The fact that that part of moral orel hit you that hard is depressing as hell, did that resonate with you? It was supposed to be depressing and sad, and I remember seeing it and seeing how it was fucked.... same with fight club, and donnie darko... I recognize those ones.
Bebop is such a classic and has music woven into it. First episode I ever saw of it was when Julia was shot. Not really what I meant by a music video, i think, I mean I guess I can't dismiss it, but something part of a show that uses music... Presupposes things, it's built on the show already, I don't know if I want to say "it shouldn't count" because if it was powerful to you then sure, but that and those are part of something else. You need the context of the show or the film to truly feel the brunt of it. I was going more for the ones that are a standalone type gut punch type of deal.
FLCL has always made me depressed, and I don't really know why. There is most definitely depth and thought provoking in it, especially considering the length of the show, but the thoughts it provokes aren't exactly nice. Everytime I watched it, I just got depressed, to the point where I would avoid it when it was replayed on [as] back in the day. There's not really that much joy, everyone's miserable, and either in denial, or settling, or just apathetic. Too much like reality.