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Everything posted by JehutyNinja

  1. I'm not a fan of those things that they call marshmallows and even if they used actual marshmallows somehow I find that would be worse
  2. I've been "learning" Mandarin for a solid month and really have nothing to show for it
  3. Oh a pizza roll kabob even, that's the next level shit right there
  4. Remember when Cookie monster ate veggies? It's like that
  5. I'm erect
  6. Let's grill pizza rolls
  7. I hear she slept with the Walmart CEO, sealing the deal on Sears demise
  8. Yes, though I think it was meant with claws. Fewer things are warmer and softer than that plus it means a kitty really trusts you if they expose their belly to you. I may or may not have even given raspberries
  9. lol touche, damn
  10. I dunno if I can unhinge my jaw far enough for that slab of cockmeat
  11. Well someone had to pick the Fuck Me? option...
  12. How fitting that your job title matches your persona
  13. Meth, lots of meth
  14. I don't know, they were getting awful cliquey
  15. Malt liquor, imo, is disgusting
  16. Good, now if only he were in it when it was demolished
  17. Lemme lick it
  18. Why can't we have a friendly circle jerk?
  19. Did Discord get too boring for you guys?
  20. It would be messy and the pre-cuts would just get covered by the melted cheese and toppings, causing you to have to cut all over again
  21. I imagine Time Warner was really happy when that legal nightmare dissolved
  22. Uh... yes? Are you answering them?
  23. There's nothing like having a bloody, bruised, and pulpy stump left after a good masturbatory session
  24. Fuggs has a sex tape, you can't tell where the skin begins or the jar of mayo ends
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