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Everything posted by //>wagz./

  1. //> in marvel canon I do not exist due to what vision did in the 80s ./
  2. //> play the funky music wide boi ./
  3. //> damn that's some street justice ./
  4. //> I'm just waiting to be stricken down by a lightning bolt ./
  5. //> oh no I'm not that mean ./
  6. //> that's fucking hilarious./
  7. //> what a whole pound of mozzarella?/
  8. //> to come right back at cha buckaroo ./
  9. //> what's with the right back at ya buckaroo on the bottom of it ./
  10. //> I can be a bundled up 18 jacket and 9 pants all kinds of warm at 45 and the blankets ohhhhhhhh ./
  11. //> IM JOINING CHOAS !/
  12. //> yeah , THE DEAF , she wouldnt hear what dumbass I sound like ./
  13. //> well I'm not picky anymore ./
  14. //> so you're a woman and I'm a mess , is that flirting ?/
  15. //> worst hand sign fight ever they said each word in Japanese in the English dub ./
  16. //> "coughs and farts "./
  17. //> as long as its affordable to kill werewolves./
  19. //> if we want to be techinichal I think it would be something from the 90s , but I just have netflix and it's not even mine ./
  20. //>wagz./


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