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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. It could also be the difference between US 2016 and US 2017
  2. http://money.cnn.com/2017/01/28/media/it-cant-happen-here-1984-best-sellers/ For frame of reference, here are some highlights from the list as of January 29th, 2017: 1. 1984 by George Orwell 4. It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis 15. Brave New World by Adous Huxley 17. The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt 22. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood 28. Animal Farm by George Orwell 32. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  3. I Have Been Left in Crippling Debt Thanks to My Troublesome Gundam Model Kit Addiction!!! Why Don't All Schools Teach You How to Not Die Alone and Unkissed!? Conjuring up Sexy Ghost Girls at an Abandoned Psych Ward Turned Out to Be a Wonderful Mistake! Aye or Neigh!? The Student Council President Turned into a Horse, but I Still Think She's Hot! Is it Wrong for Me to Ask My Yandere Girlfriend to "Disappear" People I Hate??? My Spouse is Attracted to My Best Friend, but I Sucked Him Off First!
  4. Usually it's tanktops or sleeveless that I really like seeing. Like even things like sleeveless dresses or sweaters. Sleeveless dress shirts are a gift. Sandals are a part of the foot thing, but the painted nails and sandals combo does it for me. I'd also like to add clothes that are too tight. That feeling when you see a picture where the bikini is too tight for the boobs or the thongs too tight for the butt...??????????
  5. Tanktops and sandals
  6. UnHung Hero was a hilarious documentary on Netflix in that this guy is desperately trying to find a purpose in life after his girlfriend refused to marry him at a basketball game because he has a small dick. He keeps surveying people about how it doesn't matter to have a small dick, but everyone's just kinda ambivalent about it while the guy feels like he's on a mission to not fall into a deep depression.
  7. See, I wasn't crazy. Vic Berger knows what's up
  8. I only got to watch the first episode of it, but I've heard good things. I should finish it up at some point.
  9. Chapinator_X


    He sucked in Batman v. Superman
  10. Ah final season? I really enjoyed Portlandia while it was going on. I guess at some point they have to end it, but at least there'll be one more season for '18
  11. Maybe Super will be his moment of glory where he gets saiyan powers above the rest, beds supermodels, and doesn't get pounded into a crater regularly.
  12. But think of all the hentai you'd miss out on. We're even reaching innovations in VR where hentai can be real. It's amazing. That's gotta be worth living for, right
  13. The day Light taught Matsuda and the police how to swim like Olympians
  14. But if I'm not the real Rei...
  15. Korean BBQ
  16. I bought one around Christmas time last year for gf. Takoyaki is important to us and it was hard to find an authentic pan until I did some traveling.
  17. Chapinator_X


    Is the west coast really the best coast though?
  18. Can you pay my bills? Can you pay my telephone bills? Do you pay my automo' bills?
  19. I want to take his face......(hand motions)............off. Face.....................off
  20. Chapinator_X


    Was he like James Franco from Spring Breakers?
  21. Blackjack Backgammon Clue Cards Against Humanity Chess Charades
  22. Economic Left/Right: -7.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.69 Not ascribing to the labels on the fan made guide because they look like Packardisms
  23. 8============D~~~~~~~~~~ :L ( . ) Y ( . )
  24. The Pillsbury Doughboy had too much fun all over the donuts
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