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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. Just to confirm, this is the same Devilman that had movie where he got his powers from going to a dance club that hosted a literal demonic blood orgy?
  2. Remote start, coat and hat and gloves, got bills to pay and can't pay them if I stay home. I admit to whining a lot about it as well, but I don't think that's really doing much.
  3. Well, I mean, look at the state of us as a species. Would you want to talk to us? We're the super weird guy.
  4. thats when you switch to butt-chugging
  5. Press F to pay respects
  6. theres no laws here, only zuul
  7. My brother injected an entire pack of marijuanas, and then killed our whole family. I asked him why, and he said "To test my abilities."
  8. Same here, but that doesn't mean they always do it. Especially when they're super busy.
  9. Wait, I can finally watch the last 3rd of it now? BY THE GODS
  10. I feel like I've stumbled onto a mystery...
  11. What, like over a sensor or something?
  12. It is a laser wireless mouse, but the scroll wheel is mechanical still
  13. Yup, which comes from Dutch, which is related to German. imma look up a linguistics tree, I'm curious now
  14. Oh god, what other technology do I have that is trying to become a cat-machine hybrid?
  15. Much better! I don't know why I didn't think to try that, but thanks!
  16. LOL I think I may have found the problem
  17. You can hear her coming from the distance.
  18. it's truly worse than hitler
  19. there is a good chance that it could have cat hair all up in it, I don't know if I remember how to take it apart without breaking it
  20. She grew on me, though. I think I only have their one cd from a few years ago, so maybe there's tracks I haven't heard. The whole band is an acquired taste, doe
  21. If you have proof of delivery from them, you might be able to call and bitch them out, but honestly I'm not sure what UPS would either be able to do about it, or give a shit about it. If the delivery driver fucked up, like if they were supposed to get a signature in person or something, then you might have more luck. Or if the stuff was insured shipping. Depending on what it was and where you bought it from, maybe try contacting the seller instead? That might get better results.
  22. Call him Richard, you don't know him well enough yet
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