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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. Hooray! He probably won't try that again, but keep an eye on him
  2. the part of shenmue 2 where you move crates from one spot to another, forever
  3. pat told me there's a conspiracy theory that Barb Bush is immortal and actually was/is george washington
  4. im triggered, but my actual name was pretty good. Everyone loves me and im awesome apparently.
  5. that could be me someday... a man can dream
  6. http://petfbi.org/i-lost-a-cat/tips-to-lure-a-cat-back-home-2/ http://www.catster.com/lifestyle/lost-cat-care-behavior-tips-luna https://www.wikihow.com/Get-an-Escaped-House-Cat-to-Come-Home
  7. Put some of his blankets or his litter box outside, he'll smell it
  8. I had a dream that my nostrils closed up from the inside and I was watching it happen in the mirror, and didn't know what to do about it.
  9. ...how did they know what to bleep out?
  10. I'm surprised he didn't go first, honestly. To be fair, both of them are old as shit, so it's not like it's a surprise
  11. yeah, whats up with that?
  12. Spring is sprung, the birds are chirping, the plants are growing, I'm getting hypothermia, the police and ambulances are broadcasting their mating calls...
  13. "If you wet it, mold will come"
  14. "Open your ass..."
  15. Freedom costs a buck o' five
  16. Here's an idea for you to consider. When old people start to get really old, sometimes they have their obits written ahead of time, especially when they know they aren't going to be around much longer. And when it's famous people, they distribute these to various news outlets so that the news can get out because the public likes to know these things. If she died in a skydiving accident, they'd change that line. If she died screaming and convulsing, they'd still probably say "she died peacefully in her sleep" because that's really none of our fucking business. Nixon had a speech pre-written in case astronauts died on the moon, is that the same as just "making shit up", or is it being prepared for a likely possible outcome?
  17. idk why but i love pictures of great apes flipping people off. I like to imagine that they actually know what it means, or at least a concept of what it means to us
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