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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. She proud, but she also blep.
  2. PUPDATE: She had a bath.
  3. But not too tired to post a thread to tell everyone. I'm going to sleep.
  4. 20,000 Leagues.
  5. It's okay. It's alright. It's okay and alright.
  6. Right on Geoffrey's coffin. Just on top of it.
  7. Wasn't that a scene in Game of Thrones?
  8. 3 and a half inches.
  9. Pink Starburst are the best ones.
  10. I have work.
  11. Won't You Be My Neighbor? is the best movie of 2018.
  12. Had a dream I was at an outdoor market and there was this ice cream stand that sold ice cream. I bought a bowl with a scoop of strawberry and a scoop of mint, and as I was about to stick the spoon with the ice cream in my mouth I woke up. Didn't get to have this amazing combination of flavors. My brain hates me.
  13. That doesn't even rhyme. 2/10.
  14. Happy Bud-day!
  15. Ay gurl how YOU doin 😘
  16. I like Bjork because she was married to Space Ghost that one time.
  17. All the ladies: Send boobs to my inbox.
  18. Straight to my inbox.
  19. Why does the mustachioed one look so angry while the stubbly one looks so sad?
  20. Daww precious baby.
  21. It's why they all turned into Tang.
  22. She's a clone and doesn't have human rights as human cloning is illegal so no one has advocated for how clones should be treated. Also why Ritsuko never faced any jail time for murdering Rei that one time.
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