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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Its name is Robert Paulson.
  2. It still works, just don't do anything in bed suggested by Magic 8 Balls, Zoltan machines, or those little paper pyramids that school kids make.
  3. I got this gem once.
  4. Pupdate: Layla's got a heart on her nose.
  5. ALL AROUND THE WORLD Statues crumble for me
  6. Go kill some Fembots.
  7. Cowards, the lot of you. Afraid of a board game.
  8. Aiko = Best Waifu
  9. Hunie Pop
  10. Today I am a lion.
  11. Mango Dragonfruit Refresher sounds good but extra af. HOLY SHIT THAT ME
  12. Only got 32 more to go.
  13. Ay gurl how YOU doin 😘
  14. Crazy fuckin Alaskan rednecks living off the grid except they have a goddamn reality show about them being stupid insane lunatics living out in the woods and building a cabin instead of just living in society like real actual humans. Fuck this shit, man. Stupid as hell.
  16. Put a hot wet towel on your head and drink some tea.
  17. They are the best.
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