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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. Stealing my friend's joke, but "Betta fish? I only like alpha fish" bettas are purty though
  2. what in the who what where is this the blinker fluid
  3. Free trash and recycling pick-up. I never knew that wasn't the norm, it was a perk of living in a village within a town, I always assumed it was just part of taxes or something. Not like I moved far, I'm like 10 min up the road, but still.
  4. I retract my previously made joke, as there was no need to make it. Instead I will offer this.
  5. I get it but you did it wrong, if you want to get technical
  6. 24 years since I lost my dad. It's certainly crazy. It changes over the years, dealing with the loss.
  7. i call cops that, does that count?
  8. There would be a brawl. One of us would end up in the hospital.
  9. wish I had $1000 to waste, the fuck...
  10. WOOOO SEE YOU LATER SUCKERS 500 .... cents
  11. I had fermented mammal squeezings with plant sperm-based insect vomit for breakfast this morning. Yogurt and honey is disgusting if you think about it too much
  12. "pad" is a feminine hygiene product. ipad makes me think of the south park episode. tablet is a good word, I like tablet
  13. how old was she supposed to be? 16? ...15? anime is weird about that
  14. "This is my life now"
  15. I'm out of the loop because I don't think I actually know what a chromebook is. I thought it was those tablets some schools have now.
  16. This made me laugh way harder than it should've. I think the idea of supes having to go to court
  17. get your own blood, I need mine for reasons
  18. I chuckled
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