy time ., dont mix it for gods sakes you dont know what'll do to ya ./
  3. //> do you live in the 90s to have an active arcade near you ,? What the hell is this reality where you can get quality figs from a simple machine for a fraction of its price?/
  4. //> that dog is taking a dump ./
  5. //> Anal guess ick ./
  6. //> it's an unhygienic side hustle from what I heard ./
  7. //> 15 pumps isnt enough ./
  8. //> very very nice ./
  9. //> yeah I realize I didn't say that in the post seemed like a long marathon, they did that with clone wars ./
  10. //> didn't know ./
  11. //> I dont expect any " hell" reference or good death scenes ./
  12. //> its gonna be my birthday day weekend, its gonna be great ./
  13. //> I like Danielccmovies , it's the funny one of all the robots voice recap channels that's popped up /
  14. //> CN is going to air episodes 1-6 starting with rogue one at 8pm ./
  15. //> no way that he is 5'7 ./
  16. //> you're 15 minutes late jesus , mirical pizza is not worth the wait and no tip ./
  17. //> good fight ./
  18. //>oh sorry I misconstrued that ./
  19. //> never heard of it was it really good ?/
  20. //> so you have to ask your master for forgiveness while you go get revenge and then comeback to the temple that's destroyed and you find your dying master and vow double revenge to find the true way of the blade ? I'm pretty sure JohnRedcorn just has clients he liked a little too much, but point being born with knowledge of survival is rare , I dont even know right now I just left the hospital and am still loopy./
  21. //> yeah I brought up hallucinogenic mushrooms it's not philosophical./
  22. //> it's all not even worth it anymore just watch reviews of shows and movies ./
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