Spy by Norman Garbo - Finished 3 weeks ago. Great read, terrible fucking ending.
The Cay by Theodore Taylor - Finished in a single session. Short novel, but it was a very good, enjoyable read, even despite most of it being pretty racist. It made me hate the main character all throughout the book. Yes, I realize it was written and set in a different time, but holy shit.
The Hobbit - Finished like a week ago. Spectacular read with awesome pacing, was left yearning for more. No complaints here. *edit* I lied, one, kinda major complaint: I was more than disappointed at how Smaug was so easily defeated. I understand the moral, but dammit, it was a very interesting character that was easily dispatched. I wanted more interaction with the dragon, fleshing out how cunning and witty it was, but alas...
Dr. Death by Jonathan Kellerman - Currently reading, on hold. This one was hard for me to get into but it has grown on me. I look forward to finishing it someday.
Lord of the Rings - Currently reading. It's a great read so far, but I feel like The Hobbit had more flow. I never knew how much the books differ from the films and I would love to see a remake following closer to the books, even though it means longer runtimes. Still, I'm really enjoying this all-in-one, bible-esque edition.
Jack Reacher: The Enemy - Still reading, on hold. Holy shit, this book is brutal. It's great reading material, though. I've never had a book describe a scene that actually made me wince in pain and I love it.