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Everything posted by JehutyNinja

  1. Wagyu butter burger
  2. It looks very custom and maybe even hand made, if you look at the sun design (or whatever you wanna call it) in the very last picture you posted, you can see that they're not the same, which makes me rule out that they're manufactured. They look like a painstaking project.
  3. Thank jebus someone sees the potential. They all pointed and laughed, said this isn't real science. But we'll show 'em... we'll show 'em all!
  4. Wouldn't have it any other way
  5. I'll be gentle
  6. Serious science business here. The experiment? I'm going to blow shotguns into someone's butthole to observe effects. No pay, just blowing smoke up your ass.
  7. Laffy Taffy called They said "stop"
  8. I'm assuming he meant "did he really have bars?"
  9. and it's been almost five years since it first aired, she ought to be about 21 now
  10. I wish she'd levitate right above my face
  11. ?? I'm confused, since that video was a montage of many games edit: or are you saying that you got a game that you can't remember the name of?
  12. Remember how it wasn't even the whole ass game? Never played the remake but if I were a fan of shitty cookie cutter RPGs, I'd be upset
  13. I saw, essentially, a kamehameha, maybe a bolt of lightning?, going through my face the last time I was high on shrooms and looking in a mirror. That was cool
  14. Wow Somehow shittier than Nickleback themselves
  15. Well you got me hooked Where's this danged vidya? wtf, spacing
  16. erm, ok I love you
  17. not really a quote but I swear to fuck anytime even jokingly someone mentioned nudes, fuggs was way more than willing to show off her beef curtains
  18. well I didn't want everyone else to know of our exploits, but I was thinking tonight, baby
  19. almost thought this was a joke or some copypasta or something but it sounds pretty legit
  20. Hmm, maybe cover your fist in rose petals and lit candles
  21. Lesbian cousins
  22. Out of the two that you posted I prefer that tan colored one.
  23. No? I didn't know I had to donate to think that it was a good cause. If money weren't so tight, I'd donate enough to help but not enough to win, I definitely don't want to make that call, especially considering I can't decide on my own tattoos.
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