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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. but its spring now FAKE NEWS
  2. idk who any of these people are
  3. theres no shortage of scumbags with too much money, just dont bang the ones who might become actual traitors to a country. the fact that a porn star is somewhat of a hero in that she's supporting the blatantly well-known idea that trump is a piece of shit should be empowering
  5. thanks obama
  6. there's actual monks (albeit a bit nutty ones) that first had the idea, although I'm willing to bet there was a great deal of metaphor involved and then some basic bitch found it and turned anoerexia into a fake religion
  7. well you didn't need to tell EVERYONE ...they already knew
  8. was this what the one thread from before was about? I'm trying to lurk for gossip and drama but im really lazy
  9. wait he got banned? is that why the weird rapey alcoholic threads stopped? did he go too far into horrorcreep?
  10. i hope i never reach this level of depression, because that's just awful
  11. Just eat sunlight like those crazy white ladies I read about on the internet
  12. I remember spring breaks. I didn't do fucking anything either, because I was broke as shit forever.
  13. unban deez
  14. poof's right about the megadosing, for one there's only so much your body is going to be able to absorb and utilize at any given time, two, it is potentially taxing on your kidneys and liver, water soluble or not. best case scenario, you're literally pissing away a lot of it, so its wasteful. Worst case you're doing more harm to yourself than good.
  15. That is an exceptionally large number
  16. when you say "debate", do you mean with informed positions and carefully constructed dialogues? Because that ain't what were to happen in most of these
  17. this is a cat ass trophy
  19. the weekend was too short and too nice, and now its monday and it fucking snowed and I have to go to work and my thumb hurts
  20. is this what its like to have a seizure or a stroke?
  21. I guess one year they had some kind of popup that said they were automatically sharing whatever videos you watched on your social media. This year it's HornHub. I laffed
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