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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. No no The knife is made of jello He made a knife out of jello. He also did one with rice. Because ...reasons?
  2. ...am I being trolled here?
  3. "Sharpest jello knife in the world"
  4. ...so do you eat the rest of the shell too, or...?
  5. I have a girlfriend again? Is she hot?
  6. i went to catholic sunday school and failed the class because I answered the "tests" using logic instead of parroting responses, but i wonder if my genetic testing would back that up, as I'm a fair amount scot, english, and german. I'm only a quarter Italian, maybe I wasn't italian enough for that nun. The satanism must come from the danish and dutch side, those pot smoking vikings.
  7. or if your mom was jewish
  8. Parts of the article were sort of an answer, im sure there's a better one somewhere but I had to go to work
  9. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2010/08/a_ballsy_explainer.html
  10. start going after crack whores, they're promiscuous and dodgy. They'll fight over you if you have the crack or the money to buy crack, and when they crash and drop the pipe on themselves things can get pretty hot.
  11. If he did there must have been a silver alert from the nursing home
  12. but I keep farting and it smells like broccoli. WHAT DOES IT MEAN??
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