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Everything posted by JehutyNinja

  1. Legal recreational is pretty garbage tier But legal medicinal...mmmm, let me tell you
  2. Budtender is at least 100x less pretentious than an Apple "genius". But nice man, hope you got some good stuff
  3. Like you don't belong on this planet. That give you a sense of despair, of longing. Like a sound your soul has heard eons ago and harkens you to a whole other lifetime. This isn't really like a song that makes you feel nostalgic. It's parts of songs that put a pit in your stomach, because you've heard it before, but you don't know where, yet you yearn to be back in that moment. Anyone kinda get what I'm talking about? My example is the beginning part of Man of the Year by Schoolboy Q...that part does play throughout the whole song, but hearing it by itself takes me somewhere...I dunno, not here
  4. Maybe in some parts of the state, but generally you don't greet people you don't know here
  5. Let me help you with that
  6. If you look at the time between my posts, you'd see that I copypasta'd as well. My words, just from a different forum
  7. I'll grab them and singlehandedly end the "coin shortage"
  8. Spy by Norman Garbo - Finished 3 weeks ago. Great read, terrible fucking ending. The Cay by Theodore Taylor - Finished in a single session. Short novel, but it was a very good, enjoyable read, even despite most of it being pretty racist. It made me hate the main character all throughout the book. Yes, I realize it was written and set in a different time, but holy shit. The Hobbit - Finished like a week ago. Spectacular read with awesome pacing, was left yearning for more. No complaints here. *edit* I lied, one, kinda major complaint: I was more than disappointed at how Smaug was so easily defeated. I understand the moral, but dammit, it was a very interesting character that was easily dispatched. I wanted more interaction with the dragon, fleshing out how cunning and witty it was, but alas... Dr. Death by Jonathan Kellerman - Currently reading, on hold. This one was hard for me to get into but it has grown on me. I look forward to finishing it someday. Lord of the Rings - Currently reading. It's a great read so far, but I feel like The Hobbit had more flow. I never knew how much the books differ from the films and I would love to see a remake following closer to the books, even though it means longer runtimes. Still, I'm really enjoying this all-in-one, bible-esque edition. Jack Reacher: The Enemy - Still reading, on hold. Holy shit, this book is brutal. It's great reading material, though. I've never had a book describe a scene that actually made me wince in pain and I love it.
  9. Nice copypasta
  10. *squints eyes* I feel like you're implying we're old
  11. Ewww, swear every family's got one
  12. It was probably the one of you parkouring
  13. Oh... well now I'm even more confused. I want to apply
  14. Well I'll tell you what he's not doing... Being a productive member of society
  15. Why is Power capitalized?
  16. It's Ultima a little girl?
  17. He's wishing he was in some little girls pants
  18. Plz no kinkshaming on this glorious day
  19. Mmmmmm duck sauce, hot and steamy, dripping down my face
  20. I think you guys should have a benchmark off
  21. King Ghostrek needs a nice massage in his nether regions
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