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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I've been playing Persona 5 for the past couple months. I'm on my second playthrough, but this time I'm playing in Japanese. Also playing some phone games. FFRK, FEH, and FGO are my top priorities.
  2. That might be the case for me
  3. He just slumped over and called it a day. Shane and The Rock, however, made it a full-on performance.
  4. I remember hearing about how badly Donald sold the Stone Cold Stunner. They also had a match where an impersonator fight against a Rosie O'Donnell impersonator.
  5. The Chuck Tingle collection
  6. Secretly We Are Gay
  7. * Guin Lineford from Turn A Gundam. * There's alot of speculation about Trowa and Quatre from Gundam Wing. * 00 had Ribbons and Alejandro in a sexual relationship. Then there's Tieria.
  8. Darling is the only one I'm skeptical about, mostly because it seems like it'll be more of A1's creation. I know SSSS is going to be phenomenal because the director made Inferno Cop. Promare has the most promise of being good because Imaishi's back in action. As far as PSG goes, Gainax would have to hand that over to them for that to be possible, and I can't see that happening any time sooner.
  9. I had to watch some movie called Sleight that the WWE made when my cousin wanted to see a movie. It was very bland, and had a dumb ending where the main guy scares Dule Hill out of his contract to sell drugs by using his Iron Man powers his highschool science teacher helped him out with. The other last movie I saw in theaters was LA LA Land, which also blew chunks. The point being that I can definitely see why going to the theaters is a mistake for many films unless they're 100% special
  10. That's one reason I still have reservations. The first FLCL were OVAs born from giving amateur animators at Gainax free reign to experiment and create their own short story with a decent budget and incentive to get weird with it. FLCL 2 & 3 seem like they came about because Americans won't shut up about wanting a sequel, and Gainax has nothing better to do since Anno's been holding out on Eva 4.44 and the rest of their creative department that made good shows moved to Trigger.
  11. Chapinator_X


  12. The only solace he could have in his wake is that a pizza chain paid tribute to his unkissed pizza face with their name.
  13. Altria (aka Arturia), but the one that has the blue F/SN outfit. The free one came in too with the Lily outfit, but I'm not sure what the difference would be aside from one less star on Lily. Might go through some daily quests to help get some experience and level her, Mash, or Medusa Rider. Not sure how well Marie Antoinette is because I have her in 4*, but am still learning about point allocation. So far, I believe my user ID is 357,833,206. Not sure if my Saber shows up as the first support, but I'd hope so. I've seen a couple Old Waver supports that help out a lot, but I hear Berserker's great.
  14. Also, in Enter the Matrix, I defeated an Agent by shooting it repeatedly with a grenade launcher until it disappeared. Even though the game was feces, I felt like the real Neo by actually successfully destroying an Agent without being Keanu.
  15. Looks promising so far.
  16. I caved in and gave it a try for the tablet. After I rerolled, I got a 5* Saber, so I'm pretty content with it. Also, made my main guy a Shiki. Also also, it's only been a couple missions, and I'm already invested in Mash.
  17. I'd imagine if their main expertise is working in animation, their only exposure to Vespas would be through a certain [as] anime with Vespas.
  18. As goofy as the topic is, beer does offer some health benefits in moderation. Meanwhile, none of the corn syrup or chemicals in soda are beneficial at all.
  19. Don't wander too far off the beaten path
  20. It almost feels like a place that exists
  21. A perfect day to bask in the warm glow of a television set.
  23. I also watched this while it was airing It was an amazing show. Not as intricately animated as the OVAS but the story and characters were great. I adored Ursula and her story. Lotte, Sucy and the Amanda/Jasminka/Constanze team were wonderful too. I'm looking forward to hearing the dub though so I'd absolutely rewatch the English version on Netflix
  24. I'll see if it works well with my tablet since my ancient phone can't take more than Record Keeper and Fire Emblem Heroes. If Ishtar is there, I might just have to invest more of my time in these F2P phone games.
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