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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. https://imgur.com/gallery/7WFN0
  2. As much as I would like to save a bunch of money, at the same time I dont know if I trust myself to clean something I barely understand beyond "Yes, I've heard of that part before", and that's assuming that's even what the problem is. I should see if my stepdad did ever get a reader, though, that might be a good starting point, otherwise I just need to bite the bullet and get it looked at. Maybe I can mooch money off my grandparents.
  3. Oh noooooo My old car was having converter problems along with a million other things, but it was going to be like $600-700 to deal with
  4. It's just charging up, right? That's what vidya gaems always taught me
  5. Even a lemon can be appreciated by the right person. But if you're not looking for lemons, then stop picking them and throwing them on the ground. Your mom had a much cleaner mouth than me, but it just goes to show that even between generations, people didn't always hit gold the first time.
  6. Hello Kitty is a robot??
  7. i know i need to take it in, it's just that this shit seems to happen at the most inconvenient times, ya know? Always. Constantly. thanks obama
  8. am I saying it to the tow truck guy, as he loads my car onto the flatbed? hue hue hue
  9. I disagree. I understand what you're trying to say, and I disagree and I think you're wrong, and have just had bad luck meeting good people. There's a lot of shitty people. Bad luck is more common than good luck, at least that's what it seems like. But men or women are or aren't one thing or the other, you're referring to assholes. Assholes are incapable of love and nurturing. Both men and women can be assholes, depending on the culture, one gets called bitches or cunts. And like at the end of Team America...
  10. You sound like my one friend, who keeps getting propositioned for just hookups, and then wondering why he can't find a loving dude. I'm capable of love and nurturing, I just love boobs and vaginas, but I can be sensitive. I've seen a fair share of relationships sour because the woman strayed, but I've also seen those relationships fail because the guy was a fuckup. My first serious girlfriend ended up cheating on me the minute she got freedom from her abusively controlling mother, and I know it wasn't because of me. I was pissed, but that was on her as a person, not all women. I then had a fling with a girl who wanted something serious from me, but was willing to settle for being fuckbuddies, and it was some of the best sex of my life, but I felt like an absolute scumbag, because we talked about that shit and looking back, I know she was not just ok with fooling around here and there, she crushed on me and I let my dick make the decisions. After that, I had a long passionate relationship that ended with both of us falling out of love due to stress from work and school, and communication failures. Women, amirite? Well, no. Because I know what I did right and I know now at least what I did wrong with all of these women, and there's absolutely no reason that anyone of any sex or gender can't also figure out what they or their partner did or didn't do wrong. But regardless of what kind of genitals you have, if you're looking for love, don't go after people just looking to fuck, and vice versa.
  11. i think something may have been submitted before I finished a thought, or that was for a different thread wait, no we figured it out
  12. ehh, yes and no. As a straight guy, from the major relationships I've been in, and having observed my friends' I can understand this being an idea, but it's debatable, it's context specific. It's character specific. There's shitty men, there's shitty women. Sometimes you get unlucky. Sometimes you keep getting unlucky. Shitty people are shitty regardless what plumbing they have.
  13. My gay friends that are out and fabulous, I don't think they give a shit what the neighbors think, but there's a few who are still one foot in the closet, maybe holding onto the doorknob still, maybe that's why they end up talking with who they talk with. That's interesting, I never thought about it that way. I wonder if it's like that with lesbians, I know way more gay guys than I do lesbians, for whatever reason. I don't know if I fully get what you mean by the rest of that. The type of girl who is going to cheat on her boyfriend... or in this case I guess girlfriend... I don't know why people cheat, I don't care what you are and what you like, unless you're polyamorous and so is your partner, in which case this shit wouldn't matter, the fuck's wrong with you. Love the one you're with, but if you don't love them, don't torture them by staying. Men and women both cheat, pretty much about the same, and in circles where people aren't pieces of shit, both are treated as equally shitty. It's a shitty thing to do. ...Didn't this start as talking about weirdly large age gaps? I think I missed something, or just went off on a tangent
  14. One of my friends had something basically shake loose in his cars engine while he was driving, it basically destroyed itself from the inside. I can't remember what he said happened, but he had been driving and then I guess had to stop driving, no one got hurt so it wasn't an explosion or anything like that, but he ended up selling the car for scrap because it was more than trading it in at the time. I don't know if something like a belt would trigger the light, although maybe now it's possible? I can check my tires and some other things with a button, maybe there's some crazy sensor on some belts. That's fucking scary, guess I need to not procrastinate this one... except my 3 10-hour days are coming up, so... fffffffuuuuuu
  15. golddiggers and sugardaddies know no gender bounds apparently. Although I feel like I would pick up on the weirdness if I knew an actual couple that was an old guy and a really really young guy. I see it in movies or shows, but usually those characters are exaggerated, but I wager they're based on someone. I think I know some young guys who seem to attract old dudes, though, and I don't know if they're looking to attract old dudes or if it's coincidence, I don't get that involved in who my friends hook up with.
  16. It's still money I don't really have, there's so many people after my paychecks as it is. I do actually know two people who are mechanics, but I don't know if I know either of them well enough to ask that kind of favor. I think one of them would, but I barely see her outside of here and there on facebook, and would feel really awkwards being like "oh hey, muh car broke, btw whats up, how're you..."
  17. Pigs are ok people, it's only if you starve them or let them run feral that they turn into assholes
  18. ...oh Well, I know that feeling, and my initial question remains. Why would you want to go back?
  19. No one that I'm good enough friends with, at least I don't think so. Even then, I wouldn't expect someone to fix it for free, assuming its something that needs "fixing" The bigger issue is the time thing, I ain't got time for this. I work all week and it's the holiday season, these pallets don't unload themselves unless they were built by morons.
  20. with my luck I'd get it and plug it in and it would tell me my car has cancer Whats the most fucked part is I need to get to work, and I don't have the time to even bring it in anywhere, aside from the whole "oh shit, they want to be paid for their services, damn" You know, I wonder if my stepdad has one of those, I feel like I remember him saying he'd gotten one. But then I'd have to tell my parents the light is on, and my mom's a worrier.
  21. I know it's not the gas cap, and it supposedly has "34% oil life" remaining from when I changed it last. I have noticed sometimes it feels like it doesn't want to accelerate as well as it used to, like there's a lag between me giving it more gas and the car changing gears, which makes me fear transmission issues, which while I ain't really a "good at cars guy", it's only just ticked over to 50k, I shouldn't be having tranny issues already, should I?
  22. People = Shit
  23. This thread is gay. Shitpost aside, why do super closeted guys go so far beyond into extreme homophobia? Like many a republican evangelical, caught in a bathroom with a male prostitute, or the like, I don't understand the surpression of yourself to the point where you go out of your way to cause harm to yourself and others like you. I don't know if this exists with super closeted lesbians, I would assume so, but it seems like it's usually the dudes who lose their shit instead of admitting that they like penises. I consider it silly, even though its extremely dangerous and harmful, but ridiculous might be a more gooder description word.
  24. Fucking... Goddamnit. Basically what it feels like, with a touch of "THERE GOES AN WHOLE PAYCHECK" Shit ass fuck. Merry christmas
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