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Everything posted by //>wagz./

  1. //> call me a scrub ima bite you from the hospital bed ./
  2. //> I would ask why ./
  3. //> it's just easy that way , its alright I take no offense but yes I am very disconnected from the reservation and have no contact with them other than the few older family members (seniors) who talk to a few friends down in NC ./
  4. //> we hate twizzlers who made this ?/
  5. //> what are the odds , finally someone I can chat with about whitey./
  6. //> so you'll abuse an animal tied to a stick .?/
  7. //> then she is super normal./
  8. //> does she try to drink out of the toilet while your on it ?/
  9. //> eco feminism is unhygienic./
  10. //> cause the rapes are graphic and prolific, is berserk shrink wrapped for the same reason if not it should be immediately./
  11. //> onomatopoeia ./
  12. //> that's all fine and well BUT TOU ARE GROUNDED .!/
  13. //> why am I No.2 ?/
  14. //> how hard is it to contain your inner goth when at work ?/
  15. //> wow
  16. //> well damn ./
  17. //> well what ever it was it's gone now./
  18. //> okay so it was just a shlub then ./
  19. //> like that movie sleepwalkers./
  20. //> is the west coast still burning.?/
  21. //> sometimes my dog thinks about killing me , and the squirrels outside conspire with him ./
  22. //> I've been one since 2008 ./
  23. //> well I guess you're old, everyone left me alone that is legitimately the best smile of all my grade school pictures. /
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