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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. You might’ve seen this manga panel floating around of Mineta casually confessing to Deku while trying to get him out of his vigilante phase. It’s something that’d be interesting to discuss because of how polarizing it’s been. Even though his phrasing 惚れた (horeta) is often used in a romantic light, fans are begging him to be straight and have it be a mistranslation because erasing his bisexuality means that they wouldn’t have to associate a repulsive molester with being bi, especially with the amount of fictional villains who are revealed to be bi only to emphasize their depravity. At the same time, I think that Mineta being bi would be his one saving grace. He treats women horribly and is a monster towards them for the sake of comic relief, but he has an innocent enough association with men that his one outlet to express his sexuality in the healthiest sense possible would have to be his mild confession to Deku. Unlike the bi villain trope, his confession is an expression of bisexuality that is rooted in genuine affection and admiration rather than over the top lust. It shows far more strength to his character that he can let his guard down and drop his generally sleazy personality entirely for a confession like this. I’d be more adamant about throwing him out if he was clearly willing to sexually assault men too or if he assaulted men from the get-go, but at this point, Mineta having a pure romantic relationship with a guy would be the one thing that doesn’t make him a complete dumpster fire of a person. That, and with how pissy the fandom is about their ships and their willingness to destroy peoples lives if it means representing fanon LGBT+ relationships, it’s amusing that the first character Horikoshi is willing to let come out would be the one nobody would expect but everyone would loathe.
  2. Pretty sure it’s people trying their damndest to place some kind of value on a used manga. They go into a store or warehouse at a $10-$20 value, but once it’s purchased, you couldn’t pay someone to buy them at a rate higher than a dollar each. I ended up giving away stacks of Bleach and Black Butler to thrift stores because they were worthless by the time I wanted to sell them online.
  3. Darling in the FRIES is looking good
  4. My favorite scene from End of Evangelion was Arthur’s Big Hit.
  5. “Where are my testicles, Alexis!?”
  6. In the comics, Spider-Man had his first fight with the Lizard nearby. In the MCU, the Agents of SHIELD poked around where I’m at, but my area’s biggest appearance was in Iron Man 3. It was amusing to see them pass off a popular historical mansion as the main bad guy’s home.
  7. That's awful. I'm thankful for his work on Black Lagoon & Re:Creators and adore his design for Quetzalcoatl from Fate/Grand Order, but I'm just hoping it wasn't hard on him to make all of this happen or that it didn't cause him to put self-care on-hold. Hopefully, he has the freedom to continue Black Lagoon at his own pace and is able to get the help he needs to take care of his health and overcome his depression.
  8. Every new photo of Ben Affleck has a beard that looks even more disheveled than the last.
  9. It can be Superman’s dog if someone makes an NFT of it.
  10. If I’m wearing it while I’m out, I only take it off when I’m getting ready to eat. It is a non-suave lardass response, but if I’m eating with my hands or need to pick up a cup, my ring would either get messy or clank into everything I touch.
  11. Nobody will expect it when Sephiroth shows up for the Fencing finals.
  12. I don’t think there will be any NDA’s involved for this dub, so this could be a good comeback role for Chris Niosi.
  13. Only the English cast for Bible Black could do this justice.
  14. It’s pretty ballsy to test drive a new original anime on Toonami, especially when Fena isn’t a robot or emotionless. The show looks good, but hopefully it does well cause I know some folks will be pissy about it not being Chainsaw Man or JJK, and dislike it out of spite for not being shounen.
  15. To play for as long as humanly possible before starvation or exhaustion kicks in.
  16. All these years, and he still has folks calling him Rye-u.
  17. If I have to give Netflix any credit for the live action Cowboy Bebop, they didn’t deflate everyone from the get-go like with their Death Note film. Aside from Edward, everyone looks intact and they went out of their way to announce that Yoko Kanno is there. They seemed to have tried hard to cover their tracks when it came to any news that would make this look like ass. By this point, you would’ve found out that Willem Dafoe and Lakeith Stanfield weren’t going to save the film from the blonde & angry Light Turner of Canada, and that’s before you actually watched the film to see it was even worse.
  18. I have to ballpark it around summer 2007, so it’s been maybe 15 years of all this.
  19. Chapinator_X

    Steam Deck

    I already spent so much on the PS5 that I’ll have to bow out. It sounds tempting though since my laptop has a hard time handling some of my more demanding Steam games.
  20. 85 and some fans works. I’m used to a warmer climate so even though I’d be alright with 45, it’d be more of a shock for me.
  21. If it’s the push mower, it’d be straight lines in a zigzag motion. But if we’re talking the ride mower, it’d be circling around in a square shape.
  22. Congrats!! The married life is a great one.
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