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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. Santa baby, I've really been an awful good girl...
  3. kirk cameron is gonna go to a gay bar and smash heads with that candy cane, but for baby jesus. I dont remember that part in the meaning of christmas
  4. Strange how what should be a happy fun greeting can be twisted into a caustic veiled political phrase. I mean, I remember when Obama shot everyone who said "merry christmas", took their guns and their money and gave it to lazy illegal immigrants. And then when he forced everyone to say "happy holidays" it was like rounding up people and tattooing numbers on them before sending them off to camps. Literally. Because there are no other holidays in december. None whatsoever, and how dare you suggest otherwise, you dirty commie hippie liberal mus... je... uh... I'm going to prematurely terminate this shitpost like a republican senators lovechild, because i've never experienced subliminal hatred like hearing a "merry christmas" come from a tea-party-ass rush limbaugh "sandy hook was a hoax" literally tick every box of a fucking right wing maniac... fucking old southern ladies saying "oh, bless your heart" got nothing on what i done seent. Takes a true piece of shit-ass garbage to make a happy holiday wishing into a really fucking thinly veiled insult, and a greeting given in spite ain't a fucking greeting. I'm projecting because I'm pretty sure I have actual ptsd, but I hope the person I'm referring to dropped both of his grandchildren on their soft spots and then had a heart attack while driving to the hospital
  5. wait its actually this one
  6. Hard to choose. Those two were the first to come to mind.
  7. beans, peas, and alcohol. In that order.
  8. He beats me up in Civ 6 no matter how I try. I was once one turn away from being able to nuke him after a very long back-and-forth war over a city, and he managed to nuke my nuke on the turn it was ready. I was salty.
  9. Long story short, i damaged the oil filter when I changed the oil last, and with the temperature drops, it mustve worked its way to having an actual hole in it and was leaking oil. Like, you could see a small crack in it where oil was oozing out when the engine was on. Changed the oil, didn't fuck it up this time, drove around a bit and the light is now off, so it was probably something relatred to oil pressure. I could drop in on my parents and try out that code reader for curiosity's sake, but yeah.
  10. I DONE FIXED IT So, I've learned some things from this. The oil filter wrench is only for removing oil filters, not installing new ones. I've been lucky in my stupidity for that one. And without going into more detail, I done fucked up a few months ago, and should've dealt with things then and would've avoided this problem now. BUT. $40 and a big ol stain on my driveway, and learning what not to do, despite having the last time be the only time I did a big goof... Bullet dodged and lesson learned. Also, my stepdad DOES have a code reader, although I didn't even actually need to use it this time....
  11. I know him in real life. In before I get banned
  12. I learned that Goatwhore has a new album because of shitposting in this thread, so thanks
  13. Bitter ravage against this colorless tranceMental wounds have been kept concealed Confound secrets start to suffocate the yearsSleepless in the dead of nightEntranced by this cursed visionTrapped within the frozen darkness of this frightSunken shadow emerges from the midnight hourPhantom landscape of this nightmare consumesHaunting thoughts of this dreadful returnTainting the memory of a cloven soul at birthInside these harrowing depths of the heartRenounce the life lost to this darkened voidAwakened in the dead of night Consumed by this frightful visionEnslaved to the misery of this accursed sightMarveling at this advent of the cursedMoaning from depths of sullen rageSlithering across terrains of frightLoveless embrace of vengeful urgeFalling into this dreamlike chasmWhispering terror upon these silent earsFlourishing darkness that devours essenceThis prey for the consumption of evilCold breed arise from this black tranceRegain this sight enthralled by horrific wrathNo hiding from this darkness lurking from the pastTwilight seeps into the barrier of visionMotionless beneath this coiled black presenceDepravity ingests this soul for possession
  14. Black massSpilling bloodRecite the ancient script that conjures darkBlasphemy inverted riteThe time has come to drink the virgin's bloodExposed remains left in decayInversion of this altar of ChristMortal shell will be torn away embracing the godless realmVessel to evoke, sliced to revealPlunging knife creates the woundThese rabid wolves are biting flesh underneath the eclipsing moonSilent fiendCrawling forthThe gate of hell will soon be unlockedFeel this stareWatch your backThese hordes of hell are primed to attackAncient lore and the smell of deathBlack tires have unlocked this gateSpread the sinful plague that infectsDesecrated corpse invokes this fateCandles burn as altar flames ariseTime to praise this lord of disgustHowling moon in starless skiesEntangled in this ritual of lustBodies entwine in the form of coiled snakesInvoking this sacrifice for the devilRevulsion of god binding this customOrgies in gore shall provoke this evilSlicing necks of the pious for arousalThe blackened sky begins to open upSmearing blood on the bare bodies of reprisalEjaculate the semen that will corruptFucked by SatanDemon godThrusting forthThis lustful act defile the pureInfernal heir rise forthCarnal deed unveils perversions of the flesh
  15. Watch the skies as hell comes riding inOn a horse of pale to name this wrathTorturing worthless souls as this reign beginsThis hand of doom is set to rule the worldA wilted faith in these times of regretSculpting death in madness obsessedWords of this mayhem cast out loudA timeless torture foretold in a sky of blackTorn souls from the mold of flesh and boneHordes of plague in this path of all decayObliterate the screams of the weakWho needs a god when you've got SatanNo god to offer this forgivenessNo god to punish for these sinsTormented for the prize of salvationBroken loyalty to life after deathThese dark thoughts of this revivalAnswered by the prayers of this carnageConfusion caused in the spread of horrorThe answer to your nightmares has just begunForgotten praise of a savior from the rapture beyond the cloudsA burning fear of the wrongs that the slave has chosenCleansed in flame, purified through ashThese burning rites of the vengefulThe head of three faces, severed in confessionRitual abuse to swarm the insects of famineEndless weight of sufferance closing the source of breathBattle call for the rise of genocide for the righteous believersUnholy force to be summoned by the screams of slaughterThe wicked tongue of plague calling forth the death of god
  16. the sweet release of death
  17. Spectrum, which bought Time Warner, after Comcast was not allowed to buy Time Warner because monopoly laws, even though who gives a shit about those
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