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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. deinonychus, they were basically a larger "raptor" and were actually that big. There's also Utahraptor, which was even bigger.
  2. What kind of feels?
  3. I just remember how quickly Kevin Bacon went from "Slightly Mad-Scientist" to "Full-on Rapist" in "Hollow Man" Did the original "Invisible Man" try to rape people?
  4. The body proportions were wrong, and it sounds like a mixup of different trivia. Jean Claude Van Damme was originally the guy wearing the predator suit in the first predator movie, but he was difficult to work with and they re-cast him. I can't remember exactly, it was a combo of "its hot and this suit sucks and im grumpy" and "you said i was more prominent character, wtf mate"
  5. buy em when they go on sale and throw them in the freezer. They stack so you can put like 3-4 in there without taking up too much room
  6. I don't know why but boiled ham seems wrong to me. Bake that sucker and I'm in. Cabbage is also one of my favorite vegetables to buy fresh, I think. Very versatile.
  7. I didn't realize Kevin Bacon was in the first Friday the 13th movie He was like 18 or 19 or something. Wee babby Bacon
  8. I remember years ago, my uncle got an HD tv, a massive one, like 72" or bigger, something absurd, and the first time watching anything in HD for me, was espn, so not only were they too crisp, they were also larger than an actual person. There was almost a fake 3D effect to it, it didn't look right. They were clearer on the screen than actual people in front of me using my own eyes, if that makes sense, and it was unnatural. Everything looked like it was green-screened.
  9. The only known lesbian dinosaur, the lickalotapus
  10. Thats how you know its truly frustrating, when you go to complain about it, and something comes up so you say "FUCK IT" and give up.
  11. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-humans-have-no-penis-bone/
  12. Humans have the largest weiner relative to body size in either all apes or all primates, I can't remember without looking it up. (I think it's apes) And gorillas have the smallest. #dickfacts
  13. Because they're huge animals? Some animals have dick bones, and others don't, the reasons for that I don't know. Some whales have them, I think, but others don't. Evolution is silly.
  14. They have a penis bone called a bacculum, and ancient arctic indigenous people sometimes used them as hunting clubs because they're huge
  15. Sharks sleep, they just sleep weird and most don't stop swimming.
  16. Giant fungi still exist in some parts of the world, huge massive colonies underground. Some mushrooms are like the "flower" of a fungus
  17. I would think so, they seemed fairly important in the movies. Was there also a show as well? I stumbled across the movies on the youtubes, so all my knowledge is bootlegged essentially.
  18. I think lichen are technically a plant, but I don't recall. Reindeer eat them though. http://www.countrysideinfo.co.uk/fungi/lichens.htm Nope, I was half-wrong, they're symbiotic fungi and algae, living together
  19. Lichen facts: Some lichen are only one-cell thick in places. And eat stone. Lichen have rocks for dinner.
  20. Imagine being reincarnated as an ant, millions of times, in the same colony, for years. Would that age your soul?
  21. From a probability standpoint, either some kind of insect or invertebrate... OR NOTHING because the soul is a myth and reincarnation a pipedream
  22. Means that taco wasn't ripe yet, she picked it too soon
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