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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. I would think it possible, I wouldn't want to risk it if it were myself. Can't imagine they have too many parades there...
  2. Why would you lubricate a news agency? That's just silly
  3. also, i'd like to point out that if you are a gay iranian man who gets caught touching a peen once, you're executed. But a woman who licks three vaginas is safe, but that 4th instance of lesbanon food....
  4. ...... ....been reading this chart.... i don't... ...i got nothing.... what the fuck
  6. Poof, for real, don't ever go to Saudi Arabia. I'm not sure what country you're thinking of, but it ain't that one
  7. what wait what the fuck "Two transgender people were packed in sacks, thrashed with sticks and tortured to death, according to human rights activists. Police allegedly killed 35-year-old Amna, and Meeno, 26, both Pakistanis, after raiding a house in Saudi Arabia and arresting 35 transgender people."
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Saudi_Arabia Gender identity[edit] The Saudi government views cross-dressing and any sort of transgenderism as being prohibited under Islamic jurisprudence, and is therefore illegal.[27] Criminal sanctions for cross-dressing tend to be the same for homosexuality, i.e. torture, whippings, fines, imprisonment, capital punishment, and, for foreigners, deportation. The Saudi government does not permit sex change operations to occur in the kingdom, and it does not allow people to obtain new legal documents to have their gender changed on their documents. Much like with homosexuality, family members may feel obligated to kill an LGBT sibling or relative in order to "save face" or restore the family's honor and esteem within the community. In 2017 two transgender Pakistanis were tortured to death by Saudi police.[28]However, a statement from the Saudi interior ministry said the reports were “totally wrong and nobody was tortured”.[29][30] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/transgender-pakistani-saudi-arabia-tortured-death-amna-meeno-11-custody-lgbt-rights-human-a7607446.html
  9. is it racist of me to ask "do they really, though?" I'm going to double-down on my own racism and ask "do they actually?" because the world around us The saudis? of saudi arabia?
  10. don't they jail rape victims for adultery though? or am I thinking of a different major middle eastern country? maybe UAE is the one I'm thinking of, I mix them up because I'm terrible
  11. Great whites rarely if ever eat fish once they reach a certain size. Not enough fats, they only eat fish when they are wee babbys And hammerheads eat a lot of rays and shellfish.
  12. I had two grandmas and a nana. Nana's the only one still kicking around. I should give her a call.
  13. Everyone always trying to find waldo... "Where's waldo? where is he?" they ask. Maybe he's taking a break from society to find himself
  14. This is one of those things that you need to literally just "get over it" about, because it's so minor and stupid and inconsequential. Part of coming to that realization is talking about it like this, though, so hopefully this helps you, internet stranger. Either delete her from facebook, get over it, or continue being miserable. One of those options is the one that will solve your problems, and one of them is the one you're doing right now.
  15. knee replacement is routine at this point. It's probably abnormal for someone under 30, but knee surgery "in general", which encompasses several procedures, for injury for people under 30 is pretty common, i.e. sports injuries, fucking around, etc you'll be fine i mean, any of us could die at any moment from undiagnosed heart disease, or from brain anuerism
  16. gonna need more context before judging, but i have a few opinions one way or the other.
  17. shitting in the toilet
  18. all you need to survive is guiness and oranges. You won't be healthy, but you'll survive
  19. 100% guaranteed just really bad panic attacks, but medical investimagation should be done just to be sure.
  20. You need amino acids and/or proteins, so in theory with a variety of fruits, sure. Monkeys and other primates eat a lot of fruit and don't die... But they also eat things like bugs. Also, like pat said, the diarrhea. Not a bad idea to have fruit as a snack throughout the day though.
  21. drawful from the first pack is good but i think it only supports 4 people max survive the internet had a lot of gold, quiplash worked the best for this i think though. that murder trivia house one also kinda
  22. damn son, early on them maters. I'm getting some plants tomorrow, i might start my beans, probably carrots too
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