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Everything posted by JehutyNinja

  1. I don't drink anymore, really, but I do love blueberries
  2. Yessir, it's been an agonizing 4 days
  3. Wonder if it has a way to use the restroom, quickly, without total removal
  4. I'm thinking pharoe era cat + Native American spirit cat equivalent
  5. https://www.imperfectfoods.com/ It sounds good on paper, but they're fucking garbage. They took the things in my cart and, without me consenting or even prompting the order, just went ahead and billed me $25, reoccurring. I got my money back, but fuck these assholes. I'm sure there's text in there stating that anything in your cart will be shipped, but if they're not upfront about it, then that makes them predatory.
  6. I don't think I've ever had Panera in any form. I've never really heard anything one way or the other about them aside from they're pricey
  7. I dunno, but I'll take 28 right now, that's 18 higher than our high for today
  8. *squints* da fuq is happening here?
  9. Yes! Though I just took care of it when I woke up
  10. I'd love to hear him again, i miss his voice and mannerisms
  11. Plant that shit!
  12. You just got to work a certain spot, I'll get it for you šŸ˜œ
  13. I guess if the water flows off of number 3 straw it could go into the second cup? So 2?
  14. I didn't think you came off as that big of an asshole... but if you can fill those shoes, by all means
  15. Getting to the very end of a good anime or video game. Like, damn, that was good shit...and now it's all over...šŸ˜¢
  16. I legitimately cannot think of anything weird that Missouri has that other states don't. I suppose you can't talk about Kansas City and not mention BBQ in some manner and in that respect we do have something called "burnt ends" which are, arguably, the best parts of the barbecued brisket.
  17. I lost it when he began talking about having to take a shit and wondering how it'd smell.
  18. The way he eats his meat concoction at the end, he literally shoves the plate to his face and begins eating like the pig he is.
  19. I mean, I thought it was fake or a joke. But it's horrifically real.
  20. Yeah...just...no...nevermind
  21. In Colorado, specifically, Fort Collins, this dispensary I used recreationally, sold 1oz of top shelf for $120 after taxes, which works out to like $4.30 a gram The top tier shit "Wllies Reserve" is over priced garbage
  22. Yeah, me either, really. Sounds that incite certain emotions, I guess.
  23. That's really kind of awesome that you found that. I do know for a fact I've never heard it before until I heard it sampled in Man of the Year though. It doesn't give me a feeling that takes me back to say my childhood or something... it's like...an organic mechanical sound that I recall hearing, which I know is a bit of a paradox, like through some primordial ooze or something. I don't know how to accurately describe the feeling that the sound brings.
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