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Everything posted by //>wagz./

  1. //> it's a brand new dimension./
  2. //> a true king ./
  3. //> its always cold in hell ./
  4. //> yeah no stop it ./
  5. //> 4 births yesterday wow how the stars aligned./
  6. //> look a goat in the eye ./
  7. //> I dont let people know when I do ./
  8. //> decorated that
  9. //> depends, sounds good ./
  10. //> I dont like my bread moist , or toast , unless specifically for that dish but other wise no biscuits and gravy are the southern caucasians stereotype supper./
  11. //> actually watchable , it's like watching a telltale game play out, it has decent meme moments worth making a gif , and plenty of yeeting . Watch it ./
  12. //> jokes on you I'm into that shit ./
  13. //> Camp cretaceous, GO BINGE WATCH IT NOW !/
  14. //> and he isnt dead inside ?/
  15. //> if there was probably be a millennial ghost ./
  16. //> I have alot of ghosts in my house they dont interact much anymore , I'm not good to ghosts ./
  17. //> like werewolves and ghosts ./
  18. //> superstitions are a myth , cures are real ./
  19. //> so I wear hoodies wrong great ./
  20. //> aren't you supposed to wear it so the sweat goes into it ?/
  21. //> I walked up hill both ways ./
  22. //> yes you could try epoxy and the small magnets ./
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