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Everything posted by //>wagz./

  1. //> cause a little talk goes a long way ./
  2. //> yes ./
  3. //> that's what yall get for not being native American and not being born with the skills naturally in the brain to survive , come on make a fire with with sticks grab a fish with your hand and eat the hallucinogenic berries and mushrooms ./
  4. //>wagz./


    //> beep boo boo bop boo boo bop beep beep ./
  5. //> one percent it's the wife with an accomplice. /
  6. //> I watched it all last night and the censors missed at least 4 fucks during broadcast so it was a real treat , so many the can syndicate harley to nightly reruns ./
  7. //> never liked that answer part of why I stopped going to church also when your 8 and learn about what happens in churches you tend not to trust anyone working for the church./
  8. //> hey grim here's a linkin fiver./
  9. //> yaweh ( ya way ) , I ask this same question in Sunday school years ago( when the class went to the upstairs)and was greeted with the " I AM " crap , I said no , and then was told why lutherins say I AM ./
  10. //> thank you I tried hard for my garden this year ./
  11. //> eat 7 cherry tomatoes then the pasta so the sauce is premade in your stomache./
  12. //> I think I did a good job thank you ./
  13. //> risk takers ./
  14. //> bread sandwiches are good you can put anything on it ./
  15. //> you ever eat a bread sandwich ?/
  16. //> no that's down the block on the other street , this is probably cause it's kinda hideous on the outside, there is a realtor sign outside it so maybe I should contact them as would be buyer and see the inside , it could be listed for all I know. /
  17. //> you have made the most accurate statement about its physical appearance, it is incredibly lopsided and tilted at the same time , it's like a weird minecraft house with angles ./
  18. //> damn my loyalty to society./
  19. //> but why its little crooked and looks fine , I feel like I should just post a pic of the house, in 20 years 3 separate families lived there ./
  20. //> so I waltz on down back there and look and think , damn what did they do to be blocked by google ./
  21. //> you cant cancel the soul of America./
  22. //> if everything was locked customers would be more gingerly./
  23. //> three floors and a hot tub, they live it up ./
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