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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I refute your claim and submit another option.
  2. I want to say no, simply because I like the Harry Potter books, but at the same time I could see it happening. Hermione seemed to be the type who knows what's good for everyone with her elf liberation and trying to sneak clothes into the dishes and shit and free the elves that wanted to stay and work in Hogwarts without opening a dialogue with them to figure out what the elves themselves wanted, so it kinda makes since that on transgender issues she'd think she knew better than someone who was trans. But also, in the wizarding world don't you think they could just reassign their genders by magic? I mean they had people who could transform into animals, and with polyjuice potion they were able to transform into other people for a short time, so I would think that transgender issues wouldn't be a major deal in their world.
  3. Look. I'm gonna need you to surrender your cat to me so I can cuddle it.
  4. This is definitely an album cover.
  5. Red hair is a +4 to hotness but also a -2 from sanity.
  6. I thought 2020 was a part of the title and I agreed that it is definitely a good time to kill 2020. Let's just skip the rest of it and go to 2021. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR ME YOU BETTER CHECK UNDER THE SEA
  7. Olmec?
  8. The hit boxes in the final round were bullshit. I don't think I ever saw a team win. I preferred Legends of the Hidden Temple.
  9. I went and got my floof did because pandemic be damned it deserves the best.
  10. If it's not the PAL version, the remaster is actually a good time. You get the secret boss fights with the Dark Aeons and Penance in the remaster.
  11. I've plugged a fuckton of hours in the original PS2 version, and a couple years ago I bought the FFX/X2 HD Remaster on Switch. My computer doesn't have the processing power to run it fully, experiencing slowdown when trying the chocobo races and using Tidus's Overdrive moves, but it played well enough I was able to beat the game after a shitload of hours overpowering my team and unlocking mostly everything (I accidentally killed Yu Yevon with a single attack from Tidus that hit the broken attack limit of 99,999). I found out the HD Remaster got released on the Switch and since I just finished Fire Emblem Three Houses, it's time for me to put another few hundred hours into this game.
  12. I don't really care for fish, so fish sticks are a no for me. Also just yesterday I found out about a movie called Padak. It's a South Korean animated movie from 2012 where an ocean mackerel is caught and sold to a fish market and kept in a tank with other fish and plots an escape because the fish in this tank are kept and served alive to patrons. So it's like a really traumatic ass movie like Watership Down or The Plague Dogs or Felidae. Ask me for more opinions on random bullshit.
  13. Like he can type with those sausage fingers.
  14. If any alien life developed like humanity has developed over the course of millions of years, that means they haven't figured out intergalactic travel either. Takes too long to travel through space and get anywhere significant. Also no advanced lifeforms that knew how to travel faster than light or how to manipulate spacetime to jump through wormholes would consider anything on earth worth stopping for, unless they were specifically looking for resources which would mean they'd just ignore us like we ignore ants and take what they want, or otherwise they'd exterminate us to get to what they wanted.
  15. in the shape of an L on her forehead
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