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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Darkstalkers :( :( :( :( :(
  2. I only played the 2nd one, but the serum time limit killed the immersion for me. I wanted to explore and rummage for supplies, but had to remember not to take my time so I can trudge back to the home base to use the Zombrex shot before it's too late.
  3. I don't think anyone gave him a link to the site. He's probably found much greener pastures at a Totally Spies fan forum...or the comment section of Deviantart.
  4. I think I usually go for Blue Moon summer beers, but Sam Adams is a beer I can enjoy any season. :brownbottle:
  5. When all of the topics of the front page are about Totally Spies replacing everything on Toonami
  6. "What" ain't no country I ever heard of!
  7. I tried to make a Butterbeer at Starbucks, but the recipe only tastes like it for a split second. I've had their Red Tuxedo Mocha and Dirty Chai though.
  8. It's a terrible day for rain. What do you mean? It's not raini— Yes. It is. Oh. So it is.
  9. "It is not what you think; I was bitten by a snake, and the nice lady, she came to suck out the poison. The story, she no work very well."
  10. To me, it came into its own once Danny Devito showed up. However, if you don't like watching the gang try to sabotage eachother's sociopathic/hedonistic plans, it won't be your cup of tea. The humor is in the lengths they go to get what they want only for it to blow up in their faces because either that's not normal behavior or they're petty enough to ruin eachother and themselves in the process of trying to get what they want.
  11. EVA4 sim date rpg http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/117511
  12. I'm steering towards Tae in the first run
  13. She's gorgeous... Now I'm in a tug of war between her and Kawakami. I'm almost near the end of May so I've got time, but unfh, it's always a hard choice.
  14. I like how most of these studies never focus on moderation. They always "recommend" it, but they get overly clickbaity with their studies. "Yes, drink 4 cups of coffee in a day, you'll be stronger. Just don't drink 15!". I used to drink alot, but 1 or 2 cups a day is good enough for me. I only do dark roast though. I'm not a fan of sour or tart coffee.
  15. If you click and drag one of the bottles away, it's like your cursor is grabbing a beer off the shelf.
  16. It was more creative than my default Machamp name, Bara
  17. I watched Kancolle for Kongou and Poi, but ended up dropping it because it got boring.
  18. It's just going to be Nine Inch Nails lyrics fed through a Vocaloid program, isn't it?
  19. The main appeal for sports anime either comes from the fujoshi who want to see male bonding, or a more serious show if it must involve women. Keijo's concept was too eccentric to fit either bill. It wanted to be ecchi, but it also wanted to be taken seriously, and that can be kryptonite for a big dumb show. The male MC point works against it on an ecchi format, cause guys who are watching fanservice anime like to have a blank slate avatar for them to imagine themselves in their scenario. Keijo didn't offer that to them, and was coasting off of the hope that they would be able to enjoy it for the titillation/plot without having to feel personally involved in it. The last point is subjective though. It was a fun series that was amusing to watch and easy on the eyes. If a plot being compelling is a litmus test on sales, then there's alot of uncompelling plots that shouldn't be selling nearly as much as they are.
  20. From what I gather, Oriental is usually acceptable when you're talking about fabrics, markets, medicines, or the classical notion of Orientalism through the fascination/exoticism of the art and culture from the Middle East and Asia from the 19th century. When you refer to Asian people as Oriental, that's where you hit the problem. It's not comparable to a hard-hitting slur, but it comes off similarly to Urban. People say Urban Contemporary music or Urban Fiction, but it rubs people the wrong way when Black people themselves are called Urban.
  21. That's a shame that he was pressured to cut the cord even before the anime released. It was a fun concept, but too eccentric for the general audience when they've been on more of an isekai/light novel kick lately. His publishers also dicked with him by refusing to promote his work or get him enough assistants for him not to pass out from exhaustion. Judging from the situation, it seemed like the anime gave him just enough legroom to end the manga without it being abruptly cut off by the publisher or karoshi.
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